Uba Account Opening Form PDF Details

Opening a bank account is a significant step towards managing one's finances, and the United Bank for Africa (UBA) offers various options that cater to different needs, including savings and corporate accounts. Each account type, such as the UBA Gold Plus for corporates with a minimum balance requirement, or the general savings account for individuals, also requires a minimum balance of N500, demonstrating UBA's flexibility and commitment to serving a wide range of customers. When initiating the process of opening an account, customers are asked to furnish personal details like mobile phone numbers to set up services such as U-Mobile Telephone Banking, and to choose a preferred User ID for online banking purposes. An essential aspect of the form includes agreeing to terms and conditions that govern electronic banking transactions, emphasizing security measures like the use of PINs, passwords, and user names uniquely known to the account holder to prevent unauthorized access. It also outlines the responsibilities of both the bank and the customer in maintaining account security, the issuance and use of ATM cards, and the various scenarios under which the bank and the customer might be liable for losses. Highlighting the importance of customer responsibilities, the document advises on safeguarding access codes and reporting any incidents of loss or theft immediately to prevent unauthorized transactions, thereby ensuring a mutual understanding and agreement on the operational framework of the account before it is opened.

Form NameUba Account Opening Form
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesuba account statements, uba bank statement pdf, how to check uba statement of account online, uba bank statement of account

Form Preview Example


Savings Account

UBA Gold Plus

Corp ers

(M in. bal. of N500)

Em p loyee

(M in. bal. of N500)

Your Mobile Phone No:

U-M obile


Telephone Banking

Preferred User ID

E-statement (M onthly

, Voter’s ID, Please bring along the original for

United Bank for Africa Plc

I (“Custom er”) confirm and agree that the follow ing term s and conditions shall govern m y/ our electronic banking transactions w ith the Bank.

"Service" m eans the Electronic Banking Services of United Bank for Africa Plc (”the Bank”), including ATM Transactions, Internet Banking,Telephone. Banking, Secure m essage facilit y and bills paym ent services "User nam e and Passw ord" m eans the enabling code w ith w hich you access the system and w hich is know n to you only.

“Account" m eans a current or savings account or other account m aintained w ith the Bank at any of the Bank's branches in Nigeria and other Country(s)

“PIN" m eans your personal identification num ber.

"Mailing Address" m eans the custom er's m ailing address in the Bank's records as updated from tim e to tim e. "Instruction" m eans the custom er's request to the Bank for the services.

"ATM" m eans Autom ated Teller Machine that dispenses cash to or receives cash/ cheque from account holders w ith the use of a debit card or credit card.

"ATM Card" m eans the card used by a custom er for processing transactions through Autom ated Teller Machine.

"Secure Message Facilit y" m eans the facilit y w ithin the e-Banking Service that enables the Client to send electronic m essages (e-m ail, SMS) to the Bank, including w ithout lim itation free-form at m essages, fixed form at m essages, or instructions to m ake paym ents, requests for cheque books, Banker's drafts or the purchase or sale of securities and interest in m utual fund.

1. The service allow s the custom ers to give the Bank instructions by use of:

(a)ATM, PIN, Passw ord, User nam e and secure m essage (em ail, SMS) for the follow ing:

(i)obtain inform ation regarding custom er's balance as at the last date of business w ith the bank.

(ii)Obtain inform ation w ith regards to any instrum ent in clearing or any credit standing in the custom ers account as at the last date of transaction on the custom er's account .

(iii)Authorize the Bank to debit the custom er's account to pay a specified utilit y bill such as NITEL, NEPA, WATERRATEand/ or any other bills as specified by the

custom er subject how ever to availability of such bill paym ent under this service.

(iv)Authorizing the Bank to effect a transfer of funds from the custom er's account to any other account w ith the Bank.

(v)Authorizing the bank to effect any stop paym ent order.

(vi)Authorizing the bank to debit custom ers account and load sam e into any form of prepaid card.

2.On receipt of Instructions, the Bank w ill endeavor to carry out the Instructions prom ptly, except in situations of unforeseen circum stances such as Act of God, Force Majeure, system failure and other causes beyond the Bank's control.

3.For the service to be available to any custom er, he/ she m ust have a com bination of the follow ing:

(i)An account w ith the Bank (ii) a usernam e and passw ord

(iii)a Personal Identification Num ber "PIN"

(iv)an E-m ail address;

4.Under no circum stances shall the custom er allow any body access to his/ her account through the service.

5.The Passw ord/ e-m ail

(a)The Custom er understands that his/ her Passw ord/ e-m ail is to be used to give instructions to the Bank and accordingly undertakes:

(i)That under no circum stance shall the Passw ord be disclosed to or assessed by any body.

(ii)Not to w rite the Passw ord to avoid third part y com ing across sam e.

(b)The custom er instructs and authorizes the Bank to com ply w ith any instructions given to the ban through the use of the service.

(c,) Once the bank is instructed by m eans of the custom er's PIN the bank is entitled to assum e that those are the instructions given by the custom er and to rely on sam e.

(d)The custom er's Passw ord, Access codes m ust be changed im m ediately it becom es know n to som eone else.

(e)The Bank is exem pted from any form of liabilit y w hatsoever for com plying w ith any or all instruction(s) given by m eans of the custom er's Passw ord/ PIN if by any m eans the Passw ord/ PIN, becom es know n to a third part y or otherw ise becom es com prom ised.

(f ) Where a custom er notifies the Bank through e-m ail of his/ her intention to change his Passw ord/ PIN arising from loss of m em ory of sam e, or that it has com e to the notice of a third part y, the Bank shall, w ith the consent of the custom er, delete sam e and thereafter allow the custom er to enter a new Passw ord/ PIN provided that the bank shall not be responsible for any loss that occurs bet w een the period of such loss of m em ory of the Passw ord/ PIN or know ledge of a third part y and the tim e the report is lodged w ith the Bank. (g) Once a custom er's Passw ord/ PIN is given, it shall be sufficient confirm ation of the authenticit y of the instruction given. (h) The custom er shall be responsible for any instruction given by m eans of the custom er's Passw ord/ PIN. Accordingly, the bank shall not be responsible for any fraudulent, duplicate or erroneous instructions given by m eans of the custom er's Passw ord/ PIN.

6. Where an ATM card is issued to a custom er, the card shall rem ain the propert y of the Bank at all tim es. The Bank m ay, at its sole discretion, cancel the ATM card and request its return at any tim e, in w hich case the cardholder shall im m ediately com ply w ith such request .


1. User acknow ledges that the alert and other inform ation sent to him or accessed by him contain confidential inform ation and should such inform ation be sent to a third part y through no fault of UBA Plc, UBA shall not be held liable.

2. UBA w ill not be liable for non delivery or delayed delivery of alerts, em ails, errors or losses or distortion in transm ission of alerts and em ails to the USER. UBA shall not be liable for lack of receipt of alerts due to technical defects on custom er's phone or com puter or any dam age or loss incurred by the USERas a result of causes not directly attributable to UBA.

3.UBA shall not be liable to the user, or to any third part y for any draw ing, transfer, rem ittance, disclosure, or any activit y, or incidence on the user's account, w hether authorized by the user or not, PROVIDED that such draw ing, transfer, rem ittance, disclosure, or any activit y, or incidence w as user

7.The ATM card is issued entirely at the risk of the custom er w ho shall indem nify the Bank for all loss or dam age how soever caused resulting from the use of the card. The cardholder shall take every possible care to prevent the card from being lost, m islaid or stolen and the cardholder undertakes not to pass the card to any other person.

8.The ATM card holder shall notify the Bank im m ediately if the ATM card is lost, m islaid or stolen or if it com es

into the hands of a third part y or if the PIN is unw ittingly or otherw ise is disclosed or m ade available to a third part y, in all circum stances. The Bank w ill not be liable for any dam ages or loss resulting from loss of the card. Where oral notice of loss or theft is given, it m ust be confirm ed in w riting to the cardholder's branch of the Bank w ithin 48 hours of the receipt of notice.

9.The Bank shall debit the ATM card holder's account w ith the am ount of any w ithdraw al/ transfer paym ent of telephone, w ater, electricit y bills/ paym ent for goods and services at point of sales (POS) term inals and all such paym ents as effected by the use of the ATM card along w ith the related bank charges.

10.The Bank reserves the right to lim it the total cash sum w ithdraw n by the ATM cardholder and total am ount spent on POS term inals during any 24 hour period . The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss or dam age arising directly or indirectly from any m alfunction or failure of the ATM card or the ATM or the tem porary insufficiency of funds in such m achine.

11.Custom er's Responsibilit y

(I) The custom er undertakes to be absolutely responsible for safeguarding his usernam e, passw ord, PIN, and under no circum stance shall the custom er disclose any or all of these to any person.

(ii) The custom er undertakes to ensure the secrecy of his passw ord/ PIN and passw ord by not reproducing sam e in any m anner w hatsoever either in w riting or otherw ise capable of m aking it know n to persons other than the custom er.

(iii)The Bank is expressly exem pted from any liabilit y arising from unauthorized access to the custom er's account and/ or data as contained in the Bank's records via the service, w hich arises as a result of inabilit y and/ or otherw ise of the custom er to safeguard his PIN, Passw ord and/ or failure to log out of the system com pletely by allow ing on screen display of his account inform ation.

(iv) The Bank is further relieved of any liabilit y as regards breach of dut y of secrecy arising out of custom er's inabilit y to scrupulously observe and im plem ent the provisions of clauses.

(v) The custom ers access code and passw ord m ust be changed im m ediately it becom es know n to anyone else and therefore the custom er is under a duty to notify the Bank by contacting the Custom er Interaction Centre by telephone and in w riting w henever his/ her access code and/ or passw ord is suspected to be or has becom e know n to another person.

(vi) The custom er shall be responsible for any fraud, loss and/ or liabilit y to the Bank or third part y arising from usage of the custom er's access code, passw ord, PIN and/ or passw ord by both a third part y and other unauthorized access. Accordingly the Bank shall not be responsible for any fraud that arises from usage of the custom er's access code, passw ord, PIN and/ or passw ord.

(vii)The Custom er undertakes to ensure that his/ her PIN is not one that can be easily guessed by anyone including but not lim ited to addresses, telephone num bers, anniversaries, birthdays, sim ple sequence num bers etc.

12.Upon enrolling a custom er for the Service, the custom er m ay be charged the applicable m onthly fee and/ or usage fee w hether or not the custom er m akes use of the service during the period in question.

13.Under no circum stances w ill the Bank be liable for any dam ages, including w ithout lim itation direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential dam ages, losses or expenses arising in connection w ith this service or use thereof or inabilit y to use by any part y, or in connection w ith any failure of perform ance, error, om ission, interruption, defect, delay in operation, transm ission, com puter virus or line or system failure, even if the Bank or its representatives thereof are advised of the possibilit y of such dam ages, losses or hyperlink to other internet resources are at the custom er's risk.

14.Copyright in the pages and in the screens displaying the pages, and in the inform ation and m aterial therein and arrangem ent is ow ned by the Bank.

authorized or m ade possible by the fact of the know ledge and/ or use, or m anipulation of the user's passw ord, or otherw ise by the user's negligence. User acknow ledges that his passw ord shall be know n only to him and kept secret at all tim es.

4.In the event of loss or theft of the phone or com prom ise of the securit y of the provided em ail account, the user shall call CIC hotlines: 07022255822, 01-2898822 or em ail CIC@ubagroup.com and

im m ediately notify the Bank in w riting w ithin 24 hours of the loss/ theft of phone or com puter and em ail/ passw ord com prom ise.

5.UBA in its absolute discretion and w ithout prior notice can tem porary suspend this, any or all of the service or term inate them com pletely.

I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above term s and conditions of the Virtual Banking Service and I agree to be bound by sam e.

United Bank for Africa Plc

The Term s and Conditions are applicable to all account w hether opened on the date of signing these term s and conditions or on a later/ prior date.

The undersigned undertakes and agrees to be bound by these rules and conditions

1.The Bank w ill be entitled to debit the Current Account(s) for any cheques, bills of exchange, prom issory notes and orders for paym ent draw n, accepted or m ade by the authorised signatory (ies) and to carry out any instructions given by him / her/ them or by attorney(s) duly authorised by him / her/ them in connection w ith the Account(s) m andate not w ithstanding that any such debiting or carrying out m ay cause, such Account(s) to be overdraw n or any overdraft to be increased, but alw ays w ithout prejudice to the Bank's right to refuse to allow any overdraft or increase of overdraft .

2.The Bank w ill be entitled to place to the credit of any Account in Account Holder's nam e, including dividends, interest and capital funds arising from securities or proceeds of cheques or bills, received or collected by the Bank for the credit of the Account Holder.

3.In the event of the death of Account Holder, the next of kin is to advise the Bank in w riting of such death becom ing know n to him / her/ them w ithin ten (10) days thereof and in the absence of such w ritten notice acknow ledged by the Bank, the bank is not liable for any claim on the Bank arising from continuation of the Account(s) and the Bank shall not be held liable for allow ing operations in the Account(s).

4.The Account Holder is personally and separately fully liable for any overdraft or the obligation arising in or in connection w ith the Account(s) and the Bank is hereby authorised to debit the Account(s) w ith all interest com m ission and/ or other banking charges and expenses (including legal charges) incurred in connection w ith the Account(s).

5.It is further stipulated that all m oney's securities, bond, collateral, share, shipping docum ent, banknote, gold or other valuables and propert y of w hatever nature w hich are held in the nam e of the custom er by the Bank w hether in any type of account or otherw ise shall be so held as securit y to guarantee the settlem ent of any debit balance due to the Bank arising under these general term s and conditions or any other credit facilit y agreem ent granted or w ill be granted

to the custom ers in future. Furtherm ore, the custom er agrees to keep it w ithin the Bank's possession as“collateral against credit facilities” until the custom er fully pays his indebtedness to the Bank including due interests, com m ission expenses and other due charges. If the custom er does not pay such indebtedness to the Bank's first request, the custom er herew ith authorises the Bank to set off the outstanding balance from his possession held in “collateral against credit facilities” account w ithout having to notify or inform him before hand. This authorization is irrevocable and I/ w e cannot cancel it w ithout the Bank w ritten consent . The Bank shall have the right to alw ays set off the balance of the custom er's accounts. The debit balance of any one of m y accounts w ill be secured by the credit balance of any other one of m y accounts opened in any other foreign currency. The Bank m ay debit any of the custom ers account opened at any of its Business Offices w ith the am ount of any bills, guarantees, cheques and draw ings, given,presented or purchased and signed by the custom er.

6.Any delay or om ission of the Bank in exercising or enforcing (w hether w holly or in part) any right or rem edy arising in respect of the Account(s) shall not be construed as a w aiver of such right or rem edy.

7.We agree to m aintain the m inim um balance and all other conditions applicable to all

Savings, Current and Dom iciliary Account s. The Bank shall decide from t im e to

tim e at her sole discretion w ithout prior notice to the account holder to im pose service ch arg es o n t h e acco u n t (s) if t h e m in im u m cred it b alan ce o f su ch acco u n t (s) is/ are less than the balance prescribed by the Bank.

8.The Bank w ill accept deposit of cheque(s) for opening of an account subject to KYC verification and satisfactory reference.

9.The account holder m ust im m ediately inform the Bank in w riting of any change in the details given on the account opening form and any other changes thereto.

10.The Bank w ill not be held liable for any exchange loss incurred by the account holder in converting/ transferring the balance from one currency account to another currency account on the instruction of account holder.

11.The Bank shall have right at any tim e(s) and its absolute discretion by giving seven (7)days

w ritten notice to the custom er to close the account and to request im m ediate settlem ent thereof w ithout giving any reason for taking such action, and w ithout incurring any liabilit y w hatsoever to the custom er in so doing. The bank is also entitled by giving w ritten notice to the custom er to close the account if the balance thereof rem ains zero for a period of three consecutive m onths.The custom er hereby agrees that the bank's action in closing the account shall be effective and binding upon him as from the date of the said notice for any reason w hatsoever. The custom er hereby irrevocably w aives in advance any right, w hether legal or otherw ise, that he m ay have against the Bank in any proceedings w hatsoever to com plain about the Bank's actions and/ or decision to close the account .

12.It is agreed that the Bank shall, have the right to m odify the nature, conditions, and stipulations of these general term s and conditions by a sim ple w ritten notice to the custom er or by notice posted in the banking hall including the rate of interest, com m issions and other conditions to any account . Any such am endm ents shall be binding on the custom er from the

date of the said notice, that is from the date fixed by the Bank in its absolute discretion even if the custom er has not received the said notice for any reason w hatsoever.

13.The Bank reserves the right to debit the account in case of erroneous credit provided to custom er account .

14.I agree to be responsible for repaym ent of any such overdraft w ith interest accruing thereon together w ith any usual banking charges, interests and

com m issions.

15.I agree to assum e full responsibilit y for the genuineness, correctness and validit y of all endorsem ents appearing on all cheques, orders, bills, notes, negotiable instrum ents and receipts or other docum ents deposited in m y account .

16.I agree to hold the Bank free from any responsibilit y for any loss of funds deposited w ith the Bank due to any future Governm ent order, law, levy, tax em bargo, exchange restriction or any other cause beyond the Bank's control.

17.I agree to accept as due notification any notice of change in conditions governing the account directed to m y last know n address and to be bound by such change.

18.That if a cheque credited to m y individual current account is returned dishonoured, the sam e m ay be transm itted to m e through the last know n address either by bearer or by post .

19.That m y attention has been draw n to the necessit y of safe guarding m y cheque book, w ithdraw al booklet, ATM/ Debit card, PIN etc so that unauthorized persons are unable to have access to it and to the fact that neglect of this precaution m ay be a ground for any consequential loss being charged to m y account and I shall exem pt the Bank from liabilit y thereof.

20.I agree that unless there is an agreem ent w ith the bank in w riting, only tellers sitting across the counter are authorised to handle cash and cheque transactions. I further agree that the Bank w ill not be liable for any loss arising from cash and cheques given to unauthorized staff " .

21.I accept and agree that the Bank is not bound to honour any cheque(s) draw n on this account unless there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the value of the said cheques and related charges and I understand and agree that any such cheque m ay be returned to m e unpaid. But if paid, I am obligated to repay the bank dem and w ith interest thereon.

22.I agree that I w ill notify the Bank of any disagreem ent w ith entries on m y Bank statem ents w ithin fifteen (15) days of the dispatch of the Bank Statem ent . Failing receipt by the Bank of a notice of disagreem ent of entries w ithin 15 days from the date of dispatch of m y Bank statem ent,it w ill be assum ed by the Bank that the statem ent as rendered is correct .

23.I the undersigned hereby request you, pursuant to our Board Resolution dated

… … … … … … … … . t o e st a b l i sh i n y o u r b o o k s a n a c c o u n t Cu r r e n t i n

… … … … … … … … … (Currency) hereinafter called (“the Account ”) and to credit thereto such am ounts of such currency as m ay from tim e to tim e be received by you for the Account . In order to induce you to establish the Account and to m aintain it in your books, it is hereby agreed that:

24.Withdraw als from the Account shall be m ade only by the sam e m ode of lodgem ent and in the currency of the Account or in Naira at the request of the undersigned in w riting. And stam p, transm ission or other charges related to w ithdraw als from the Account w ill be paid in local currency by the undersigned upon dem and or charged to the said Account .

25.I agree that in addition to any general lien or sim ilar right to w hich the Bank m ay be entitled to by law, the Bank m ay at any tim e and w ithout notice to m e com bine or consolidate all or any of m y accounts w ith the liabilities to the Bank and set off or transfer any sum or sum s standing to the credit of any one or m ore of such account or any other credit, be it cash, cheques. Valuables, deposits. Securities, negotiable instrum ent or any other assets belonging to m e in or

tow ards satisfaction of any of m y liabilities to the Bank or any other account or in any other respect w hether such liabilities present or future be actual or contingent, prim ary or collateral Several or joint .

26.I agree that you m ay treat the above authorit y as continuing until the Bank receives notice in w riting to the contrary.

27.I agree to com ply w ith all term s and conditions issued by the Bank, governing the use of electronic banking services w hich the Bank m ay from tim e to tim e offer and provide to m e, in order to ensure banking convenience.






United Bank for Africa Plc

How to Edit Uba Account Opening Form Online for Free

We were making our PDF editor with the notion of making it as simple to apply as it can be. Therefore the entire process of creating the how to get uba statement of account will likely to be effortless carry out the next actions:

Step 1: Seek out the button "Get Form Here" and hit it.

Step 2: Now you are on the file editing page. You can edit, add information, highlight particular words or phrases, put crosses or checks, and put images.

You will have to enter the next information in order to fill out the file:

part 1 to completing uba statement of account pdf

The system will require you to complete the Savings Account, UBA Gold Plus, Corpers Min bal of N, and Employee Min bal of N section.

step 2 to filling out uba statement of account pdf

It is important to include particular details within the field .

stage 3 to entering details in uba statement of account pdf

The Your Mobile Phone No, UMobile Telephone Banking, Preferred User ID, and Voters ID Please bring along the field will be your place to put the rights and responsibilities of both sides.

Your Mobile Phone No, UMobile Telephone Banking, Preferred User ID, and Voters ID Please bring along the in uba statement of account pdf

End by looking at the following areas and filling in the suitable information: United Bank for Africa Plc.

uba statement of account pdf United Bank for Africa Plc blanks to fill

Step 3: Select "Done". You can now upload the PDF file.

Step 4: It is safer to maintain copies of the file. There is no doubt that we will not distribute or view your data.

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