Verbal Verification Form PDF Details

When applying for a loan, lenders need to be certain that applicants have a steady job and a reliable source of income. This is where the Verbal Verification of Employment (VVOE) form comes into play. It's a critical document that gathers comprehensive information on a borrower's employment status directly from their employer or, for self-employed individuals, from a reliable and verified third party. The form includes details such as the borrower's name, the loan number, employment type (whether hourly, salary, or commissioned), and employer information including the employer's name, contact number, and address. For self-employed borrowers, the form goes a step further by requiring information about the business, including its name, phone number, type (e.g., Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S-Corporation, Corporation), and verification of its existence through the Secretary of State or another regulatory agency. Crucially, this form not only confirms current employment status but also provides a snapshot of the borrower's role, length of employment, and, for owners, their percentage of business ownership. By using various sources like directories, the internet, or other means to verify phone numbers and information, lenders ensure the reliability of the data they gather. The VVOE is an indispensable tool in the lending process, offering a thorough check to back a borrower's income claims and securing the loan application process.

Form NameVerbal Verification Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesverbal voe form fillable, standard verification of employment, verification of employment form, printable standard verification of employment form

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Borrower Information

Loan No:


Borrower Name:

Hourly/Salary/Commissioned Borrower Employer Verification Information

Employer Name

Employer Phone #

Employer Address:

Employment Verified By






Borrower’s Dates of Employment:






Borrower’s Position Held/Title






Source Used to Obtain Phone Number

c Directory c Internet c Other




Self-Employed Borrower Company Verification Information

Business Name:

Business Phone Number:

Is the company list with Directory Assistance c Yes c No

If not, is the company in existence as verified by the Secretary of State or other regulatory agency?

c Yes c No







CPA or Disinterested third part name:





Borrower’s Position Held/Title:






Type of Business:

c Sole Proprietorship

c Partnership c S-Corporation

c Corporation

Length of Employment in this business:

Percentage of Ownership, if applicable:

Date of Incorporation, if applicable:

Verification Completed By





How to Edit Verbal Verification Form Online for Free

It's straightforward to prepare the verbal verification of employment form pdf. Our tool was made to be easy-to-use and help you complete any PDF quickly. These are the four actions to take:

Step 1: To begin the process, click the orange button "Get Form Now".

Step 2: You'll notice all of the functions which you can take on the template once you've entered the verbal verification of employment form pdf editing page.

Fill out the particular segments to create the document:

payroll verification form blanks to consider

Write down the appropriate details in the area If not is the company in existence, c Yes c No, CPA or Disinterested third part, TEL, Borrowers Position HeldTitle, Type of Business, c Sole Proprietorship c, c Corporation, Length of Employment in this, Percentage of Ownership if, Date of Incorporation if applicable, Verification Completed By, Name, PositionTitle, and Date.

Filling in payroll verification form step 2

Step 3: Click "Done". Now you can transfer your PDF form.

Step 4: It could be better to have copies of the file. There is no doubt that we will not publish or read your data.

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