Attendant Affidavit PDF Details

For many veterans and their families, navigating the complexities of the Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits can be a challenging task. One form that plays a crucial role in this process is the Veterans Affair Attendant Affidavit form. This document is vital for veterans who require an attendant to assist them with day-to-day activities due to injuries or illnesses connected to their service. Essentially, the form serves as a written statement from the attendant, detailing the specific types of care they provide to the veteran, such as assistance with bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility. It also includes important information like the attendant's name, the compensation received for their services, and the duration of their employment. Additionally, the form requires signatures from both the provider and the claimant, underscoring the legal affirmation that the information given is accurate and truthful. Given its importance, understanding the purpose and the correct way to fill out the Veterans Affair Attendant Affidavit form is instrumental for veterans seeking to obtain the benefits they deserve.

Form NameVeterans Affair Attendant Affidavit
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields28
Avg. time to fill out5 min 55 sec
Other namesattendant affidavit form va, va attendant affidavit, attendant affidavit fillable, va attendant affidavit form pdf

Form Preview Example























Veteran’s Name – Last, First, Middle
























VA Claim or Social Security Number
















Claimant’s Name
















Claimant’s Address (Street)
















City, State and Zip Code





My name is _________________________, and I provide health care for the above named claimant.

The services which I provide are:







Assistance with bathing




Standing and sitting




Getting in and out of bed












Dressing and undressing




Taking medication


Other: (Please describe)




For these services, I am paid by the claimant _____________ per week / month / year (please circle only one).

I began employment on ___________________________.


Signature of provider


Street Address


City, State, and Zip Code


Phone number (including area code)

I CERTIFY, under the penalty of law, that the above information is true and correct, that I do pay the above referenced sitter the amount listed for the services listed. (If claimant signs with his/her mark, the mark must be witnessed by two witnesses.)

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ________________________



Date: ________________________



Date: ________________________

How to Edit Veterans Affair Attendant Affidavit Online for Free

Due to the objective of making it as easy to operate as possible, we set up this PDF editor. The procedure of completing the va attendant affidavit is going to be very simple should you keep to the next actions.

Step 1: Select the button "Get Form Here" on the webpage and press it.

Step 2: Right now, you can begin editing your va attendant affidavit. The multifunctional toolbar is available to you - insert, erase, adjust, highlight, and conduct other sorts of commands with the content in the form.

For every single part, fill out the content requested by the software.

veterans affair attendant affidavit pdffiller com gaps to fill in

Include the requested particulars in the Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Eating, Walking, Dressing and undressing, Taking medication, Other Please describe, For these services I am paid by, I began employment on, and Signature of provider Street area.

veterans affair attendant affidavit pdffiller com Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Eating, Walking, Dressing and undressing, Taking medication, Other Please describe, For these services I am paid by, I began employment on, and Signature of provider  Street blanks to fill out

You have to put down specific details inside the box I CERTIFY under the penalty of law, Signature, Date, Witness, Date, Witness, and Date.

stage 3 to filling out veterans affair attendant affidavit pdffiller com

Step 3: After you select the Done button, your finalized document can be easily transferred to any kind of your devices or to email given by you.

Step 4: You can also make copies of the file torefrain from any type of potential difficulties. Don't worry, we do not distribute or check your data.

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