Westpac New Account Application Form PDF Details

Embarking on the journey of opening a new account with Westpac Banking Corporation in India is a deliberate decision that involves a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, especially for non-resident individuals. At the heart of this process is the meticulously detailed Westpac New Account Application form, stretching over six informative pages. This form demands the applicant's attention from the very beginning, starting with a crucial section on 'Privacy Consent and Customer Acknowledgment'. It guides both new and existing customers through updating or providing complete details, setting the foundation for a transparent and secure banking relationship. The form dives deep into the specifics, from personal information such as nationality, educational qualifications, and residence details to the nitty-gritty of the desired account type—be it NRO, NRE, savings, or current accounts, including term deposits with minute details on currency, amount, and terms of interest payments and maturity instructions. Moreover, it addresses the mode of operations for joint applicants, encapsulating the varied choices and their implications, alongside an emphasis on compliance with both local and international legal requirements. The form also sheds light on the necessity of understanding the source of funding and expected turnover, ensuring that both the bank and the customer align with regulatory frameworks like the identification of US tax residents and their compliance. With declarations and acknowledgments wrapping up the application process, customers are urged to affirm their understanding and agreement to terms, conditions, and obligations, signifying a mutual commitment to maintain integrity, transparency, and compliance with legal statutes.

Form NameWestpac New Account Application Form
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other nameswestpac png mobile banking, westpac application form, westpac png job vacancies 2020, westpac png application forms

Form Preview Example

Westpac Banking Corporation, India

Account Opening Form – Non-Resident Individual

Before you complete this form, please read the section titled ‘Privacy Consent and Customer Acknowledgment’ on page 4.

Provide complete details of account holders for a new customer or update details for an existing customer.

1.Primary Applicant

Existing Customer



Account No. or Customer No.


Country of Residence





































Full Name of Primary Applicant (Given names and Surname)

































Passport Number





Date of Expiry (dd/mm/yyyy)

PAN Details:

Yes ➤ Details below











































Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)





Gender (Male/Female)



Marital Status (Married/Single)











































Educational Status/Qualifications




Resident Status (NRI/PIO etc.)



Number of Years in the Foreign Country

































Current Residential Address










Permanent Address (If different from Residential Address)


Type of Residence





Duration of Stay at Current Residence

Self Owned

Company Provided


Other ➤ (Specify: _______________________)







Nature of Employment




Duration in Current Business



Gross Annual Income (INR)









Self Employed

Other ➤ (Specify: _______________________)





Name of Employer


























Nature of Business/Job


Employer Address










Mailing Address















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Telephone Numbers (Country and STD Mandatory)



Country Code


Mobile Phone


Country Code

Email Address



Country Code STD



Country Code


2.Type of Account Required


Current Account

Savings Account

Other (Please Specify)














Current Account

Savings Account

Other (Please Specify)














NRO Deposit

NRE Deposit

Other (Please Specify)










Details for Term Deposit

Amount (In Figures)

Amount (In Words )

Deposit Term: _______Years _______Months _______Days


Interest Payment:

Credit to Account

Capitalise with Principal

Maturity Instructions












Rollover Principal and Interest


Rollover Principal Only

Do not Renew Deposit (Credit Settlement Account)

Settlement Account (Principal, Interest and Maturity Proceeds)






Account Number




Account Type





Bank Details


























Purpose of Account












Savings Account



Other ➤ (Specify:__________________________________________________ )

Expected Turnover in the Account (INR)











0 – 500,000

500,001 – 1,000,000

1,000,001 – 5,000,000

5,000,001 – 10,000,000

> 10,000,000

Source of Funding














Sale of Property





Other ➤ (Specify:______________________________ )

Mode of Funding













Bank Cheque

Wire Transfer

Account with Westpac, Mumbai


Other ➤ (Specify:______________________ )

Details of Funding (Provide details such as Cheque Number / Reference Number / Westpac Account Number, Amount and Currency)

Signature of Primary Applicant


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3.Joint Applicant

Mode of Operation




















Either or Survivor





Other ➤ (Specify:____________________________________________________________________________ )

Relationship to Primary Applicant


























































Existing Customer



Account No. or Customer No.




Country of Residence




















































Full Name of Joint Applicant (Given names and Surname)








































ID Document/Passport Number



Date of Expiry of Passport (dd/mm/yyyy)

PAN Details (If Available):

Yes ➤ Details below




























































Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)





Gender (Male/Female)


Marital Status (Married/Single)


























































Educational Status/Qualifications





Resident Status (NRI/PIO etc.)



Number of Years in the Foreign Country













































Current Residential Address




Permanent Address (If different from Residential Address)


Type of Residence





Duration of Stay at Current Residence









Self Owned

Company Provided


Other ➤ (Specify: _______________________)




Nature of Employment




Duration in Current Business


Gross Annual Income (INR)








Self Employed

Other ➤ (Specify: _______________________)




Name of Employer


























Nature of Business/Job


Telephone Numbers (Country and STD Mandatory)



Country Code




Country Code


Mobile Phone


Country Code



Country Code


Email Address

Signature of Joint Applicant


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4.Statements and Cheque Book

Cheque Book Details

Number of Leaves



Crossed Account Payee



Account Statement Details

Mode of Delivery

By Post

By Email (Terms apply)




Statement Delivery











5.Details of Accounts with Other Banks (Required only when opening a Current Account)

Name of the Bank and Address

Type of Facility

Details of Credit Facilities

(Description and Amount)







Current Account



Credit Facility






Current Account



Credit Facility






Current Account



Credit Facility






Current Account



Credit Facility






Current Account



Credit Facility





6.Privacy Consent & Customer Acknowledgement

I/We agree that the Bank (and any other members of the Westpac Group) (the ‘Parties’) may disclose information about me/us or my/our accounts or any product/services/transactions I/we acquire from the Bank (for example, but not limited to, my/our account number(s), the amount of payments including interest paid or credited to the account(s), the account balance(s) or value(s), my/our name, address, country of residence and my/our social security number/taxpayer identification number or similar data (if applicable), and as made available to them (‘Information’):

to each other, any service provider engaged by a Party (a ‘Service Provider’), or a person who acts on my/our behalf in relation to any product (such as my/our adviser);

to domestic and overseas regulators or other government agencies;

as required or permitted by any law in any jurisdiction or under any treaty or other agreement entered into by the Bank (or other member of the Westpac Group) with authorities in any jurisdiction; or

with my/our consent.

I/We acknowledge that sometimes the person that my/our Information is disclosed to may be located outside India, such as (but not limited to), in the United States of America, Singapore and Australia. If a Party transfers my/our Information to a country that does not require a level of data protection that is equivalent to the protection provided under the laws in my/our country, the Party will implement and will procure that its Service Providers implement additional safeguards in order to adequately protect the privacy and security of my/our Information.

I/We hereby declare that if my/our account is established I/We agree;

to my/our Information being disclosed to the persons described in the manner set out in this section, including by transferring my/our Information to a person outside of India;

to provide any additional information or documents the Bank requests from me/us in order to comply with a Party’s reporting obligations pursuant to law;

that my/our Information may be used by the above persons for account administration, planning, product development and research purposes;

to waive any rights to limit or prevent disclosure to tax authorities, under applicable data protection, bank secrecy or similar laws, rules and regulations in respect of the information a Party reports to comply with its reporting obligations;

that to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law (including applicable rules and regulations), a Party will not be liable to me/us for any loss I/ we may suffer as a result of the Party complying with legislation or agreements with governments or tax authorities in accordance with this condition, unless that loss is caused by the Party’s wilful default of this section or fraud;

that this consent will override any inconsistent term or consent provided by me/us under any agreement with the Bank, whether before or after the date hereof.

that if I/we do not provide a Party with information or documents the Party needs or do not provide a waiver of confidentiality rights where needed, the Bank may (i) withhold amounts, including interest, to be paid or credited to me/us; or (ii) close my/our account, terminate or redeem or determine my/our product/services and/or end the Bank’s contractual or other relationship with me/us;

that if none of the foregoing is acceptable to me/us, I/we accept that the Bank will not be able to take further steps in respect of an account with the Bank, with no liability in that regard.

I/We understand that I/we can access most personal information that the Parties hold about me/us (sometimes there will be a reason why that is not possible, in which case I/we will be told why).

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To find out what sort of personal information the Parties have about you, or to make a request for access, please contact your Relationship Manager. The Westpac Group means Westpac Banking Corporation and its related bodies corporate. I/We agree:

to be bound by the terms and conditions which apply from time to time to this account opened by me/us with the Bank;

the Bank may charge to this or any other account(s) I/we may conduct with the Bank or recover from me/us any bank fees, government charges, taxes or duties imposed on transactions on/or which relate to my/our account(s); and

that documents presented for identification purposes may be verified by the Bank with an appropriate authority.

7.Our Reporting Obligations on US Persons

The Bank is required to identify certain US persons in order to meet account information reporting requirements under local and international laws.

US Tax Residents (Please tick where applicable.)


I/We certify that I am/we are a US tax resident or US citizen; or


I/We certify that the entity or any office bearer* or any individual who holds an interest in the entity of more than 25% (a “Controlling


Person”) is/are a US tax resident or US citizen.

Non-US Tax Residents

Where I/we have not certified that I/we are a US tax resident (by ticking one of the above boxes), by completing this application I/we certify that I/we or (where I/we are applying on behalf of an entity) the entity and/or any Controlling Person is/are not a US citizen or US tax resident.

I/we acknowledge and agree that I/we may be contacted to provide the Bank with further information.

If at any time after account opening, information in the Bank’s possession suggests that I/we, the entity and/or any Controlling Person may be a US citizen or US tax resident, I/we may be contacted to provide further information on my/our US tax status and/or the US tax status of the entity and/or any Controlling Person. Failure to respond may lead to certain reporting requirements applying to the account.

*Director of a company, partner in a partnership, trustee of a trust, chairman, secretary or treasurer of an association or co-operative.

8.Declarations for Account Opening

I/We, the undersigned (‘Customer’) certify and declare that all information provided in this application form is true, correct and accurate to the best of knowledge and belief of the Customer. The Customer hereby undertakes to, forthwith, inform Westpac Banking Corporation (‘the Bank’) in writing of any changes to the information provided in this application form or otherwise. The Customer understands and agrees that the banking accounts (‘Accounts’) are being opened by the Bank on the basis of the statements/declarations made in this application form. If any of the statements/ declarations made herein or otherwise are found to be incorrect, false, untrue or misleading in any manner whatsoever, the Bank shall be entitled to exercise, in its sole discretion, any rights and remedies available to the Bank including but not limiting to closing the Account, suspending operations in the Accounts, non-payment of interest etc.

The Customer hereby declares that they have read and understood the terms and conditions applicable to the Accounts as specified in the account terms and conditions document (a copy of which has been sent to the Customer and is in Customer’s possession). The Customer accepts and agrees to be bound by the said terms and conditions including those excluding/limiting the Bank's liability. I/We understand that the Bank may, at its absolute discretion, discontinue any of the services completely or partially with notice (personal or public) to the Customer.

Further, the Customer hereby declares that he/she is a non resident Indian or a resident joint holder in case of NRO accounts and the Customer is not resident of any jurisdiction where opening or maintaining of the Account is prohibited by law or regulations of such jurisdiction and by laws and regulation of India.

The Customer hereby declares that he/she is permitted by laws and regulations to open, hold and maintain the Accounts and is legally competent to execute, contract and carry out all banking transactions. The obligations with respect to the Account and operations of the Account are subject to all applicable laws (including, without limitation, any governmental acts, orders, decrees, guidelines, rules and regulations including Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) regulations, fiscal exchange control regulations, Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, Foreign Contribution Regulation Act etc). The Customer understands and confirms that the Bank will be entitled at all times, to act in accordance with applicable laws, without requiring to provide prior intimation of such actions to the Customer. Any and all limits/constraints imposed by applicable law shall apply to the Account and related facilities/services.

In the event of any change in the residential status of the Customer, the Bank reserves the right to close the Account after giving notice to the Customer.

The Customer agrees to deposit into the Account only such monies that the Customer is legally entitled to deposit and are allowed to be deposited in the Accounts in accordance with prevalent laws and regulations.

The Customer hereby understands and acknowledges that the Bank is entitled to information with regard to source of any monies being deposited in the Account. The Customer undertakes to on demand, without demur or protest, inform the Bank of the source of any monies.

The Customer hereby declares that the transactions relating to foreign exchange routed through the Bank do not involve, and are not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made there under. The Customer also hereby agrees and undertakes to give such information/documents as will reasonably satisfy the Bank about the transactions in terms of above declaration.

Nomination required:





(If yes, please submit the nomination form)



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I/We acknowledge that I/we have received a copy of:

the terms and conditions that apply to this account; and

the fees and charges that apply to this account.

I/We believe the details on the pages of this form to be true and correct.

Mode of Operation



Either or Survivor


Other ➤ (Specify:_________________________________________________________________________________ )

Sign Across Photo

By (Signature – Primary Applicant)


Full Name of Primary Applicant (Given names and Surname)

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /


Sign Across Photo

By (Signature – Joint Applicant)


Full Name of Joint Applicant (Given names and Surname)

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /



Full Name of Introducer (Westpac Banking Corporation Customer) (Given names and Surname)







Account No. or Customer No.

I confirm that I have been an account holder with Westpac Banking Corporation for over 6 months. I confirm that I personally know the applicant(s) detailed above for more than six months and confirm his/her identity, occupation and address.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)





By (Signature – Introducing Customer)




















































Bank Use Only












Branch Number



Account Number


Relationship Management Type


Special Condition Group


















Account Classification


Statement Cycle


Next Statement Date


Manager Number


























Have all account authorities been completed?



Have all account signatories been identified?



I certify that the procedures to open this account have been complied with.

Application form completed by:


Salary Number

If ‘No’, any cheque books ordered must be returned to the branch for collection. These must be held until all relevant account authorities are provided and/or signatory identification requirements have been changed.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)


/ /






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How to Edit Westpac New Account Application Form Online for Free

It really is straightforward to complete the westpac png job vacancies 2021. Our editor was meant to be let you fill out any document promptly. These are the steps to follow:

Step 1: The first step is to click the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: When you access the westpac png job vacancies 2021 editing page, you will find each of the actions you may take with regards to your document at the upper menu.

Create the westpac png job vacancies 2021 PDF and type in the material for every area:

part 1 to writing westpac png application forms

The system will expect you to submit the Type of Residence, Duration of Stay at Current, Self Owned, Company Provided, Rented, Other Specify, Nature of Employment, Duration in Current Business, Gross Annual Income INR, Salaried, Self Employed, Other Specify, Name of Employer, Nature of BusinessJob, and DesignationOccupation part.

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The system will demand you to give certain vital particulars to effortlessly submit the segment Residence, Country Code, STD, Mobile Phone, Country Code, Email Address, Type of Account Required, Office, Country Code, STD, Fax, Country Code, STD, Current Account, and Savings Account.

westpac png application forms Residence, Country Code, STD, Mobile Phone, Country Code, Email Address, Type of Account Required, Office, Country Code, STD, Fax, Country Code, STD, Current Account, and Savings Account fields to insert

Please specify the rights and obligations of the parties within the Amount In Figures, Amount In Words, Deposit Term Years Months Days, Interest Payment, Credit to Account, Capitalise with Principal, Maturity Instructions, Rollover Principal and Interest, Rollover Principal Only, Do not Renew Deposit Credit, Settlement Account Principal, Account Number, Account Type, Bank Details, and Purpose of Account paragraph.

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Finalize by reviewing the next fields and completing them as required: Details of Funding Provide details, Signature of Primary Applicant, and Page of.

Completing westpac png application forms stage 5

Step 3: Hit the button "Done". The PDF file may be exported. It's possible to save it to your device or send it by email.

Step 4: You could make duplicates of your form toremain away from any potential difficulties. You need not worry, we cannot reveal or record your information.

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