Iowa Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Iowa minor child power of attorney is a document that allows a parent or guardian to delegate caregiving authority to another adult for a specified period. This POA form is useful when the primary caregiver cannot fulfill their duties due to illness, military deployment, or travel.

iowa minor child poa

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The designated attorney-in-fact (the person receiving the power) can decide regarding the child’s schooling, medical care, and other aspects of daily life. Still, the appointed person cannot make decisions that typically require parental consent, such as marriage or adoption.

It’s important to note that using Iowa POA templates requires adherence to the specific procedural steps outlined in the Iowa Code to ensure its legality and enforceability. These steps include properly executed documents signed and notarized. Also, the parent or guardian has the right to revoke the power of attorney at any time.

Iowa Minor Child Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Iowa Minor Child Power of Attorney Form
Other Name Iowa Temporary Guardianship Form
Relevant Laws Iowa Code, Section 633B.213 (1)(a)(1)
Duration Not Specified
Avg. Time to Fill Out 10 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 44
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out Iowa Minor Child POA Form

Filling out the Iowa minor child power of attorney form is an important step for parents or guardians needing to appoint someone to care for their child temporarily. Here are detailed instructions for completing the form.

1. Identify the Principal

Begin by filling out your name and address as the minor child’s current parent, guardian, or conservator. Specify your relationship to the child by checking the appropriate box (Parent, Court-Appointed Guardian, or Court-Appointed Conservator).

2. Identify the Minor Child

Enter the full name, date of birth, and address of the minor child you are granting the power of attorney.

3. Designate the Agent

Specify the name and address of the person you appoint as the agent (attorney-in-fact). This individual will be responsible for the child’s care and can make decisions on your behalf regarding the child’s health, education, and welfare.

4. Define the Scope of Authority

Choose between granting all authority that may be delegated under Iowa law or specifying limited authority by detailing the exact powers you are transferring. This section is crucial to delineate what the agent can and cannot do clearly.

5. Appoint a Successor Agent

If you wish, appoint a successor agent who will take over should the initial agent be unable or unwilling to continue. Include the successor’s name and address.

6. Set the Effective Dates

Indicate the date when the power of attorney will become effective and the date it will expire. Remember, this document cannot remain in effect indefinitely and typically lasts no longer than one year.

7. Sign and Date the Document

Both you and a co-principal (if applicable) must sign and date the document. Include your printed names below your signatures.

8. Notarization

Take the document to a notary public to have it notarized. This step verifies your identity and the authenticity of your signature, which is essential for the document to be legally binding.

9. Distribute Copies

After notarization, provide a copy of the signed and notarized document to the agent and the successor agent (if applicable), and keep a copy for your records. It may also be prudent to provide copies to relevant entities such as your child’s school or healthcare provider.

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Published: Jul 4, 2024