North Carolina Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The North Carolina minor child power of attorney is a legal form enabling a parent or guardian to authorize another person to manage their child’s care and welfare. This document is especially beneficial when the parent or guardian cannot tend to the child due to illness, military service, or prolonged absence.

north carolina minor child poa

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North Carolina doesn’t have a specific law governing power of attorney forms for minors, but it does offer a state form that allows parents to delegate health care decision-making rights for a minor child. (NC General Statutes, § 32A-28 – 32A-34). The “Authorization to Consent to Health Care for Minor” is a statutory document tailored explicitly to medical decisions. A child power of attorney form is broader and extends to educational and general welfare issues.

The statutes ensure that a power of attorney can be revoked by the parent or guardian who granted it at any time, providing flexibility and control over the arrangement. Additionally, North Carolina POA forms must be executed in compliance with state laws, including being signed in the presence of a notary public.

North Carolina Minor Child Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name North Carolina Minor Child Power of Attorney Form
Other Name Authorization to Consent to Health Care for Minor
Relevant Laws North Carolina General Statutes, Sections 32A-28 to 32A-34
Duration Six Months
Avg. Time to Fill Out 8 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 19
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out North Carolina Minor Child POA Form

Filling out the Authorization to Consent to Health Care for Minor is essential to ensure that another trusted adult can make decisions for your minor child when you are unavailable. Follow these detailed steps to complete the form correctly.

1. Identifying Information

Begin by entering your full name in the space provided. Next, fill in the name of the county you reside in, followed by the name of your minor child. Include the child’s age and birth date in the designated fields.

2. Designating the Attorney-in-Fact

Identify the adult you are authorizing to care for your child. Enter their full name in the space provided and include their residential address. This person will be able to decide on your child’s health care.

3. Scope of Authorization

Specify the scope of the health care decisions you are authorizing. This covers the power to provide for the child’s health care at any hospital or other institution, employ necessary medical professionals, and consent to medical procedures such as anesthesia, X-rays, and operations.

4. Optional Duration of Consent

If you wish to set a specific duration for the POA, fill in the dates in the optional section. This defines the period during which the authorization is valid.

5. Affirmation by Custodial Parent

Sign and date the form to indicate that you understand and agree to the terms outlined. It affirms that you are fully informed about the document’s content and the authority you are granting.

6. Notarization

Finally, have the form notarized. The notary public will witness your signature, confirm your identity, and ensure the document is executed properly. The notary will sign and affix their seal, and you must provide the date their commission expires.

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Published: Jul 5, 2024