An Application for Divorce is a legal document that initiates the process of dissolving a marriage in the jurisdiction where it is filed. This form is used by one or both spouses to request a divorce from the court, and it typically includes details such as the names and addresses of both parties, the grounds for divorce, arrangements for child custody, support, and division of property if applicable. Filing this application is the first step in the legal procedure required to end a marriage, and it sets the stage for all subsequent divorce proceedings, including negotiations and court hearings.
The purpose of an Application for Divorce Form is to officially notify the court of one’s intention to end their marriage and to seek the court’s approval for the dissolution under the law. It allows the applicant to outline their desired outcomes regarding financial settlements, custody of children, and other legal matters that need resolution upon the termination of the marriage.
How to Fill Out an Application for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) Form
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Now, let’s discuss how to fill out the Application for Divorce. We will explain how to write out the general application form. One will have to simply follow some simple instructions listed below.
1. General Information
On Page 1, you should fill out several boxes:
- First, choose where the application is filed, put a mark into a box that is applicable for you;
- Then you will have to mark who exactly is filling out the application;
- Make sure to avoid touching the box on the right side of the page: it is dedicated to the court workers.

2. Filling Out Part A
In Part A, one or both of the spouses how to fill out the information about themselves:
- First, enter the complete name of the husband, fill out his full address of the place of living, including cell phone number, depict the information about his occupation;

- Then, mark the applicable box in the section of Basis of Jurisdiction;

- Afterward, enter the full name of the wife, write about her full address, including her cell phone number;

- As well as for the husband, fill out the occupation box and mark the needed box in the section of ‘Basis of Jurisdiction.’

3. Filling Out Part B
In Part B, you will have to enter the information on the topic of your marriage:
- You should start with entering the exact date of the marriage, the city or locality it took place in, and the country of marriage;
- Then, write out the full names of the spouses just as they appear in the Marriage Certificate.

4. Filling Out Part C
Part C is dedicated to the split of the marriage and reconciliation. Note that you must be separated from your spouse for an amount of time not less than one year before filing this application:
- Write about the separation date in the first box;

- Then you will have to provide information about the date when you regarded your marriage as finished. If it was on the same date as in the previous step, mark the box ‘Yes’ and fill out this very date in the Wife and Husband boxes. If you think that you regarded your marriage as ended some other day, mark the ‘No’ section and enter the end date of your marriage in the boxes beneath for both of the spouses;

- In the next step, you should tick ‘Yes’ if you have resumed living together after separation and write out the exact dates and periods of living together. If you did not live together anymore, just mark the ‘No’ box and move to the next step;

- In the next segment, mark the applicable box, providing the information if it is likely that you will live with your spouse at some time in the future;

- In the final step of this part, mark ‘No’ if you have never attempted the reconciliation. If you have attempted it, then mark ‘Yes’ and briefly describe the process.

5. Filling Out Part D
Part D is about the Court cases and orders:
- Mark the appropriate box for the question of proceedings for an order of nullity;

- In the next segment, you will have to fill out the data about other ongoing Court cases. If they involve any participant in this application, including children, then mark ‘Yes’ and provide the details. If there are no such ongoing Court cases, just move to question 16;
- If if the previous questions you marked ‘Yes,’ then you will have to provide details about the ongoing cases in the Court comprehensively. Enter the court name and place, court file number, and date. Do not forget to include the full names of those who are in the application and nature of proceedings;

- In question 15, you should mention if the orders are already granted. If they are not, just move to question 16 and mark ‘No’ in question 15. If the orders are already granted, then mark ‘Yes’ and either attach a copy of the order with all of the necessary details and fill out necessary boxes. Or else, you could just provide the following details: the court name and place, court file number, and date. Do not forget to include the full names of those who are in the application and the details of the order, or undertaking, or parenting plan, and so on.

6. Filling Out Part E
Part E is connected with information about underage children of yours:
- If you have no children under the age of 18 – then go straight to Part F and mark No’;
- If you have children, then mark ‘Yes’ and provide all of the needed details about the child or children in question 17. Fill out the full name, sex of the child, date of birth, and relationship to the parties of the application;

- Question 18 is dedicated to the circumstances of living with the child or children. Write about the comprehensive details concerning your child or children: their home, schooling, health, and so on. Depict all of the information that will help the Court to determine if the arrangements for your child or children are proper in all of the circumstances;

- In question 19, one should mark ‘No’ if they do not propose any changes concerning the arrangements from question 18. If they do, mark ‘Yes’ and comprehensively describe them.

7. Filling Out Part F
In Part F, you should provide the information about the affidavit of the applicant(s):
- A husband should verify that everything is alright and provide the signature, place, and date;
- A wife should as well verify that everything is alright and provide the signature, place, and date;

- Then, mark by whom the application was made. Mark the appropriate box.

8. Filling Out Notice of Application
In case only one of the spouses was applying for the Dissolution of Marriage, you should complete the Notice of Application. Just fill out the full name and address of your spouse.