Below are ten horizontal lines with four words on each line, one in each column. In each line, put the number “4” next to the word that best describes you in that line; a “3” next to the word that describes you next best; a “2” to the next best word, and a “1” by the word that least describes you. On each horizontal line of words, you will then have one “4”, one “3”, one “2”, and one “1”.
For example: One choice for the first line of words would be as follows:
3 Likes Authority 4 Enthusiastic 2 Sensitive Feelings 1 Likes Instructions
1. ____ Likes Authority ____ Enthusiastic ____ Sensitive Feelings ____ Likes Instructions
2. ____ Takes Charge ____ Takes Risks ____ Loyal____ Accurate
3. ____ Determined ____ Visionary ____ Calm, Even Keel ____ Consistent
4. ____ Enterprising ____ Very Verbal ____ Enjoys Routine ____ Predictable
5. ____ Competitive ____ Promoter ____ Dislikes Change ____ Practical
6. ____ Problem Solver ____ Enjoys Popularity ____ Gives In To Others ____ Factual
7. ____ Productive ____ Fun-Loving ____ Avoids Confrontations ____ Conscientious
8. ____ Bold____ Likes Variety ____ Sympathetic ____ Perfectionist
9. ____ Decision Maker ____ Spontaneous ____ Nurturing ____ Detail-Oriented
10. ____ Persistent ____ Inspirational ____ Peacemaker ____ Analytical
____ TOTAL “L” |
____ TOTAL “O” |
____ TOTAL “G” |
____ TOTAL “B” |