Capability Statement PDF Details

In the modern business landscape, especially when dealing with government agencies or large corporations, presenting your company's strengths and offerings is crucial. The Capability Statement form emerges as a vital tool in this context. This document, far more than just a business introduction, acts as a concise yet comprehensive showcase of what your company is capable of achieving. It starts with your logo and contact details, making sure there's a human touch with a specified contact person's information readily available. The crux of the form lies in its highly targeted content areas: Core Competencies, which are your business's key strengths tailored specifically to meet the needs of the agency or opportunity you're targeting; Past Performance, which evidences your track record with similar work, particularly prioritizing relevance to the agency in question; Differentiators, where you spell out what sets your business apart from the competition in ways that benefit your potential client; and crucial Company Data, including a succinct company description and pertinent codes like DUNS, NAICS, and others that facilitate easier identification and verification of your business. Added with TargetGov's tips, such as the emphasis on customizing the document for each opportunity, keeping it concise, and the importance of visual appeal through the addition of color and graphics, the message is clear. The Capability Statement isn't just another form; it's a strategic asset designed to open doors and build bridges between your business and significant opportunities.

Form NameCapability Statement
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesstatement template document, how to write a capability statement, capability statement template, capability statement pdf

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Sample Template

Title this document: Capability Statement

Show your logo and contact information, with a specific person’s name, phone and email.

TargetGov Tip: This is a CONTENT template, not a design template. Add color & graphic elements!

Core Competencies

Short introduction statement relating the company’s core competencies to the agency’s specific needs followed by key-word heavy bullet points

TargetGov Tips:

No long paragraphs.

Use short sentences followed by keyword heavy bullet points

Create a new document for each agency, prime or teaming opportunity

Tailor each Capability Statement to the agency mission or specific opportunity

Call this document a Capability Statement

Preferably, this Capability Statement is one page, one side

Go to two sides only if absolutely necessary

Save and distribute as a PDF, not a Word, PowerPoint or other format

Past Performance

List past customers for whom you have done similar work. Prioritize by related agency, to all federal to other government to commercial contracts. If the past projects do not relate to the targeted agency’s needs, do not list it.

TargetGov Tip: Ideally, include specific contact information for immediate references. Include name, title, email, phone.


Identify what makes you different from your competitors and how this benefits the targeted agency

TargetGov Tip: Relate your key differentiators to the needs of the agency, prime or teaming partner.


One very brief company description detailing pertinent data.

TargetGov Tip: Readers will visit your web site for additional information. Make sure your web site is constantly updated AND governmentfocused.

List Specific Pertinent Codes


Socio-economic certifications: 8(a), HUB Zone, SDVOB, etc.

NAICS (all)


Accept Credit and Purchase Cards

GSA Schedule Contract Number(s)

Other federal contract vehicles

BPAs and other federal contract numbers

State Contract Numbers

Your logo, address, phone numbers (voice, mobile and fax) email, web site and other related contact information

©2009 TargetGov   1-866-579-1346 Need help crafting your Capability Statement? Contact Gloria Berthold Larkin at Permission granted to distribute in this format with exact content

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