Cic 2134 Form PDF Details

Understanding the Cic 2134 form is essential for students and their families seeking insurance discounts based on academic performance. Offered by Commerce Insurance, located at 211 Main Street in Webster, Massachusetts, this form plays a crucial role in the process. It serves not only as a vehicle for securing a Good Student Discount but also as a testament to a student's academic achievements. The form requires specific information, including details about the student, such as name and school class ranging from freshman to senior, as well as comprehensive school information. Furthermore, it demands academic certification by a school official, verifying that the student meets one of several criteria indicating high scholastic performance, such as being in the upper 20% of their class, maintaining a "B" average or its equivalent, or a numerical grade point average of 3.0 or more. Additionally, it has provisions for home-schooled students, allowing them to qualify for the discount by presenting standardized test scores or third-party certifications proving their academic merit. The Cic 2134 form thus encapsulates an important opportunity for diligent students to gain recognition and financial benefits, marking a significant intersection between academic performance and insurance policy advantages.

Form NameCic 2134 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesallstate good student form, state farm insurance good student discount, state farm good student discount unofficial transcript, state farm student discount

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Named Insured


Producer Name:

Mailing Address


Producer Code:


Zip Code

Policy Effective Date:


StudentName: --------------------------------------

School Class: Freshman ___ Sophomore ____ Junior __ Senior __


School Name and Address:

ACADEMIC CERTIFICATION (To be Completed by School Official)

For the academic period immediately preceding this certification, the student noted above has met one of the following requirements:

__ Is in the upper 20% of his or her class scholastically; OR

__ Maintains a "B" average or higher, or its equivalent, or if the letter grading system cannot be average then no grade is below a "B"; OR

__ Maintains a numerical grade point average or "3.0", in a system assigning numerical grade points of 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0; OR

__ Was included on the "Dean's List", "Honor Roll", or comparable list indicating scholastic achievement.


Name and Title of School Official

Signature of School Official


For Home Schooled students, two certification options are available:

__ Attach a standardized form certified by a 3rd party organization showing evidence that one of the above listed qualifications has been satisfied; OR

___ Attach evidence of the student scoring in the upper 20% on an annual national standardized exam.

CIC-2134 {4/09)

How to Edit Cic 2134 Form Online for Free

Managing files using this PDF editor is simpler when compared with anything else. To update cic 2134 the file, there is nothing you should do - simply adhere to the actions listed below:

Step 1: You should click the orange "Get Form Now" button at the top of the website page.

Step 2: Once you have accessed the cic 2134 editing page you'll be able to find all of the actions you may carry out relating to your file from the top menu.

The following parts are what you are going to create to get the ready PDF file.

filling out state farm student discount part 1

In the Maintains a B average or higher, no grade is below a B or, Maintains a numerical grade point, and or, Was included on the Deans List, Date, Name and Title of School Official, Signature of School Official, Academic Certification Home, For Home Schooled students two, Attach a standardized form, listed qualifications has been, and Attach evidence of the student box, type in your information.

Completing state farm student discount part 2

Step 3: Press the Done button to assure that your completed form could be transferred to any kind of electronic device you prefer or mailed to an email you indicate.

Step 4: Generate duplicates of your file - it can help you stay clear of potential future worries. And don't worry - we do not disclose or check the information you have.

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