Dd 2745 Form PDF Details

The DD Form 2745, or the Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Capture Tag, represents a crucial aspect of the regulatory and administrative landscape governing the handling of enemy prisoners of war, retained personnel, civilian internees, and other detainees under the custody of the U.S. Armed Forces. This form, entrenched within the broader framework established by Army Regulation 190–8 alongside directives from the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, underscores a commitment to ensuring the humane treatment, accountability, and legal status of individuals captured or detained during military operations. The regulation, which mirrors the foundational principles delineated in the Geneva Conventions and reinforced by the Department of Defense Directive 2310.1, mandates a multi-service approach, ensuring a cohesive and standardized procedure across all branches of the military. The regulation not only delineates the roles and responsibilities of various military departments and commanders but also emphasizes the importance of compliance with international laws of war. The introduction of the DD Form 2745 is pivotal in cataloging the capture of enemy combatants and providing a systematic way to track and account for each individual from the moment of capture, through their time in custody, and ultimately to their release or repatriation. This regulation thereby serves as a testament to the United States' commitment to uphold the rights and dignity of those captured during armed conflicts, ensuring that procedures are in place for their humane treatment, in line with both U.S. and international law.

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Army Regulation 190–8


AFJI 31-304

MCO 3461.1

Military Police


Prisoners of

War, Retained



Internees and

Other Detainees


Departments of the Army,

the Navy, the Air Force,

and the Marine Corps

Washington, DC

1 October 1997



AR 190–8/OPNAVINST 3461.6/AFJI 31–304/MCO 3461.1

Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees

This revision--

oEstablishes a multi-service regulation for all services (para 1-4a).

oEnsures compliance with DOD Directive 2310.1 dated August 1994 (para 1-4g).

oEstablishes HQDA, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations as the primary Army Staff responsibility for the Enemy Prisoner of War, Civilian Internee and Retained Persons Program (para 1-4c).

oEstablishes a DD FORM 2745, Enemy Prisoner of War(EPW) Capture Tag (para 2- 1b).

oHighlights Combatant Commanders, Task Force Commanders and Joint Task Force Commanders responsibilities (para 1-4g).

oEstablishes procedures for conducting tribunals (para 1-6).

oEstablishes Public Affairs policy (para 1-9).

oEstablishes policy for EPW held aboard ship (para 2-1b).

oUpdates OCONUS evacuation policy (para 2-3).

oEstablishes the use of Health and Comfort Packs as a temporary substitution for Advance of Pay for short term operations (para 3-4h).

oUpdates procedures for contracting EPW (para 4-22).

oCombines AR 190-8 and AR 190-57 (para 6-1).


*Army Regulation 190–8

Departments of the Army,


the Navy, the Air Force,

*AFJI 31–304

and the Marine Corps

*MCO 3461.1

Washington, DC


1 October 1997

Effective 1 November 1997


Military Police

Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees

History. This printing publishes a revision of this publication. Because the publication has been extensively revised the changed portions have not been highlighted.

Summary. This regulation implements De- partment Of Defense Directive 2310.1 and establishes policies and planning guidance for the treatment, care, accountability, legal sta- tus, and administrative procedures for Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, Re- tained Persons, and Other Detainees. This regulation is a consolidation of Army Regu- lation 190-8 and Army Regulation 190-57 and incorporates SECNAV Instruction 3461.

3and Air Force Joint Instruction 31-304. Policy and procedures established herein ap- ply to the services and their capabilities to the extent that they are resourced and organ- ized for enemy prisoner of war operations. Applicability. This is a multi-service regu- lation. It applies to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps and to their Reserve components when lawfully ordered to active duty under the provisions of Title 10 United States Code.

Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Dep- uty Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans. The proponent has the authority to approve

exceptions to this regulation that are consis- tent with controlling law and regulation. Pro- ponents may delegate the approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the pro- ponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.

Army management control process. The Regulation contains management control provisions in accordance with AR 11-2, but does not contain checklists for conducting management control. Reviews are used to ac- complish assessment of management con- trols.

Supplementation. Army supplementation of this regulation and establishment of com- mand or local forms is prohibited without prior approval from HQDA (DAMO-ODL), WASH DC 20310. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force supplementation of this regulation is authorized, but is not required. If supple- ments are issued, major or second echelon commands will furnish one copy of each sup- plement to their headquarters, as follows: Na- vy, to the Chief of Naval Operations (N511), 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington DC 20350-2000, Marine Corps, to the Comman- dant of the Marine Corps, HQ USMC (POS-

10)2 Navy Annex, Washington DC, 20380-

1775 11), and Air Force, to HQ USAF/SPO,

1340 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC


Suggested Improvements. Users are in- vited to send comments and suggested im- provements through channels as follows: HQDA (DAMO-ODL), WASH DC 20310- 0440.

Distribution. Army: Distribution of this reg- ulation is made in accordance with initial dis- tribution number (IDN) 092120, intended for command levels A, B, C, D, and E for Active Army, Army National Guard, U. S. Army Reserve.

Navy: SNDL A (Navy Department); B5 (Coast Guard); (COMDTCOGARD, only) 21A (Fleet Commanders in Chief); 22A (Fleet Commanders); 23 (Force Command- ers); 24 (Type Commanders); 26A (Amphibi- ous Groups); 28 (Squadron, Division, and Group Commanders—Ships); 41A (COM- SC); SECNAV/OPNAV Directives Control Office,Washington Navy Yard Bldg 200, 901 M Street SE, Washington DC 20374-5074 Air Force: F

Marine Corps: PCN 10203324000

*This regulation supersedes AR 190-8, 1 June 1982, and rescinds AR 190-57, 4 March 1987. This regulation also rescinds DA Form 5451-R, August 1985; DA Form 5452-R, August 1985; and DA Form 5976, January 1991.

AR 190–8/OPNAVINST 3461.6/AFJI 31–304/MCO 3461.1 • 1 October 1997



Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose • 1–1, page 1 References • 1–2, page 1

Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1 Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1

General protection policy • 1–5, page 2 Tribunals • 1–6, page 2

The National Prisoner of War Information Center (NPWIC) • 1–7, page 3

The Branch PWIC • 1–8, page 3 Public Affairs • 1–9, page 4

Chapter 2

Beginning of Captivity EPW/RP, page 4 Initial actions upon capture • 2–1, page 4 Evacuation and care of EPW and RP • 2–2, page 5 Evacuation Policy • 2–3, page 5

Chapter 3

Administration and Operation of EPW Internment Facilities,

page 5

Establishment • 3–1, page 5

EPW internment facilities • 3–2, page 5 EPW Facility Management • 3–3, page 5

Operation of prisoner of war internment facilities • 3–4, page 6 Procedures for prisoner of war correspondence • 3–5, page 7 Discipline and security • 3–6, page 9

Punitive Jurisdiction • 3–7, page 10 Judicial proceedings • 3–8, page 10

Loss or damage to property • 3–9, page 11 Death and burial • 3–10, page 11

Transfer of prisoners of war • 3–11, page 12

Repatriation of sick and wounded EPW/RP • 3–12, page 13 Repatriation of other EPW/RP • 3–13, page 14 Repatriation transfer procedures • 3–14, page 14

Retained personnel • 3–15, page 14

Complaints and requests to camp commanders • 3–16, page 15 EPW/RP safety program • 3–17, page 15

Chapter 4

Employment and Compensation for EPWs, page 15

Section I

General Policy and Guidelines, page 15 General principles • 4–1, page 15 Restricted employment • 4–2, page 15 Liability to perform labor • 4–3, page 15 Authorized work • 4–4, page 16 Unauthorized work • 4–5, page 16

Decisions on work conditions and safeguards • 4–6, page 16 Referrals to HQDA, ODCSOPS • 4–7, page 16

Length of workday • 4–8, page 16 Rest periods • 4–9, page 17

Responsibility for work supervision • 4–10, page 17 Work detail leaders and interpreters • 4–11, page 17 Task system • 4–12, page 17

Employing EPW • 4–13, page 17 Paid work • 4–14, page 17

Restriction on paid work • 4–15, page 17 Rates for paid work • 4–16, page 17

Days of paid work per month • 4–17, page 18 Unpaid work • 4–18, page 18

Sale of articles and repair services • 4–19, page 18 Disability compensation • 4–20, page 18

Operation of government vehicles • 4–21, page 18

Section II

Contract Employment, page 18

Rules and procedures • 4–22, page 18

Chapter 5

Beginning of Internment (CI), page 18

General protection policy—civilian internee • 5–1, page 18 Civilian Internee Safety Program • 5–2, page 19

Republic of Korea/United States Agreement on processing civilian internees in Korea • 5–3, page 19

Chapter 6

Administration and Operation of CI Internment Facilities,

page 19

Internment Facility • 6–1, page 19 Administrative processing • 6–2, page 20 Personal effects • 6–3, page 20 Internee Committee • 6–4, page 21 Supplies • 6–5, page 21

Medical Care and Sanitation • 6–6, page 22

Social, Intellectual, and Religious activities • 6–7, page 22 Procedures for communications • 6–8, page 23

Complaints and requests to camp commanders and protecting power • 6–9, page 24

Discipline and security • 6–10, page 24

Provisions common to disciplinary and judicial punishments

6–11, page 25

Disciplinary proceedings and punishments • 6–12, page 25 Judicial proceedings • 6–13, page 26

Death and burial • 6–14, page 27 Transfers • 6–15, page 27 Release • 6–16, page 28

Chapter 7

Employment and Compensation—Civilian Internees,

page 28

General • 7–1, page 28

Ability to perform labor • 7–2, page 28

Authorized work • 7–3, page 28

Unauthorized work • 7–4, page 28

Working conditions • 7–5, page 28

Length of workday • 7–6, page 28

Day of rest • 7–7, page 28

Paid work • 7–8, page 28

Unpaid work • 7–9, page 28

Compensation for paid work • 7–10, page 29

Disability compensation • 7–11, page 29


A.References, page 30

B.Internment Serial Number, page 31




AR 190–8/OPNAVINST 3461.6/AFJI 31–304/MCO 3461.1 • 1 October 1997

Chapter 1


1–1. Purpose

a. This regulation provides policy, procedures, and responsibili- ties for the administration, treatment, employment, and compensa- tion of enemy prisoners of war (EPW), retained personnel (RP), civilian internees (CI) and other detainees (OD) in the custody of U.S. Armed Forces. This regulation also establishes procedures for transfer of custody from the United States to another detaining power.

b. This regulation implements international law, both customary and codified, relating to EPW, RP, CI, and ODs which includes those persons held during military operations other than war. The principal treaties relevant to this regulation are:

(1)The 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field (GWS).

(2)The 1949 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea (GWS SEA).

(3)The 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (GPW).

(4)The 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (GC), and In the event of conflicts or discrepancies between this regulation and the Geneva Conven- tions, the provisions of the Geneva Conventions take precedence.

1–2. References

Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are ex- plained in the glossary.

1–4. Responsibilities

a. The Secretaries of the Military Departments. The Secretaries will—

(1)Develop internal policies and procedures consistent with this regulation in support of the Department of Defense (DOD), EPW/CI and other detainee programs.

(2)Ensure that appropriate training, as required, pursuant to DOD Directive 5100.77 is provided so that the principles of the Geneva Conventions, and the rights and obligations thereunder, are known by members of their service.

(3)Ensure that suspected or alleged violations of the interna- tional law of war are promptly reported and investigated per DOD Directive 5100.77.

(4)Conduct a periodic review of the EPW, CI and RP Program and training to ensure compliance with the law of war.

b.The Secretary of the Army (SA). The Secretary of the Army is the DOD Executive Agent (EA) for administering the DOD EPW, CI and RP Program. The SA, in coordination with the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs (ASD-ISA), will plan and develop the policy and coordinate the operation of the programs.

c.The Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS). DCSOPS has primary Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) staff responsibility for the EPW, CI and RP pro- grams. The DCSOPS will-

(1) Develop and disseminate policy guidance for the treatment, care, accountability, legal status, and processing of EPW, CI, RP, and ODs.

(2) Report suspected or alleged violations of law committed by or against military personnel or civilians.

(3) Provide HQDA staff supervision for National Prisoner of War Information Center (NPWIC).

(4) Develop plans for the initial assignment and replacement of block internment serial numbers (ISNs) from the NPWIC to the

Branch PWIC and for the assignment of the theater code section of the ISN.

(5)Provide necessary reports, coordination, technical advice, and staff assistance to:

(a)The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).

(b)The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

(c)The military departments.

(d)Unified commands.

(e)Department of State and other Federal agencies.

(f)The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

(g)Protecting powers.

d. The Army Judge Advocate General (TJAG). The TJAG will provide HQDA guidance and advice to commanders on the legal aspects of the EPW, CI and RP program. TJAG will-

(1)Conduct liaison in coordination with the ASA-ISA, the De- partment of State, the Department of Justice, and other Federal agencies; the JCS; the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); the mili- tary departments; the ICRC; the Protecting Powers; and other detaining powers, as required.

(2)Provide advice and assistance to commanders on legal aspects of reported violations by EPW, CI, RP, and ODs.

(3)Provide theater guidelines for any EPW, CI and RP claims against the U.S. Government.

(4)Provide guidance regarding GPW Article 5 Tribunals.

e.Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG). The DCSLOG will ensure logistical resources are available to support EPW operations.

f.The Assistant Secretary of the Army Financial Management (ASA-FM&C). The ASA-FM&C will establish the policies and pro- cedures governing entitlement, control, and accounting for pay, al- lowances, and personal funds for EPW, CI, RP, and ODs per the provisions of the GPW and GC.

g.Combatant Commanders, Task Force Commanders and Joint Task Force Commanders. Combatant Commanders, Task Force Commanders and Joint Task Force Commanders have the overall responsibility for the EPW, CI and RP program, operations, and contingency plans in the theater of operation involved to ensure compliance with international law of war. DOD Directive 2310.1 provides that persons captured or detained by the U.S. Military Services shall normally be handed over for safeguarding to U.S. Army Military Police, or to detainee collecting points or other hold- ing facilities and installations operated by U.S. Army Military Po- lice as soon as practical. U.S. Army Military Police have units specifically organized to perform the long-term functions associated with EPW/CI internment. Commanders must ensure the proper force structure is included in any joint operational plans. Commanders at all levels will ensure that all EPW, CI, RP, and ODs are accounted for and humanely treated, and that collection, evacuation, intern- ment, transfers, release, and repatriation operations are conducted per this regulation. Combatant Commanders, Task Force Command- ers and Joint Task Force Commanders will—

(1) Provide for an EPW, CI and RP camp liaison and assistance program to ensure the protection of U.S. interests per the Geneva Conventions upon the capture and transfer of EPW, CI, RP, and ODs to a host or other nation.

(2) Plan and procure logistical support to include: transportation, subsistence, personal, organizational and Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (NBC) clothing and equipment items, mail collection and distribution, laundry, and bath for EPW, CI and RP.

(3) Collect and dispose of captured enemy supplies and equip- ment through theater logistics and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) channels.

(4) Coordinate for acquisition of real estate, and as required, for planning, design, contracting, and construction of facilities for EPW, CI and RP with the Theater or JTF Engineer.

(5) Establish guidance for the use, transport, and evacuation of EPW, CI, RP, and ODs in logistical support operations.

(6) Identify requirements and allocations for Army Medical units in support of the EPW, CI and RP Program, and ensure that the

AR 190–8/OPNAVINST 3461.6/AFJI 31–304/MCO 3461.1 • 1 October 1997


medical annex of OPLANs, OPORDs and contingency plans in- cludes procedures for treatment of EPW, CI, RP, and ODs. Medical support will specifically include:

(a)First aid and all sanitary aspects of food service including provisions for potable water, pest management, and entomological support.

(b)Preventive medicine.

(c)Professional medical services and medical supply.

(d)Reviewing, recommending, and coordinating the use and as- signment of medically trained EPW, CI, RP and OD personnel and medical material.

(e)Establishing policy for medical repatriation of EPW, CI and RP and monitoring the actions of the Mixed Medical Commission.

h. U. S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC). USACIDC will provide criminal investigative support to EPW, CI and RP Camp Commanders per AR 195-2.

1–5. General protection policy

a. U.S. policy, relative to the treatment of EPW, CI and RP in the custody of the U.S. Armed Forces, is as follows:

(1)All persons captured, detained, interned, or otherwise held in U.S. Armed Forces custody during the course of conflict will be given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the hands of U.S. forces until final release or repatriation.

(2)All persons taken into custody by U.S. forces will be pro- vided with the protections of the GPW until some other legal status is determined by competent authority.

(3)The punishment of EPW, CI and RP known to have, or suspected of having, committed serious offenses will be adminis- tered IAW due process of law and under legally constituted author- ity per the GPW, GC, the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Manual for Courts Martial.

(4)The inhumane treatment of EPW, CI, RP is prohibited and is not justified by the stress of combat or with deep provocation. Inhumane treatment is a serious and punishable violation under international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

b.All prisoners will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political opinion, sex, or other criteria. The following acts are prohibited: murder, torture, corporal punish- ment, mutilation, the taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collec- tive punishments, execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment.

c.All persons will be respected as human beings. They will be protected against all acts of violence to include rape, forced prostitu- tion, assault and theft, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of any kind. They will not be subjected to medical or scientific experiments. This list is not exclusive. EPW/RP are to be protected from all threats or acts of violence.

d.Photographing, filming, and video taping of individual EPW, CI and RP for other than internal Internment Facility administration or intelligence/counterintelligence purposes is strictly prohibited. No group, wide area or aerial photographs of EPW, CI and RP or facilities will be taken unless approved by the senior Military Police officer in the Internment Facility commander’s chain of command.

e.A neutral state or an international humanitarian organization, such as the ICRC, may be designated by the U.S. Government as a Protecting Power (PP) to monitor whether protected persons are receiving humane treatment as required by the Geneva Conventions. The text of the Geneva Convention, its annexes, and any special agreements, will be posted in each camp in the language of the EPW, CI and RP.

f.Medical Personnel. Retained medical personnel shall receive as a minimum the benefits and protection given to EPW and shall also be granted all facilities necessary to provide for the medical care of EPW. They shall continue to exercise their medical functions for the benefit of EPW, preferably those belonging to the armed forces upon which they depend, within the scope of the military laws and regulations of the United States Armed Forces. They shall be pro- vided with necessary transport and allowed to periodically visit EPW situated in working detachments or in hospitals outside the

EPW camp. Although subject to the internal discipline of the camp in which they are retained such personnel may not be compelled to carry out any work other than that concerned with their medical duties. The senior medical officer shall be responsible to the camp military authorities for everything connected with the activities of retained medical personnel.


(1)EPW, and RP will enjoy latitude in the exercise of their religious practices, including attendance at the service of their faith, on condition that they comply with the disciplinary routine pre- scribed by the military authorities. Adequate space will be provided where religious services may be held.

(2)Military chaplains who fall into the hands of the U.S. and who remain or are retained to assist EPW, and RP, will be allowed to minister to EPW, RP, of the same religion. Chaplains will be allocated among various camps and labor detachments containing EPW, RP, belonging to the same forces, speaking the same lan- guage, or practicing the same religion. They will enjoy the neces- sary facilities, including the means of transport provided in the Geneva Convention, for visiting the EPW, RP, outside their camp. They will be free to correspond, subject to censorship, on matters concerning their religious duties with the ecclesiastical authorities in the country of detention and with international religious organiza- tions. Chaplains shall not be compelled to carry out any work other than their religious duties.

(3)Enemy Prisoners of War, who are ministers of religion, with- out having officiated as chaplains to their own forces, will be at liberty, whatever their denomination, to minister freely to the mem- bers of their faith in U.S. custody. For this purpose, they will receive the same treatment as the chaplains retained by the United States. They are not to be obligated to do any additional work.

(4)If EPW, RP, do not have the assistance of a chaplain or a minister of their faith. A minister belonging to the prisoner’s de- nomination, or in a minister’s absence, a qualified layman, will be appointed, at the request of the prisoners, to fill this office. This appointment, subject to approval of the camp commander, will take place with agreement from the religious community of prisoners concerned and, wherever necessary, with approval of the local reli- gious authorities of the same faith. The appointed person will com- ply with all regulations established by the United States.

1–6. Tribunals

a. In accordance with Article 5, GPW, if any doubt arises as to whether a person, having committed a belligerent act and been taken into custody by the US Armed Forces, belongs to any of the catego- ries enumerated in Article 4, GPW, such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal.

b.A competent tribunal shall determine the status of any person not appearing to be entitled to prisoner of war status who has committed a belligerent act or has engaged in hostile activities in aid of enemy armed forces, and who asserts that he or she is entitled to treatment as a prisoner of war, or concerning whom any doubt of a like nature exists.

c.A competent tribunal shall be composed of three commis- sioned officers, one of whom must be of a field grade. The senior officer shall serve as President of the Tribunal. Another non-voting officer, preferably an officer in the Judge Advocate General Corps, shall serve as the recorder.

d.The convening authority shall be a commander exercising gen- eral courts-martial convening authority.


(1)Members of the Tribunal and the recorder shall be sworn. The recorder shall be sworn first by the President of the Tribunal. The recorder will then administer the oath to all voting members of the Tribunal to include the President.

(2)A written record shall be made of proceedings.

(3)Proceedings shall be open except for deliberation and voting by the members and testimony or other matters which would com- promise security if held in the open.


AR 190–8/OPNAVINST 3461.6/AFJI 31–304/MCO 3461.1 • 1 October 1997

(4)Persons whose status is to be determined shall be advised of their rights at the beginning of their hearings.

(5)Persons whose status is to be determined shall be allowed to attend all open sessions and will be provided with an interpreter if necessary.

(6)Persons whose status is to be determined shall be allowed to call witnesses if reasonably available, and to question those wit- nesses called by the Tribunal. Witnesses shall not be considered reasonably available if, as determined by their commanders, their presence at a hearing would affect combat or support operations. In these cases, written statements, preferably sworn, may be submitted and considered as evidence.

(7)Persons whose status is to be determined have a right to testify or otherwise address the Tribunal.

(8)Persons whose status is to be determined may not be com- pelled to testify before the Tribunal.

(9)Following the hearing of testimony and the review of docu- ments and other evidence, the Tribunal shall determine the status of the subject of the proceeding in closed session by majority vote. Preponderance of evidence shall be the standard used in reaching this determination.

(10)A written report of the tribunal decision is completed in each case. Possible board determinations are:


(b)Recommended RP, entitled to EPW protections, who should be considered for certification as a medical, religious, or volunteer aid society RP.

(c)Innocent civilian who should be immediately returned to his home or released.

(d)Civilian Internee who for reasons of operational security, or probable cause incident to criminal investigation, should be detained.

f. The recorder shall prepare the record of the Tribunal within three work days of the announcement of the tribunal’s decision. The record will then be forwarded to the first Staff Judge Advocate in the internment facility’s chain of command.

g. Persons who have been determined by a competent tribunal not to be entitled to prisoner of war status may not be executed, imprisoned, or otherwise penalized without further proceedings to determine what acts they have committed and what penalty should be imposed. The record of every Tribunal proceeding resulting in a determination denying EPW status shall be reviewed for legal suffi- ciency when the record is received at the office of the Staff Judge Advocate for the convening authority.

1–7. The National Prisoner of War Information Center (NPWIC)

The NPWIC will—

a.Forward blocks of ISNs to designated Branch PWIC in Thea- ter and CONUS, as required.

b.Obtain and store information concerning EPW, CI and RP, and their confiscated personal property. Information will be collected and stored on each EPW, CI, and RP captured and detained by U.S. Armed Forces. This includes those EPW, RP, who were captured by the United States but are in custody of other powers and those who have been released or repatriated. EPW, CI and RP cannot be forced to reveal any information however they are required to provide their name, rank, serial number and date of birth. The Geneva Conven- tion requires the NPWIC to collect and store the following informa- tion for EPW, RP:

(1) Complete name.

(2) ISN.

(3) Rank.

(4) Serial number.

(5) Date of birth.

(6) City of birth.

(7) Country of birth.

(8) Name and address of next of kin.

(9) Date of capture.

(10) Place of capture.

(11)Capturing unit.

(12)Circumstances of capture.

(13)Location of confiscated personal property.


(15)General statement of health.

(16)Nation in whose armed services the individual is serving.

(17)Name and address of a person to be notified of the individu- al’s capture.

(18)Address to which correspondence may be sent.

(19)Certificates of death or duly authenticated lists of the dead.

(20)Information showing the exact location of war graves to- gether with particulars of the dead.

(21)Notification of capture.

(22)List of personal articles of value not restored upon repatriation.

c.Obtain and store information concerning CI and ODs who are kept in the custody of U.S. Armed Forces who are subjected to assigned residence, or who were interned and then released. The following information will be collected:

(1) Any particulars that may assist in the individual’s identifica- tion. This information shall include at least the person’s surname, first names, place and date of birth, nationality, last residence and distinguishing characteristics, the first name of the father and the maiden name of the mother, the date, place and nature of the action taken with regard to the individual, the address at which correspond- ence may be sent and the name and address of the person to be informed.

(2) The individual’s personal data for notification of his or her internment, state of health, and changes to this data.

(3) Certificates of death or authenticated lists of the dead and information showing the location of graves.

(4) Authenticated lists of personal valuables left by these pro- tected persons.

(5) Information pertaining to children living in territories occu- pied by the United States. This will include all data necessary for identifying children whose identity is in doubt.

d.Process all inquiries concerning EPW and RP captured by U.S. Armed Forces.

e.Make reports to the ICRC, the State Department, and other Federal agencies as required.

f.Provide to the adverse party via the ICRC’s Central Tracing Agency (CTA) all pertinent information pertaining to EPW, CI, and RP, in custody of the U.S. Armed Forces.

g.Transmit via the CTA/ICRC/PP, all official documents and information on judicial proceedings concerning EPW and RP cap- tured, interned, retained or detained by U.S. Armed Forces.

h.Information and Property Transfers.

(1)In response to an inquiry, the NPWIC will forward all infor- mation and documents to the CTA or PP.

(2)Valuables and personal property which can be returned to a released or repatriated person will be forwarded through the CTA or PP.

(3)Valuables and personal property of deceased EPW/RP, which can be released, will be forwarded to the next of kin through the CTA or PP.

i. The ICRC/PP transmits information, documents, and personal effects to the State it represents as follows:

(1)If civilians are concerned, to their countries of origin and/or residence.

(2)If combatants or EPW, CI, and RP are concerned, to their country of origin or to the Power on which they depend.

1–8. The Branch PWIC

a.The Branch PWIC functions as the field operations agency for the NPWIC. It is the central agency responsible to maintain infor- mation on all EPW, CI and RP and their personal property within an assigned theater of operations or in CONUS.

b.The Branch PWIC serves as the theater repository for informa- tion pertaining to:

(1) Accountability of EPW, CI, and RP and implementation of DOD policy.

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(2)Providing initial and replacement block ISN assignments to theater EPW, CI and RP processing organizations, and requests replacement ISNs from the NPWIC.

(3)Obtaining and storing information concerning all EPW, CI and RP, in the custody of U.S. Armed Forces, those captured by U.S. Armed Forces and transferred to other powers for internment (either temporarily or permanently), those EPW and RP transferred to CONUS for internment, and EPW, CI and RP released or repatri- ated. Obtaining and storing information about CI kept in the custody of U.S. Armed Forces within its assigned theater of operations who are subjected to assigned residence, interned, or released. Informa- tion required includes:

(a)That which may assist in an individual’s identification.

(b)Certificates of death or authenticated lists of the dead.

(c)Information showing the location of war graves, together with particulars of the dead.

(d)Individual personal data, notification of capture, state of health, and changes.

(e)Certificates of death or authenticated lists of the dead and information showing the location of graves.

(f)Authenticated lists of personal valuables left by CI.

(g)Information pertaining to children living in territories occu- pied by the United States. This will include all data necessary for identifying children whose identity is in doubt.

(4) Processing, storing and maintaining all personal property of escaped or dead EPW/CI/RP or articles of value which were not restored upon repatriation, until final disposition instructions are received from the NPWIC or next higher headquarters.

(5) Processing and replying to all inquiries received from the NPWIC, the chain of command, or other agencies as directed by the NPWIC concerning EPW/CI/RP and other protected persons in the theater of operations that the U.S. is responsible for under the Geneva Convention.

(6) Making regular reports to the NPWIC, the chain of command, and supported internment facilities as required. This will include all pertinent information, official documents and information on judi- cial proceedings pertaining to EPW/CI/RP in the theater of opera- tions for which the U.S. is responsible under the Geneva Convention.

(7) Valuables and personal property which can be returned to a released or repatriated person are forwarded to the ICRC CTA or Protecting Power, as directed by the NPWIC.

(8) Valuables and personal property of deceased EPW, CI, and RP which can be released, will be forwarded to the next of kin through the NPWIC to the ICRC Central Tracing Agency or Protec- ting Power.

(9) Confiscated property which cannot be released or returned will be stored until final disposition is determined.

(a)Unclaimed property will be safeguarded by the Branch PWIC until all EPW/CI have been repatriated. If property ownership can- not be determined, said property shall be released through the MP BDE G-4 and SUPCOM to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO).

(b)Unclaimed money and negotiable instruments will be main- tained by the PWIC pending inquiry. Upon completion of all repa- triation actions and inquiries, unclaimed money and negotiable instruments will be transferred to the FAO as abandoned property.

(10) Accountability data concerning personal and confiscated property of EPW, CI, and RP transferred to CONUS will be for- warded directly to the PWIC designated to support CONUS operations.

(11) The Branch PWIC is responsible for establishing and en- forcing the information requirements that the United States forces will collect on EPW,CI and RP taken or held in the Branch PWIC’s area of responsibility. The Branch PWIC will receive its information requirements from the NPWIC.

1–9. Public Affairs

In the interest of national security, and the protection of the prison- ers from public curiosity, and in adherence to the GPW and GC,

EPW, CI, RP and other detainees will not be photographed as per paragraph 1-5d. Interviews of EPW, CI, RP and other detainees by news media will not be permitted. Requests for media access to EPW, CI, or other detainee internment facilities will be coordinated through the Public Affairs Office, and the Staff Judge Advocate, and approved by the first commander who exercises General Court Mar- tial Convening Authority over the internment facility. Requests for exception to policy will be forwarded through command channels to HQDA (SAPA-PP), Washington, D.C. 20310-4420

Chapter 2

Beginning of Captivity EPW/RP

2–1. Initial actions upon capture

a.The commanding officer of the capturing unit will ensure that:

(1) All EPW/RP are protected, safeguarded, and accounted for

per this regulation. This regulation applies from the time of capture until evacuation to designated internment facilities.

(a)Each EPW/RP will be searched immediately after capture. Use males to search males and females to search female prisoners, when possible. Weapons, ammunition, and equipment or documents with intelligence value will be confiscated and turned over to the nearest intelligence unit. Propaganda and other Psychological Oper- ations (PSYOP) materials will be confiscated, identified by the EPW/RP name and ISN and turned over to the supporting EPW/CI PSYOP unit through intelligence channels. Currency will only be confiscated on the order of a commissioned officer and will be receipted for using DA Form 4137 (Evidence/Property Custody Document). EPW and RP are allowed to retain personal effects such as jewelry, helmets, canteens, protective mask and chemical protec- tive garments, clothing, identification cards and tags, badges of rank and nationality, and Red Cross brassards, articles having personal or sentimental or religious value, and items used for eating except knives and forks.

(b)All prisoners of war and retained persons will, at the time of capture, be tagged using DD Form 2745. They will be searched for concealed weapons and items of intelligence. All equipment, docu- ments, and personal property confiscated during the search must be tagged and administratively accounted for by the capturing unit. Capturing units must provide the: date of capture, location of cap- ture (grid coordinates), capturing unit, and any special circum- stances of the capture (how the EPW was captured). The remaining information will be included on the tag as it becomes available.

(c)The DD Form 2745 is perforated in three parts. The form is individually numbered and is constructed of durable, waterproof, tear-resistant material, and has reinforced eye-holes at the top of parts A and C. Part A is attached to the detainee with wire, string, or other type of durable material. Part B is retained by the capturing unit and maintained in the unit’s records. Part C is attached to the property confiscated from the detainee, so that it may later be matched to that detainee.

(d)Prisoners may be interrogated in the combat zone. The use of physical or mental torture or any coercion to compel prisoners to provide information is prohibited. Prisoners may voluntarily cooper- ate with PSYOP personnel in the development, evaluation, or dis- semination of PSYOP messages or products. Prisoners may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to unpleasant or disparate treatment of any kind because of their refusal to answer questions. Interroga- tions will normally be performed by intelligence or counterintel- ligence personnel.

(e)Prisoners will be humanely evacuated from the combat zone and into appropriate channels as quickly as possible. Instructions given to prisoners during evacuation from the combat zone will be, if possible, in their own language and as brief as possible. When military necessity requires delay in evacuation beyond a reasonable period of time, health and comfort items will be issued, such as food, potable water, appropriate clothing, shelter, and medical atten- tion. Prisoners will not be unnecessarily exposed to danger while awaiting evacuation. The capturing unit may keep prisoners in the


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combat zone in cases where, due to wounds or sickness, prompt evacuation would be more dangerous to their survival than retention in the combat zone. Individuals presumed to have intelligence value should be separated immediately from other EPW.

(f)Accountability will be maintained for all evacuated prisoners, regardless of the evacuation channel used. Units designated to re- ceive the prisoners at the collecting points or camps will prepare a receipt DD Form 629 (Receipt for Prisoner or Detained Person) with a list of each prisoner’s name attached and provide a copy of the receipt to the escort.

(2)Prisoners will not be located next to obvious targets such as ammunition sites, fuel facilities, or communications equipment. First aid and medical treatment will be provided to the same extent that the United States provides to its own forces. Sick and wounded prisoners will be evacuated separately, but in the same manner as U.S. and allied forces. Accountability and security of prisoners and their possessions in medical facilities is the responsibility of the respective echelon commander.

b. Special policy pertaining to the temporary detention of EPW, CI, RP and other detained persons aboard United States Naval Vessels:

(1)Detention of EPW/RP on board naval vessels will be limited.

(2)EPW recovered at sea may be temporarily held on board as operational needs dictate, pending a reasonable opportunity to trans- fer them to a shore facility, or to another vessel for transfer to a shore facility.

(3)EPW/RP may be temporarily held aboard naval vessels while being transported between land facilities. They may also be treated and temporarily quartered aboard naval vessels incidental to their treatment, to receive necessary and appropriate medical attention if such detention would appreciably improve their health or safety prospects.

(4)Holding of EPW/RP on vessels must be temporary, limited to the minimum period necessary to evacuate them from the combat zone or to avoid significant harm that would be faced if detained on land.

(5)Use of immobilized vessels for temporary holding of EPW/ RP is not authorized without SECDEF approval.

2–2. Evacuation and care of EPW and RP

Those units designated to hold and evacuate EPW and RP will: a. Collect prisoners from capturing units, and evacuate them

from the combat zone as soon as possible.

b. Ensure sick and wounded EPW and RP in their custody are classified, by qualified medical personnel, as either walking wounded or litter, or as non-walking wounded. Walking wounded or litter EPW will be evacuated through established evacuation chan- nels. Non-walking wounded or sick EPW will be delivered to the nearest medical aid station and evacuated through medical channels. All detained personnel will remain physically segregated from U.S. and allied patients.

(1)Appropriate intelligence sources will be notified when EPW and RP are found in possession of large sums of U.S. or foreign currency. A receipt DA Form 4137 will be prepared to account for all property that is taken from the EPW. Copies of DD Form 629 (Receipt for Prisoner or Detained Person) and DA Form 4137 will be maintained to establish positive accountability of the EPW and their property and can be used to substantiate proper care and treatment at a later time. DA Form 4137 will be used to account for property released before final disposition is ordered. Records of disposition of property will be evacuated with prisoners for inclu- sion in their personnel records.

(2)EPW will be segregated into categories of officer, noncom- missioned officer, enlisted, male, female, nationality, recognized ethnic groups, deserters or any other category that the senior officer or NCO having custody of the prisoners designate to ensure the security, health and welfare of the prisoners. Segregation should prevent prisoners from communicating by voice or visual means. Guards will communicate with the prisoners only to give commands and instructions.

(3)The requirements for safeguarding prisoners are the same as those for capturing units.

c.In cases of mass capture or surrender of entire units, combat- ants should be disarmed and those with the greatest intelligence value identified for debriefing.

d.Repatriation or parole of the remainder should be considered, with final determination directed by HQDA. Prisoners will not be forced to be repatriated against their will. Prisoners who refuse repatriation will be treated as prisoners of war until their legal status and further disposition can be determined by competent authority.

2–3. Evacuation Policy

a. Evacuation of EPW or RP outside the theater of operations requires SECDEF approval.

b. Wounded EPW generally will not be evacuated to CONUS until released from medical channels. They will be processed through U.S. military police assets. If EPW are to be medically evacuated, they will be processed and accounted for per this regulation.

Chapter 3

Administration and Operation of EPW Internment


3–1. Establishment

Internment facilities will be established in the communications zone of each theater of operations for the purpose of receiving, account- ing for, administering, securing, and logistically supporting EPW/ RP.

3–2. EPW internment facilities

a.The operation of all EPW internment facilities is governed by the provisions of the Geneva Conventions.

b.The theater commander remains responsible for the location of EPW facilities. EPW/RP may be interned only in premises located on land and affording proper health and hygiene standards. Except in extreme circumstances, in the best interests of the individual, EPW/RP will not be interned in correctional facilities housing mili- tary or civilian prisoners. Prisoners will not normally be interned in unhealthy areas, or where the climate proves to be injurious to them, and will be removed as soon as possible to a more favorable cli- mate. Transit camps or collecting points will operate under condi- tions similar to those prescribed for permanent prisoner of war camps, and the prisoners will receive the same treatment as in permanent EPW camps.

c.The internment facility will be marked with the letters “PW” (Prisoner of War Camps) and will be placed so they will be clearly visible from the air during the daytime. Other markings may be used when agreed to by the combatant commanders and approved by HQDA.

3–3. EPW Facility Management

a. The United States may subject EPW/RP to internment and may have contingency plans to confine and enclose EPW in camps located both in and outside CONUS. Medical personnel and chap- lains classified as RP, while retained by the Detaining Power with a view to assisting prisoners of war, shall not be considered prisoners of war. The EPW facility commander will provide command, con- trol, accountability, administrative, and logistical support for the operation of all EPW/CI facilities. The EPW/CI facility commander will:

(1)Intern prisoners captured by or transferred to the custody of U.S. forces.

(2)Process interned prisoners to include tagging, assignment of ISN, fingerprinting, photographing, and weighing, as needed.

(a)EPW and RP may be required to show their identity card issued by his or her government; however in no case may the card be taken from the individual.

(b)If an EPW does not hold an identity card issued by his or her

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government, the EPW will be issued a completed DA Form 2662-R (EPW Identity Card). The identity card will be in the possession of the EPW at all times. A notation indicating preparation of DA Form 2662-R will be made under item 36 of DA Form 4237-R (Detainee Personnel Record). DA Form 2662-R will be reproduced locally on 5-by 3-inch card head to foot. A copy for reproduction purposes is located at the back of this regulation. DA Form 4237-R will be reproduced locally on 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduc- tion purposes is located at the back of this regulation. These forms are for the use of Army only.

(c)DA Form 2663-R (Fingerprint Card) will be prepared in du- plicate for each EPW/RP. One copy will be retained at the camp in which the EPW/RP is confined and will accompany the EPW/RP upon transfer. The other is forwarded to the Branch PWIC.

(3) Provide prisoners with humane treatment, health and welfare items, quarters, food, clothing, and medical care. Health Services Command (HSC) provides medical and dental care for EPW in federal or civilian health care facilities per HSC plans.

(4) Provide for morale, religious, intellectual, educational, social, physical and recreational activities for the prisoners.

(5) Establish liaison with the supporting Branch PWIC, collect necessary information regarding the location, the physical well-be- ing, legal status, and any change thereto, of all prisoners interned by the command.

(6) Allow prisoners to correspond with their families and receive relief shipments.

(7) Provide prisoners copies of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (in their own language, if possible).

(8) Employ and compensate assigned prisoners based on verified needs/requirements and monitor all aspects of EPW and RP employ- ment per this regulation. If sundry packets are provided, no advance pay is required.

(9) Provide command and control, and operate, administer, and secure the camp.

(10) Prepare necessary documents for administrative actions, court-martial charges or any disciplinary proceedings for prisoners.

(11) Post personnel files and maintain unit level records of proceedings.

(12) Supervise qualified EPW/RP in providing medical care and field sanitation/preventive medicine for prisoners.

(13) Provide the initial medical examination and monthly screen- ing of prisoners.

(14) Maintain EPW labor and finance records on each prisoner per AR 37-1.

(15) Ensure preparation of monthly pay credit statements of pris- oner’s personal accounts and ensure pay for prisoners.

(16) Direct activities relating to the assignment and supervision of work projects for prisoners.

(17) Advise employers of provisions for handling EPW.

(18) Establish and maintain records of prisoner labor projects.

(19) Provide initial reports of and perform initial investigation and inquiries into prisoner labor injuries or incidents.

(20) Report allegations of criminal acts or war crimes committed by or against EPW/RP to the supporting element of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC). Deaths resulting from other than natural causes will be investigated by USACIDC.

(21) Provide assistance to the medical facility commander to as- sess the threat posed by hospitalized EPW.

(22) Establish and maintain complete and accurate accountability information regarding the location, physical and legal status, train- ing, and employment of all individuals in the custody of, or as- signed to, the EPW facility. Information will be posted to the individual’s personal, medical, and financial records, and will be provided to the supporting PWIC and next higher headquarters, as required.

(23) Provide an area for intelligence collection efforts.

b.USACIDC will ensure criminal investigative support for EPW and RP is planned and resources are allocated for this purpose.

3–4. Operation of prisoner of war internment facilities EPW camps will be organized and operated, when possible, as other military commands. Each internment facility will be commanded by a commissioned officer of the U.S. Military. The following provi- sions will be observed:

a.The Geneva Conventions will be posted within the camp in the language(s) of the EPW/RP nation(s). A copy of the text will be supplied, on request, to any person who does not have access to posted copies. The supporting EPW/CI PSYOP unit can assist in preparing and disseminating native language copies of the text as well as other translation, printing, and audio-visual information dis- semination support.

b.EPW will be interned in camps according to their nationality and language. They will not be separated from other prisoners belonging to the Armed Forces with which they were serving at the time of their capture, except with their consent. Officers will be separated from enlisted personnel and females will be separated from males.

c.EPW representatives will be authorized for EPW Camps.

(1) At each enlisted EPW or branch camp, EPW will select a

prisoner representative. These representatives will be elected by secret ballot every 6 months and are eligible for reelection. EPW will be permitted to consult freely with their representatives. In turn, their representatives will represent them before:

(a)The military authorities.

(b)The Protecting Power.

(c)The ICRC.

(d)Other relief or aid organizations.

(2)In officer EPW camps or in camps with both officers and enlisted EPW, the senior EPW officer, unless incapacitated or in- competent, will be recognized as the prisoner representative. In officer EPW camps, one or more advisers chosen by the EPW officers will assist the prisoner representative. The supporting EPW/ CI PSYOP unit can assist in identifying officers, key communica- tors, and English speaking EPW who may be hiding within the camp population.

(3)In mixed camps (officers and enlisted), one or more enlisted advisors will be elected to assist the EPW officer representative.

(4)The camp commander will be designated as the final approval authority for each elected prisoner representative. When the camp commander denies, approves, or dismisses an elected representative, a notice to that effect will be sent through channels to HQDA, (DAMO-ODL) NPWIC for forwarding to the ICRC or the PP. Reasons for the refusal will be included. EPW will then be permit- ted to elect another representative.

(5)RP (medical personnel and chaplains) are not considered pris- oners of war and therefore may not elect prisoner representatives. The senior medical officer in each camp will be responsible for matters connected with the activities of retained medical personnel. Individual chaplains, like the responsible medical officer, will have direct access to camp authorities.

(6)Prisoner representatives may appoint EPW assistants. These assistants are in addition to the advisers provided for in (2) above. The camp commander will also approve the selection of such assist- ants and their continuance in those positions.

(7)Prisoner representatives must be of the same nationality, ob- serve the same customs, and speak the same language as the EPW they represent. EPW interned in separate compounds due to differ- ing nationality, language, or customs will be permitted to have their own prisoner representative according to (1) through (4) above. The internment facility commander will establish the local policy for an escort to accompany the representative.

(8)Duties, responsibilities, and available resources.

(a)Representatives will be responsible for furthering the physi- cal, spiritual, and intellectual well-being of the persons they repre- sent. They will not exercise any disciplinary powers. They will not perform any other work if the work interferes with their duties as representatives. They will be allowed a reasonable time to acquaint their successors with their duties and related current affairs.

(b)Representatives may be given the freedom of movement


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