Form H1857 PDF Details

The H1857 form serves as a crucial link between landlords and social services, assisting in accurately evaluating the living situation of individuals seeking assistance. By requesting detailed information about the tenant's residency, including the move-in date, the number of residents, their employment status, rent specifics, and utility responsibilities, this form ensures that caseworkers have a comprehensive understanding of the tenant's circumstances. The purpose behind this documentation is multifaceted; it not only verifies the living arrangements and financial obligations of the tenant but also enables the department to provide the necessary support effectively. Importantly, it embodies a cooperative effort, requiring the completion and return by the landlord or their representative, emphasizing the importance of timely cooperation for the benefit of the tenant. With sections dedicated to rent and utility payments, the form aims to paint a full picture of the tenant's commitments and their fulfillment. In essence, the H1857 form underscores the collaborative effort between tenant, landlord, and social services to ensure that assistance is based on accurate and current information, highlighting its role as a pivotal piece of documentation within the support system.

Form NameForm H1857
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameslandlord verification form for food stamps, form h1857, h1855 pdf, landlord verification form texas

Form Preview Example

(Client Name and Address)



Office Address and Phone No. with Area Code

Name of Client

Case No.

Address (Street, City, State and ZIP Code)

The person named above reports renting this residence from you. To correctly evaluate the household's situation, the department needs your assistance.

Please complete the information requested on the back of this letter and return it to me in the postage paid envelope provided.

Please return it as soon as possible, but no later than






I hereby give my permission to release the information requested on this form.



Form H1857, 5-2016-E

Landlord Verification

Form H1857

May 2016-E

(This form must be completed by the client's landlord or a representative.)

1.Tenant Move Date:

2.How many people live in the house or apartment?

3.List the names of all people who live in the house or apartment. List their employer, if known:

Name of Person























4. Questions about the rent payment:

Amount of RentTenant's Portion of RentPerson making payment?

How often paid?


Every Two Weeks

Twice a Month


Method of payment?



Money Order


Other (explain):






























Is the tenant current in paying the rent?


No If "No," when was the last month rent was paid?





What is the total amount of past due rent?






































5. Questions about the utilities:




































Are all utilities included in rent?



























Utilities the tenant is responsible for paying (check all that apply):





















Utility bills are paid directly to:












Utility Company
































Please provide the tenant's complete residential address:





























Street Address





Apt. No.









ZIP Code






















Landlord or Representative Name (printed)


Signature – Landlord or Representative



Business Address or Residential Address

Telephone No. with Area Code

How to Edit Form H1857 Online for Free

The idea supporting our PDF editor was to permit it to be as intuitive as it can be. The entire procedure of managing form h1857 really easy so long as you stick to the following steps.

Step 1: Hit the orange "Get Form Now" button on the following webpage.

Step 2: So you are going to be on the file edit page. You can add, alter, highlight, check, cross, include or erase areas or text.

Complete the following segments to fill out the form:

step 1 to writing landlord verification form for food stamps

Put down the details in the I hereby give my permission to, Signature, and Date area.

part 2 to completing landlord verification form for food stamps

It is important to note certain information in the field Tenant Move Date, How many people live in the house, List the names of all people who, Name of Person, Working, Employer, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Questions about the rent payment, Amount of Rent, Tenants Portion of Rent, and Person making payment.

landlord verification form for food stamps Tenant Move Date, How many people live in the house, List the names of all people who, Name of Person, Working, Employer, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Questions about the rent payment, Amount of Rent, Tenants Portion of Rent, and Person making payment blanks to fill

The Method of payment, Cash, Check, Money Order, Other explain, Is the tenant current in paying, Yes, If No when was the last month rent, What is the total amount of past, Questions about the utilities, Are all utilities included in rent, Utilities the tenant is, Yes, Gas, and Electric segment needs to be applied to record the rights or obligations of both parties.

Filling in landlord verification form for food stamps step 4

Fill in the file by analyzing these sections: Business Address or Residential, and Telephone No with Area Code.

Finishing landlord verification form for food stamps stage 5

Step 3: Press the "Done" button. Now you can transfer the PDF file to your electronic device. As well as that, it is possible to deliver it through electronic mail.

Step 4: In avoiding possible forthcoming challenges, ensure that you hold at least two or three duplicates of every single file.

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