Form Md 656 PDF Details

In the realm of tax resolution in the State of Maryland, the FORM MD 656, operational since July 2000, serves as a cornerstone for taxpayers seeking relief from their financial obligations to the state. This document, sanctioned by the Comptroller of Maryland, facilitates offers in compromise, allowing individuals and businesses an opportunity to negotiate their tax liabilities. Given its pivotal role, the form outlines various sections for comprehensive disclosure, including identification details of the taxpayer(s), such as names, addresses, and pertinent numbers like Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers. It goes further to categorize the nature of the liabilities and reasons behind the request for compromise—which could range from doubt about the tax liability's validity to an admission of the tax owed but an assertion of insufficient resources or economic hardship preventing full payment. The form meticulously captures the taxpayer’s proposed terms for resolution, underscores a mutual understanding of the conditions tied to the submitted offer, and concludes with a crucial segment for detailing the taxpayer's circumstances that justify the compromise request. This introductory overview conveys a sense of the MD 656 form’s complexity and significance, illuminating its function as not merely an administrative procedure but as a potential lifeline for those entangled in tax disputes or financial distress.

Form NameForm Md 656
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesmd 656, state of maryland offer in compromise, 656 form md, form md 656 2019

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July 2000




Item 1 – Name and Address of Taxpayer(s)

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________ State __________________________ ZIP Code _________________

Mailing Address (if different from above) _____________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________ State __________________________ ZIP Code ________________

Item 2 – Social Security Number(s)

(a)Primary _______________________________________________

(b)Secondary _____________________________________________

Item 3 – Employer Identification Number


Item 6 – I/We submit this offer for the reason(s) checked below:

!Doubt as to Liability – “I do not believe I owe this amount.” You must include a detailed explanation of the reason(s) why you believe you do not owe the tax in Item 9.

!Insufficient Resources – “I have insufficient assets and income to pay the full amount.” You must include a complete financial statement, Form MD 433-A and/or Form MD 433B.

Item 4 – Combined Registration Number


Item 5 – To: Comptroller of Maryland

I/We (includes all types of taxpayers) submit this offer to compromise the tax liabilities plus any interest, penalties, additions to tax, and additional amounts required by law (tax liability) for the tax type and period below: (Please mark and “X” in the box for the correct description and fill-in the correct tax period(s), adding additional periods, if needed.)

!Income Tax – Tax Periods _______________________________


!Sales and Use Tax – Tax Periods __________________________


!Withholding Tax – Tax Periods ____________________________


!Admissions and Amusement Tax – Tax Periods ______________


!Other Tax(es) [specify type(s) and period(s)] ________________




!Economic or other Hardship – “I owe this amount and have sufficient assets to pay the full amount, but due to my exceptional circumstances, requiring full payment would cause an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.” You must include a complete financial statement, Form 433-A and/or Form 433B and complete Item 9.

Item 7

I/we offer to pay $ __________________________________________

!Paid in full with this offer.

!Deposit of $ _________________________ is attached to this offer.

!No deposit

If payment terms are requested, describe terms and conditions below.









Item 8 – By submitting this offer, I/we understand and agree to the following conditions:

(a)I/we voluntarily submit all payments made on this offer.

(b)Comptroller of Maryland will apply payments made under the terms of this agreement in the best interests of the state.

(c)If the Comptroller of Maryland rejects the offer or I/we withdraw the offer, Comptroller of Maryland will return any amount paid with the offer. If I/ we agree in writing, Comptroller of Maryland will apply the amount paid with the offer to the amount owed. If I/we agree to apply the payment, the date the offer is rejected or withdrawn will be considered the date of payment. I/we understand that the Comptroller of Maryland will not pay interest on any amount I/we submit with the offer.

(d)Comptroller of Maryland will keep all payments and credits made, received, or applied to the amount being compromised before this offer was submitted. Comptroller of Maryland will also keep any payments made under the terms of an installment agreement while this offer is pending.

(e)I/we understand that I/we remain responsible for the full amount of the tax liability unless the Comptroller of Maryland accepts the offer in writing and I/we have met all the terms and conditions of this offer.

(f)Once Comptroller of Maryland accepts the offer in writing, I/we waive the right to contest, in court or otherwise, the amount of the tax liability.

(g)If I/we fail to meet any of the terms and conditions of the offer, the offer is in default, and the Comptroller of Maryland may:

(i)immediately file suit or levy to collect the entire unpaid balance of the offer, without further notice of any kind;

(ii)immediately file suit or levy to collect the original amount of the tax liability, without further notice of any kind.

If I/we fail to comply with all provisions of state law relating to filing my/our returns and paying my/our required taxes for three (3) years from the date Comptroller of Maryland accepts the offer, the Comptroller of Maryland may treat the offer as defaulted and reinstate the unpaid balance. The Comptroller of Maryland will continue to add interest, as required by law, on the amount the Comptroller of Maryland determines is due after default. The Comptroller of Maryland will add interest from the date the offer is defaulted until I/we completely satisfy the amount owed.

Item 9 – Explanation of Circumstances

I am requesting an offer in compromise for the reason(s) listed below:

Note: If you are requesting compromise based on doubt as to liability, explain why you don’t believe you owe the tax. If you believe you have special circumstances affecting your ability to fully pay the amount due, explain your situation. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.









The within offer in compromise is accepted.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this offer, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.

Signature of Tax Administrator

Signature of Taxpayer proponent





Signature of Taxpayer proponent




How to Edit Form Md 656 Online for Free

Our PDF editor makes filling in documents trouble-free. It is very an easy task to manage the [FORMNAME] document. Keep to all of these steps in an attempt to achieve this:

Step 1: Step one is to click on the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: Now it's easy to manage your 656 form md. This multifunctional toolbar will let you add, delete, adapt, and highlight content or perhaps carry out many other commands.

The next parts are in the PDF template you'll be creating.

step 1 to writing maryland offer compromise

The software will need you to submit the Item Combined Registration Number, Item To Comptroller of Maryland, IWe includes all types of, Income Tax Tax Periods, pay the full amount You must, Economic or other Hardship I owe, sufficient assets to pay the full, Item, Iwe offer to pay, Paid in full with this offer, Deposit of is attached to this, No deposit, Sales and Use Tax Tax Periods, If payment terms are requested, and Withholding Tax Tax Periods segment.

maryland offer compromise Item   Combined Registration Number, Item   To Comptroller of Maryland, IWe includes all types of, Income Tax  Tax Periods, pay the full amount You must, Economic or other Hardship  I owe, sufficient assets to pay the full, Item, Iwe offer to pay, Paid in full with this offer, Deposit of   is attached to this, No deposit, Sales and Use Tax  Tax Periods, If payment terms are requested, and Withholding Tax  Tax Periods fields to fill out

You'll be asked to provide the details to help the application prepare the section Admissions and Amusement Tax Tax, and Other Taxes specify types and.

maryland offer compromise Admissions and Amusement Tax  Tax, and Other Taxes specify types and blanks to fill out

The have special circumstances, The within offer in compromise is, Under penalties of perjury I, Signature of Tax Administrator, Signature of Taxpayer proponent, Date, Signature of Taxpayer proponent, Date, and Date box is the place where either side can indicate their rights and responsibilities.

Completing maryland offer compromise step 4

Step 3: Select "Done". It's now possible to export your PDF file.

Step 4: Be sure to make as many duplicates of your form as you can to remain away from potential issues.

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