Form Mw508 PDF Details

The Maryland Annual Employer Withholding MW508 Reconciliation Return, due by January 31st, plays a crucial role in the state tax filing process for employers in Maryland. This form serves as a summary of the employee wage withholdings and tax deductions over the past year, requiring detailed information such as the total number of W-2 and 1099 forms issued, the total Maryland withholding tax reported, and any tax-exempt credits claimed. Specifically designed for employers to reconcile their yearly withholding taxes, the MW508 requires accurate reporting and adherence to deadlines to ensure compliance with state tax laws. The obligation to file electronically if issuing 25 or more W-2 or 1099 forms underscores Maryland's commitment to modernizing and streamlining tax administration. Employers also have the option to report manually for fewer forms, providing flexibility while maintaining the integrity of the tax system. The form’s emphasis on precise record-keeping and the strict enforcement of penalties for non-compliance highlight its significance within the realm of employer responsibilities in tax administration. Additionally, options for electronic filing and the requirements for attaching additional documentation, such as the MW508CR for tax-exempt organizations, further elucidate the comprehensive nature of this mandatory state tax document.

Form NameForm Mw508
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesmd form 508, mw508, mw508 2020, maryland mw508

Form Preview Example




DUE DATE: January 31, 2021

Comptroller of Maryland

Revenue Administration Division

110 Carroll Street

Annapolis, MD 21411-0001

Make check payable to Comptroller of MD - WH Tax


Address 1

Address 2







FEIN (9 digits)*







NAICS Code (Business Activity Code, 6 digits)*





CR# (8 digits)*


Enter the total gross Maryland payroll for the calendar year.

Check here

if this is a partial filing

of W-2(s) and/or 1099(s)

Check here if you will be submitting additional W-2(s) and/or 1099(s).




1. Enter total number of a) W-2 and/or b) 1099 Forms. (ATTACH PAPER COPY.)


a) W-2





b) 1099 Form


. . . .

. . . .














Enter total withholding tax you reported on Forms MW506 for this year


. . . .

. . . .



Enter total state and local tax shown on W-2/1099. (COMBINE TOTAL IF YOU HAVE BOTH



FORMS.) a) W-2




b) 1099 Form





. . . .



Enter total withholding tax paid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c.


Enter total tax-exempt credit. (MW508CR MUST BE ATTACHED TO ALLOW CREDIT)



Amount due with return. (Subtract lines 3c and 3d from line 3. If this amount is zero




or greater, enter here. Otherwise, go to line 5.)

. . . .



Overpayment (If line 3 minus lines 3c and 3d is less than zero, enter the difference




here as a positive number.)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . .

. . . . . .

. 5.


Amount of overpayment on line 5 to be applied as a credit to your account. . . .


. . . .

. . . .



Amount of overpayment on line 5 to be refunded to you

. . . .


If you are submitting 25 or more W-2 forms, you are required to file electronically.*

If you are submitting 25 or more 1099 forms, you are required to file electronically.*









Each W-2 submitted that is not properly filed is a separate violation. Failure to comply with Section 10-911 of the Tax- General Article, Annotated Code of Maryland may result in the assessment of additional penalties.

*For instructions on electronic filing of W-2 and 1099 forms, refer to 2020 Maryland Employer Reporting of W-2s Instructions and Specifications (for W-2s) and 2020 Maryland Reporting of 1099s Instructions and Specifications.


I declare under penalties of perjury that this return, (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge is a true, correct and complete return.






Telephone number



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If you are submitting 25 or more W-2 forms, you are required to file electronically; three options are available.

For options 1 and 2 you will need to access the current

Maryland Employer Reporting of W-2s Instructions and Specifications which can be found on our website under

Maryland Taxes, Business Tax Forms and Instructions.*

1.You may use our free bFile Bulk Upload Application that allows you to upload a text file in the “modified EFW2 format”, described in the Specification booklet mentioned above. Once the text file is generated it can be uploaded at under Maryland Taxes. No Excel formats are accepted.

2.You may generate a text file in the “modified EFW2 format”, as described in the Specification booklet and copy this file to a CD or 3 1/2 inch diskette and send to Comptroller of Maryland, Revenue Administration Division, Attn: Electronic Processing-Room 214, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, MD 21411-0001. No Excel formats are accepted. Include a contact name and phone number.

3.You may use our free bFile Withholding Reconciliation Application which allows you to manually key data from your W-2 forms and MW508 form. Up to 250 W-2s

can be keyed using this method. This can be found at under Maryland Taxes.

If you have questions with regard to filing your MW508 Withholding Reconciliation return, contact Taxpayer Services Division at 410-260-7980. If you have questions regarding technical support in uploading your file, contact the Electronic Processing Section at 410-260-7150.

If you are submitting 25 or more 1099 forms, you are required to file electronically; two options are available. *

1.You may generate a “modified 1099 format” file as described in the current Maryland Reporting of 1099s Instructions and Specifications which can be found

on our website under Maryland Taxes, Business Tax

Forms and Instructions. Copy this file to a CD or 3 1/2

inch diskette and send it to Comptroller of Maryland,

Revenue Administration Division, Attn: Electronic Processing-Room 214, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, MD 21411-0001. Include a contact name and phone number.

2.If you participate in the Combined Federal/State program, the 1099s will automatically be forwarded to Maryland and will include your MW508.

If you have questions with regard to filing your MW508 Withholding Reconciliation return, contact Taxpayer Services

Division at 410-260-7980.

If you are submitting less than 25 W-2s and/or 1099s you may file electronically or by paper.*

If you are filing the MW508 by paper, complete Form MW508,

Employer’s Annual Withholding Reconciliation Return. Send this form, accompanied by the STATE copy of Form W-2/Form 1099 for each person for whom wages/annuities have been paid. Keep a copy for your records. Your name, FEIN, Maryland Withholding Central Registration Number, NAICS Code (can be obtained from the Census Bureau) and phone number must be on all documents to assure proper credit and to prevent posting

errors. Send your completed MW508 Return, STATE copies of W-2s and/or 1099s to Comptroller of Maryland, Revenue

Administration Division, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, MD 21411-0001.

Enter the total gross Maryland payroll for the calendar year 2020 on the line provided.

Line 1. Enter the number of W-2 and 1099 forms attached on lines 1a and 1b, and the combined total on line 1.

Line 2. Enter total Maryland withholding tax reported for the year.

Line 3. Enter the total amount of State and local tax shown on Form(s) W-2 and 1099 on lines 3a and 3b. Then enter the combined total on line 3.

Line 3c. Enter total amount of withholding tax paid this year.

Line 3d. Enter total eligible business tax credits if you are a tax-exempt organization. You must attach Maryland Form MW508CR to calculate and take the credit.

Line 4. Amount Due. (Subtract lines 3c and 3d from line 3. If this amount is zero or greater, enter here; otherwise, go to line 5.)

Line 5. Overpayment (If line 3 minus lines 3c and 3d combined is less than zero, enter the difference here

as a positive number.)

Line 6. Enter the amount of line 5 you wish to have applied as a credit.

Line 7. Enter the amount of line 5 you wish to have refunded. (Line 6 plus line 7 cannot exceed line 5.)

*Electronic filers submitting via Maryland Bfile or by Magnetic Media do not need to file a paper Form MW508 as this may cause duplicate filing. The MW508 will be included in the data received. Duplicate filing may result in erroneous balance due notices and/or penalty notices.

COM/RAD-042 09/20

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