Form N4 PDF Details

The N4 form, known as the Notice to End a Tenancy Early for Non-payment of Rent, plays a crucial role in the landlord-tenant relationship. This document, serving as both a warning and a procedure, outlines the step-by-step requirements landlords must follow before an eviction process can commence due to rent not being paid. Key aspects of this form include ensuring its issuance the day after rent falls due, specifying the correct termination date with appropriate notice periods, and accurately naming all tenants in possession of the unit. The form mandates completeness in addressing the rental unit, meticulous in calculation of the total rent owed to avoid discrepancies, and restricts claims strictly to rent-related payments, omitting other financial obligations such as utility bills or NSF charges. The landlord's signature and date are indispensable for the notice's validity. Strikingly, the N4 form delineates a path for tenants, offering grounds for defense or settlement by engaging in discussions with landlords, seeking legal advice, or attending scheduled hearings, thus emphasizing the form’s role not only in asserting landlords' rights but also in safeguarding tenants' interests. Should the tenant vacate by the termination date, the obligation to pay owed rent persists, yet it blocks the landlord's eviction process through the Board, pointing towards alternative legal recourse for landlords. This document encapsulates a critical mechanism within property law, ensuring a balance of fairness and clarity in procedures for ending tenancies early due to non-payment of rent.

Form Name Form N4
Form Length 3 pages
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Avg. time to fill out 45 sec
Other names n4, what is n4 form, ltb forms, n4 form ontario, landlord tenant form n4

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Form N4 - Checklist

Notice to End a Tenancy Early for Non-payment of Rent

Before you serve the attached notice to your tenant(s), make sure you can answer YES to each of the following questions. If not, your notice may be invalid. If you file an application to the Landlord and Tenant Board based on an invalid notice, your application may be dismissed and you will have to start over.

Have you waited until the day after the rent was due to give this notice to the tenant?

Your tenant has until midnight on the day that rent is due to pay you the rent. Make sure you wait until the day after the rent was due before you give the tenant this notice.

Did you fill in the correct termination date?

If your tenant pays rent by the month or year, you must give at least 14 days notice. If your tenant pays rent by the day or week, you must give at least 7 days notice.

When counting the days, do not include the date you are giving the notice to the tenant. For example, if you give the notice to the tenant by hand on March 3rd, the first day of the 14-day notice period is March 4th; in this example, the earliest termination date would be March 17th. If you are giving the notice to the tenant by mail or courier, you have to add extra days in calculating the termination date.

Read the Instructions to this form to see how many days you have to add.

Did you name each tenant who is in possession of the rental unit?

If there is more than one tenant in possession of the rental unit, fill in the names of all the tenants on the notice. Make sure you spell each tenant's name correctly. You must give each tenant a copy of this notice.

Did you fill in the complete address of the rental unit?

Be sure that you have provided the full address - be sure to also identify the correct rental unit (for example Unit 202 or Basement) and provide the postal code.

Did you check your math?

Make sure you have correctly calculated the amount you believe the tenant owes. Check the calculations in the table on page 2 to be sure the Total Rent Owing is correct. Then check that this amount matches the amount you put in the box on page 1.

Did you include only rent amounts?

This form is only for non-payment of rent. Rent includes the basic rent for the rental unit, plus any amount the tenant pays you separately for services (such as parking). If the tenant is paying all or a portion of a utility bill directly to the utility company or indirectly through the landlord, this is not considered rent. See the Instructions for more information.

You should not use this form to ask the tenant to pay amounts other than rent (such as the last month's rent deposit or an NSF cheque charge).

Did you sign and date the notice?

If you don't, the notice may be invalid.

You should remove this checklist before you give the tenant the notice.

Notice to End your Tenancy For Non-payment of Rent


(Disponible en français)

To: (Tenant's name) include all tenant names

From: (Landlord's name)

Address of the Rental Unit:

This is a legal notice that could lead to you being evicted from your home.

The following information is from your landlord

I am giving you this notice because I believe you owe me $

See the table on the next page for an explanation of how I calculated this amount.

I can apply to the Board to have you evicted if you do not:

• pay this amount by



. This is called the termination date.












move out by the termination date.

in rent.

If another rent payment becomes due on or before the date you make the above payment to your landlord, you must also pay this extra amount.




The following information is provided by the Landlord and Tenant Board




The date that the landlord gives you in this notice to pay or move out must be at least:


• 14 days after the landlord gives you the notice, if you rent by the month or year, or


• 7 days after the landlord gives you the notice, if you rent by the day or week.



What if you

If you agree that you owe the amount that the landlord is claiming, you should pay this

agree with

amount by the termination date in this notice. If you do so, the landlord cannot apply to the

the notice?

Board to evict you based on this notice.


If you do not pay the amount owing, you do not have to move out. However, the landlord


can apply to the Board to evict you. If the landlord applies to the Board to evict you and the


Board orders the eviction, you will likely have to pay the landlord's filing fee, in addition to


what you owe.



What if you

You do not have to move out if you disagree with this notice. You could talk to your landlord.


You may also want to get legal advice. If you cannot work things out, the landlord may apply


to the Board for an order to evict you. The Board will schedule a hearing where you can

the notice?

explain why you disagree.



What if you

If you move out by the termination date in this notice, your tenancy will end on the

move out?

termination date. However, you may still owe money to your landlord. Your landlord will not


be able to apply to the Board but they may still take you to Court for this money.



v. 01/04/2020

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How will

The earliest date that the landlord can apply to the Board is the day after the termination


date in this notice. If the landlord does apply, the Board will schedule a hearing and send

know if the

you a copy of the application and the Notice of Hearing.



applies to


the Board?




What you

• Talk to your landlord about working out a payment plan.

can do if

• Go to the hearing where you can respond to the claims your landlord makes in the


application; in most cases, before the hearing starts you can also talk to a Board


mediator about mediating a payment plan.

applies to

• Get legal advice immediately; you may be eligible for legal aid services.

the Board




How to get

For more information about this notice or about your rights, you can contact the Landlord


and Tenant Board. You can reach the Board by phone at 416-645-8080 or


1-888-332-3234. You can also visit the Board's website at



The following information is from your landlord

This table is completed by the landlord to show how they calculated the total amount of rent claimed on page 1:



Rent Period





Rent Charged $


Rent Paid $


Rent Owing $


From: (dd/mm/yyyy)



To: (dd/mm/yyyy)



















































































































































































































































Total Rent Owing $










































































First Name





































Last Name





































Phone Number





































































Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Representative Information (if applicable)



Company Name (if applicable)

Mailing Address

Phone Number

Municipality (City, Town, etc.)


Postal Code

Fax Number

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Completing this document demands care for details. Make sure every single blank is done properly.

1. First of all, while filling out the what is n4 form, start in the part containing following blanks:

Part # 1 for filling in landlord tenant act ontario forms

2. Soon after this array of blanks is filled out, proceed to type in the suitable information in all these: Did you check your math, Make sure you have correctly, Did you include only rent amounts, This form is only for nonpayment, You should not use this form to, Did you sign and date the notice, If you dont the notice may be, and You should remove this checklist.

A way to prepare landlord tenant act ontario forms stage 2

People who work with this PDF often get some points wrong when filling in You should remove this checklist in this area. Make sure you read again everything you type in right here.

3. Completing To Tenants name include all tenant, From Landlords name, Address of the Rental Unit, This is a legal notice that could, The following information is from, I am giving you this notice, in rent, See the table on the next page for, I can apply to the Board to have, pay this amount by, ddmmyyyy, and This is called the termination is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

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4. The following part comes with these blank fields to complete: From ddmmyyyy To ddmmyyyy, Rent Charged, Rent Paid, Rent Owing, Total Rent Owing, Landlord, Representative, Signature First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Signature, and Date ddmmyyyy.

Phone Number, Rent Charged, and From ddmmyyyy To ddmmyyyy in landlord tenant act ontario forms

5. The pdf should be finalized by filling in this part. Further one can find a detailed listing of blank fields that must be completed with specific details to allow your form usage to be accomplished: Name, LSUC, Company Name if applicable, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Municipality City Town etc, Province, Postal Code, Fax Number, and Page of.

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