Submitting documents using our PDF editor is easier in comparison with anything. To manage sc 150 the file, there is nothing for you to do - merely stick to the actions listed below:
Step 1: Hit the button "Get form here" to get into it.
Step 2: So, you may edit your sc 150. This multifunctional toolbar lets you include, delete, modify, highlight, as well as do other commands to the content material and fields inside the document.
The next few areas are what you will have to create to obtain the prepared PDF form.

Type in the data in the cid, cid, If your trial is scheduled within, If your answer will not fit in the, Has your claim been served by a, If your answer will not fit in the, a b, No I am a defendant and have not, name county date, who lives in was served on, name county date, No The parties listed below have, I do not know The court clerk, I declare under penalty of perjury, and Date field.

It is crucial to put down some information within the segment Date, Type or print your name Sign here, Judicial Council of California, and Request to Postpone Trial Small.

In the part Request to Postpone Trial Small, record the rights and obligations of the parties.

Step 3: Hit the button "Done". The PDF form is available to be exported. You can easily upload it to your computer or send it by email.
Step 4: You may create copies of the file toavoid any future problems. Don't worry, we cannot display or record your data.