France Visa Application Form PDF Details

Navigating the intricacies of international travel requires attention to detail, especially when it comes to completing necessary legal documentation, such as the France Visa Application form. This comprehensive application serves as a bridge for travelers, gathering personal, occupational, and travel-related information to ensure a smooth process in gaining entry to France and, by extension, the Schengen Area. Key sections of the form touch on personal identification, including one’s full name, date of birth, and passport details, alongside questions regarding the traveler's current occupation, the purpose of their visit, and their intended accommodations within the Schengen states. Furthermore, it emphasizes the necessity of holding adequate travel insurance, mandating coverage for medical, hospitalization, and repatriation costs up to a minimum of 30,000 Euros. Other critical elements include declaration sections for understanding data processing, consent to the handling of personal data by relevant Schengen authorities, and statements confirming the accuracy of provided information with acknowledgment of the legal repercussions for any falsehoods. Through its detailed queries, the form not only facilitates the visa issuance process but also ensures travelers meet all regulatory requirements for a safe and legally compliant visit to the Schengen Zone.

Form NameFrance Visa Application Form
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namesfrance visa application form pdf, application form for french visa, france visa application form pdf download, france tourist visa application form

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Je soussingé, _____________________________________, déclare avoir pris

connaissance de l’obligation d’être en possession d’une assurance couvrant, pour un montant minimum de 30.000 Euros, les dépenses médicales et hospitalières y compris d’aide sociale résultant de soins que je pourrais engager lors de séjours ultérieures dans l’espace Schengen ainsi que les frais de repatriement qui pourraient en résulter.

Londres, le ________________,



I, the undersigned ____________________________________, hereby declare that I

have taken note of the requirement to contract a full travel insurance, covering – for a minimum of 30.000 Euros – any medical, hospitalisation and repatriation costs, as well as associated care expenses which I could incur during my future trips into the Schengen states.

London, the ________________,


P.O. BOX 57, 6A CROMWELL PLACE, LONDON, SW7 2EW – TEL: (020)70 73 12 50



Application for Schengen Visa

This application form is free

Stamp embassy

Or consulate

N° 12225*01

1. Surname(s) family name(s))



















































2. Surname(s) at birth (earlier family name(s))





Date application :













3. First names (given names)






















4. Date of birth (year-month-day)




5. ID-number (optional)




File handled by :













6. Place and country of birth

























Supporting documents:










Valid passport

7. Current nationality/ies



8. Original nationality (nationality at birth)

















Financial means

9. Sex






10. Marital status :












Married Separated




Means of transport















Health insurance















Other :


Father’s name





12. Mother’s name


































Type of passport:













National passport

Diplomatic passport

Service passport

Travel document (1951 Convention)



Alien’s passport

Seaman’s passport

Other travel document (please specify):





………………………………………………………………………… ………….…





Number of passport


15. Issued by



















Date of issue



17. Valid until















If you reside in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country?





Yes, (number and validity)




* 19. Current occupation

























Visa :







* 20. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of school.































Characteristics of Visa :




























Main destination




22. Type of Visa :


23. Visa :









Airport transit Transit Short stay











Long stay


















































D + C


Number of entries requested





25. Duration of stay




Number of entries :

Single entry Two entries Multiple entries
















Visa is requested for: ______ days




Other visas (issued during the past three years) and their period of validity




1 2 Multiple






Valid from ………………..


In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination?





Yes , valid until:


Issuing authority:




To …………………………

* 28. Previous stays in this or other Schengen states





Valid for :















…………………………… .
















*The questions marked with * do not have to be answered by family members of EU or EEA citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant). Family members of EU or EEA citizens have to present documents to prove this relationship.

First Name
Telephone and telefax
e-mail address

29. Purpose of travel



Tourism Business Visit to Family or Friends

Cultural/Sports Official Medical reasons

Other (please specify): ….……………………………………………………..




* 30. Date of arrival


* 31. Date of departure

* 32. Border of first entry or transit route


33. Means of transport

*34. Name of host or company in the Schengen states and contact person in host company. If not applicable, give name of hotel or temporary address in the Schengen states


Full address

*35. Who is paying for your cost of travelling and for your costs of living during your stay?

Myself Host person/s Host company. (State who and how and present corresponding documentation):………………………………………………


……………… ………………………………….

*36. Means of support during your stay

Cash Travellers' cheques Credit cards Accommodation Other:

Travel and/or health insurance. Valid until: ………………………………………………..

37. Spouse’s family name



38. Spouse’s family name at birth






39. Spouse’s first name


40. Spouse’s date of birth

41. Spouse’s place of birth





42. Children (Applications

must be submitted separately for each passport)




First name

Date of birth





















43.Personal data of the EU or EEA citizen you depend on. This question should be answered only by family members of EU or EEA citizens.


Date of Birth


Number of passport




Family relationship :

of an EU or EEA citizen

44. I am aware of and consent to the following: any personal data concerning me which appear on this visa application form will be supplied to the relevant authorities in the Schengen states and processed by those authorities, if necessary, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data may be input into, and stored in, databases accessible to the relevant authorities in the various Schengen states.

At my express request, the consular authority processing my application will inform me of the manner in which I may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me and have them altered or deleted, in particular, should they be inaccurate, in accordance with the national law of the state concerned.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete.

I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Schengen state which deals with the application.

I undertake to leave the territory of the Schengen states upon the expiry of the visa, if granted.

I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Schengen states. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5.1 of the Schengen Implementing Convention and am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Schengen states.


Applicant’s home address


46. Telephone number






Place and date

48. Signature (for minors, signature of











Q.1. Your surname (family name) as it appears in the passport you are using to apply for your visa.

Q.2. If you have changed your surname since birth (e.g. through marriage) please write your previous surname here. If your surname has not changed since birth please leave this blank.

Q.3. Your first name(s) (Christian names).

Q.5. If your country of origin has issued you with an ID number please write it here. If you do not have an ID number or do not know what it is then leave this question blank.

Q.6. The town and country in which you were born.

Q.7. The nationality of the passport that you currently hold. For example if you hold a South African passport then write “South African”.

Q.8. If you use to hold a different nationality than you hold now then write this nationality here. If your nationality has never changed then leave this blank.

Q.9. Please indicate your sex by circling the correct option.

Q.10. Please indicate your marital status by circling the correct option.

Q.11. Write the full name of your father. If you are unaware of your father’s name please write ‘Unknown’.

Q.12. Write the full name of your mother. If you are unaware of your mother’s name please write ‘Unknown’.

Q.13. Circle the type of passport that you hold. Most applicants hold a “National Passport”. Only circle one of the other options if you are sure that you have that type of passport.

Q.14. Write your “passport number”, this usually appears on the photo page at either the front or back of your passport.

Q.15. Circle the name of the Authority that issued your passport (e.g. UK Passport Office or Department of home Affairs). This information should be written on the photo page of your passport.

Q.16. Write the date on which your passport was issued. This information can usually be found on the photo page of your passport.

Q.17. Write the date on which your passport will expire. This information can usually be found on the photo page of your passport.

Q.18. If you are applying for a Schengen visa in the UK then you should have UK residency (e.g. working holiday / work permit / indefinite leave). Please circle “yes” and write the ID number and expiry date on your residency stamp. The ID number can usually be found on the top right corner of the visa. If you have Indefinite Leave please write “Indefinite Leave”. If you don’t have a reference number, then please leave this blank.

Q.19. Write your current occupation (e.g. Nurse / Journalist / Teacher).

Q.20. Write the full address and telephone number of your employer in the UK. If you are unemployed please write “currently unemployed” and give details of your last employer.

Q.21. The “main destination” is the Schengen state in which you are spending the most time during your trip to the Schengen area. You must write the name of the country whose consulate you are applying through: e.g. if you are applying through the French Consulate you must write “France”.

Q.22. All applicants for tourist or business trips must circle “Short stay”. If you wish to apply for an “Airport transit” or “Transit” visa please circle the appropriate option.

Q.23. Circle “Individual”.

Q.24. If you would like a visa that allows you to return to the Schengen area after your first trip is over please circle “Multiple entries”. If you only need to enter the Schengen area on one occasion then please circle “Single entry”.

Q.25. Please state the total number of days you intend to stay in Austria (e.g. 90/180/365/2 years)

Q.26. This question refers to any visas, apart from Schengen visas and your visa for the UK that you have been granted in the past three years. You should write the name of the country and then the valid from date and valid to date e.g. US 13/01/2003 – 13/01/2004, Russia 27/06/2002 – 02/07/2002.

Q.27. ONLY answer this question if you are applying for a Transit Visa and you have circled that option in Question 22. If you are applying for a Transit Visa you must already have a visa or visas in your passport for your final destination(s) (if appropriate). Please write the validity of the visa(s) and the name of the authority that issued the visa(s). If you are applying for a transit visa but you do not require a visa for your onward destination please write ‘visa not needed’ in the box.

Q.28. This question refers to any Schengen visas that you have been granted in the past. For each visa issued write the name of the country whose Embassy granted your visa. Also write the dates from which the visa was valid e.g. France 13/01/2003 – 13/07/2003, Italy 20/06/2002 – 30/06/2002. Only mark as many visas as you have space for, it doesn’t matter if you leave out visas that you have been granted in the past.

Q.29. Please circle the word that best describes the reason for the trip that you intend to take. If the purpose of your trip is not covered by any options listed then please circle “other” and write a brief description of the purpose of your trip.

Q.30. Write the date on which you will first enter the Schengen area on the trip you intend to take.

Q.31. Write the date on which you will finally depart the Schengen area on the trip you intend to take.

Q.32. Write the name of the Airport, Sea Port or Train Station that you will use to enter the Schengen area on the trip you intend to take.

Q.33. Please write the method of transport that you will use on your trip. For example: Aeroplane / Eurostar / Ferry.



If you are travelling as a tourist and you have booked a hotel or hostel then write the name and address of the hotel you will be staying in. If you are booked into several hotels then write the details of the first hotel you are staying in. If you are going on a day trip leave this question blank.


If you are travelling on business purposes please write the name and address of the company you will be visiting.


Leave this section blank.

Q.35. Please indicate who will be financially responsible for you during your trip by circling the appropriate option. If you are supporting yourself please circle “Myself”. If you will be supported by your host then please write their full name and circle the appropriate option. If you will be supported by somebody other than yourself or your host then please write their full name and give details of your relationship to them.

Q.36. Please indicate what financial means you will use to support yourself whilst on your trip. If you will use your bank account to support yourself during your trip and have supplied a bank statement with your application then circle “Cash”. If you have purchased Traveller’s Cheques to use on your trip and have supplied them with your application please circle “Traveller’s Cheques”. Once you have circled the correct option you must write the expiry date of your Travel Insurance in the field below.

Q.37 – 42. If you are travelling with your spouse and or children please write their details in the answers to these questions. If this does not apply to you please leave these questions blank.

Q.43. Only fill out this section if you are financially dependent upon a family member who is an EU national. If the person you depend upon is not an EU national then leave this blank. If the person you depend upon financially is not a family member then leave this section blank.

Q.45 & 46. Write your home address and contact telephone number.

Q.47. Write the name of the place where you were are when you complete this application form and the date on which you filled it out. For example “London 18/04/05”.

Q.48. The applicant for the visa must sign the form here. In the case of children unable to write their signature the form may be signed by a parent or legal guardian and “(Parent)” or “(Legal Guardian)” written after the signature.

How to Edit France Visa Application Form Online for Free

example of a registration form for french can be completed online very easily. Just open FormsPal PDF editor to finish the job promptly. The tool is consistently improved by our team, getting useful functions and turning out to be better. If you're looking to begin, this is what it takes:

Step 1: Firstly, access the pdf editor by clicking the "Get Form Button" at the top of this webpage.

Step 2: The editor will give you the opportunity to work with the majority of PDF files in a range of ways. Modify it by writing your own text, correct what is originally in the PDF, and put in a signature - all at your convenience!

Be attentive when completing this document. Ensure all mandatory blanks are completed correctly.

1. The example of a registration form for french needs specific information to be inserted. Be sure that the following blanks are finalized:

Part # 1 for filling out france visa application form

2. Your next part is usually to submit these particular blank fields: I the undersigned hereby declare, London the, Signature, and PO BOX A CROMWELL PLACE LONDON SW.

Stage no. 2 in filling in france visa application form

3. The following step is considered relatively straightforward, Surnames family names, Surnames at birth earlier family, First names given names, FOR EMBASSY, CONSULATE USE ONLY, Date application, Date of birth yearmonthday, IDnumber optional, File handled by, Place and country of birth, Current nationalityies, Original nationality nationality, Sex Male, Female, and Marital status Single Married - these blanks will have to be filled out here.

A way to fill in france visa application form step 3

It is possible to make a mistake while filling in your Sex Male, and so make sure that you go through it again before you decide to send it in.

4. It's time to complete this next section! In this case you will get these If you reside in a country other, Employer and employercids, Main destination, Type of Visa Airport transit, Visa Individual Collective, Number of entries requested, Duration of stay, Visa is requested for days, Visa, Refused Granted, Characteristics of Visa, LTV A B C D D C Number of entries, Other visas issued during the, Multiple, and In the case of transit have you form blanks to complete.

Completing section 4 in france visa application form

5. To wrap up your document, this particular segment features a few additional blanks. Filling in Purpose of travel Tourism, FOR EMBASSY, CONSULATE USE ONLY, Date of arrival Border of, Date of departure, Means of transport, Name of host or company in the, Name, Full address, Telephone and telefax, email address, Who is paying for your cost of, Myself Host persons Host company, Cash Travellers cheques Credit, and Spousecids family name will certainly wrap up the process and you'll surely be done in a short time!

Filling out segment 5 in france visa application form

Step 3: Make sure that the details are right and then press "Done" to conclude the project. Sign up with us right now and immediately gain access to example of a registration form for french, set for download. All alterations you make are saved , letting you customize the document at a later stage as needed. Here at FormsPal, we do everything we can to ensure that your details are kept private.