Hud Form 60002 Fillable PDF Details

The Form HUD-60002, titled "Section 3 Summary Report," offers a comprehensive structure to ensure economic opportunities for low- and very low-income individuals, as mandated by the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. It is a pivotal tool used by recipients of federal housing and community development assistance, encompassing a wide array of programs, to report their annual accomplishments in providing employment and contracting opportunities to the target demographic. The form is divided into three main parts, focusing on employment and training opportunities, contracting opportunities, and a summary of efforts to comply with Section 3 requirements. The detailed sections require recipients to disclose the number of new hires, the percentage of these hires that are low- or very low-income residents, and the efforts made to direct economic opportunities towards these groups, including training and contracting with Section 3 businesses. By completing this form, recipients contribute to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) broader goals of enhancing economic opportunities for underserved communities, ensuring that the benefits of federal financial assistance are felt by those who need them most. The information collected aids HUD in monitoring compliance, assessing program impact, and reporting to Congress, reinforcing the form's role as a critical instrument for accountability and transparency in federally funded housing and community development projects.

Form NameHud Form 60002 Fillable
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other nameshud form 3, hud economic income, form summary report, low very income

Form Preview Example

Section 3 Summary Report

U.S. Department of Housing

Economic Opportunities for

and Urban Development

Low – and Very Low-Income Persons

Office of Fair Housing


And Equal Opportunity

Section back of page for Public Reporting Burden statement


OMB Approval No: 2529-0043 (exp. 11/30/2010)

HUD Field Office:

1. Recipient Name & Address: (street, city, state, zip)


2. Federal Identification: (grant no.)


3. Total Amount of Award:













4. Contact Person



5. Phone: (Include area code)














6. Length of Grant:



7. Reporting Period:















8. Date Report Submitted:


9. Program Code: (Use separate sheet


10. Program Name:








for each program code)

















Part I: Employment and Training (** Columns B, C and F are mandatory fields. Include New Hires in E &F)
















Number of


Number of New

% of Aggregate Number


% of Total Staff Hours



Number of Section 3

Job Category

New Hires


Hires that are

of Staff Hours of New Hires


for Section 3 Employees







Sec. 3 Residents

that are Sec. 3 Residents


and Trainees
















































Construction by Trade (List)


































































Other (List)















































































































































* Program Codes

3 = Public/Indian Housing

4 = Homeless Assistance


8 = CDBG State Administered

1 = Flexible Subsidy

A = Development,

5 = HOME



9 = Other CD Programs

2 = Section 202/811

B = Operation


6 = HOME State Administered

10 = Other Housing Programs


C = Modernization

7 = CDBG Entitlement





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form HUD 60002 (6/2001)


Ref 24 CFR 135

Part II: Contracts Awarded

1. Construction Contracts:


A. Total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the project










B. Total dollar amount of contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses










C. Percentage of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses










D. Total number of Section 3 businesses receiving contracts










2. Non-Construction Contracts:





A. Total dollar amount all non-construction contracts awarded on the project/activity













B. Total dollar amount of non-construction contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses










C. Percentage of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses










D. Total number of Section 3 businesses receiving non-construction contracts









Part III: Summary

Indicate the efforts made to direct the employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance for housing and community development programs, to the greatest extent feasible, toward low-and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. (Check all that apply.)

_____ Attempted to recruit low-income residents through: local advertising media, signs prominently displayed at the project site,

contracts with the community organizations and public or private agencies operating within the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) in which the Section 3 covered program or project is located, or similar methods.

_____ Participated in a HUD program or other program which promotes the training or employment of Section 3 residents.

_____ Participated in a HUD program or other program which promotes the award of contracts to business concerns which meet the

definition of Section 3 business concerns.

_____ Coordinated with Youthbuild Programs administered in the metropolitan area in which the Section 3 covered project is located.

_____ Other; describe below.

Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB number.

Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u, mandates that the Department ensures that employment and other economic opportunities generated by its housing and community development assistance programs are directed toward low- and very-low income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance housing. The regulations are found at 24 CFR Part 135. The information will be used by the Department to monitor program recipients’ compliance with Section 3, to assess the results of the Department’s efforts to meet the statutory objectives of Section 3, to prepare reports to Congress, and by recipients as self-monitoring tool. The data is entered into a database and will be analyzed and distributed. The collection of information involves recipients receiving Federal financial assistance for housing and community development programs covered by Section 3. The information will be collected annually to assist HUD in meeting its reporting requirements under Section 808(e)(6) of the Fair Housing Act and Section 916 of the HCDA of 1992. An assurance of confidentiality is not applicable to this form. The Privacy Act of 1974 and OMB Circular A-108 are not applicable. The reporting requirements do not contain sensitive questions. Data is cumulative; personal identifying information is not included.

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form HUD 60002 (11/2010)


Ref 24 CFR 135

Form HUD-60002, Section 3 Summary Report, Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons.

Instructions: This form is to be used to report annual accomplishments regarding employment and other economic opportunities provided to low- and very low-income persons under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The Section 3 regulations apply to any public and Indian housing programs that receive: (1) development assistance pursuant to Section 5 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; (2) operating assistance pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; or (3) modernization grants pursuant to Section 14 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 and to recipients of housing and community development assistance in excess of $200,000 expended for: (1) housing rehabilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead-based paint hazards); (2) housing construction; or (3) other public construction projects; and to contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000 awarded in connection with the Section-3-covered activity.

Form HUD-60002 has three parts, which are to be completed for all programs covered by Section 3. Part I relates to employment and training. The recipient has the option to determine numerical employment/training goals either on the basis of the number of hours worked by new hires (columns B, D, E and F). Part II of the form relates to contracting, and Part III summarizes recipients’ efforts to comply with Section 3.

Recipients or contractors subject to Section 3 requirements must maintain appropriate documentation to establish that HUD financial assistance for housing and community development programs were directed toward low- and very low-income persons.* A recipient of Section 3 covered assistance shall submit one copy of this report to HUD Headquarters, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Where the program providing assistance requires an annual performance report, this Section 3 report is to be submitted at the same time the program performance report is submitted. Where an annual performance report is not required, this Section 3 report is to be submitted by January 10 and, if the project ends before December 31, within 10 days of project completion. Only Prime Recipients are required to report to HUD. The report must include accomplishments of all recipients and their Section 3 covered contractors and subcontractors.

HUD Field Office: Enter the Field Office name .

1.Recipient: Enter the name and address of the recipient submitting this report.

2.Federal Identification: Enter the number that appears on the award form (with dashes). The award may be a grant, cooperative agreement or contract.

3.Dollar Amount of Award: Enter the dollar amount, rounded to the nearest dollar, received by the recipient.

4 & 5. Contact Person/Phone: Enter the name and telephone number of the person with knowledge of the award and the recipient’s implementation of Section 3.

6.Reporting Period: Indicate the time period (months and year) this report covers.

7.Date Report Submitted: Enter the appropriate date.

8.Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code as listed at the bottom of the page.

9.Program Name: Enter the name of HUD Program corresponding with the “Program Code” in number 8.

Part I: Employment and Training Opportunities

Column A: Contains various job categories. Professionals are defined as people who have special knowledge of an occupation (i.e. supervisors, architects, surveyors, planners, and computer programmers). For construction positions, list each trade and provide data in columns B through F for each trade where persons were employed. The category of “Other” includes occupations such as service workers.

Column B: (Mandatory Field) Enter the number of new hires for each category of workers identified in Column A in connection with this award. New hire refers to a person who is not on the contractor’s or recipient’s payroll for employment at the time of selection for the Section 3 covered award or at the time of receipt of Section 3 covered assistance.

Column C: (Mandatory Field) Enter the number of Section 3 new hires for each category of workers identified in Column A in connection with this award. Section 3 new hire refers to a Section 3 resident who is not on the contractor’s or recipient’s payroll for employment at the time of selection for the Section 3 covered award or at the time of receipt of Section 3 covered assistance.

Column D: Enter the percentage of all the staff hours of new hires (Section 3 residents) in connection with this award.

Column E: Enter the percentage of the total staff hours worked for Section 3 employees and trainees (including new hires) connected with this award. Include staff hours for part-time and full-time positions.

Column F: (Mandatory Field) Enter the number of Section 3 residents that were trained in connection with this award.

Part II: Contract Opportunities

Block 1: Construction Contracts

Item A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the project/program.

Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project/program that were awarded to Section 3 businesses.

Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses. Item D: Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards. Block 2: Non-Construction Contracts

Item A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the project/program.

Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project awarded to Section 3 businesses.

Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses. Item D: Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards. Part III: Summary of Efforts – Self -explanatory

Submit one (1) copy of this report to the HUD Headquarters Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, at the same time the performance report is submitted to the program office. The Section 3 report is submitted by January 10. Include only contracts executed during the period specified in item 8. PHAs/IHAs are to report all contracts/subcontracts.

*The terms “low-income persons” and very low-income persons” have the same meanings given the terms in section 3 (b) (2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. Low-income persons mean families (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by the Secretary, with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that

The Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 percent of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings such that variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or unusually high- or low-income families. Very low-income persons mean low-income families (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of the median family income area, as determined by the Secretary with adjustments or smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 50 percent of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.

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form HUD 60002 (11/2010)


Ref 24 CFR 135

How to Edit Hud Form 60002 Fillable Online for Free

With the online PDF editor by FormsPal, you may complete or edit form hud 60002 form right here and now. We are focused on providing you with the absolute best experience with our tool by consistently introducing new capabilities and improvements. With these updates, working with our editor gets easier than ever before! If you're seeking to begin, this is what it will require:

Step 1: First of all, access the tool by clicking the "Get Form Button" in the top section of this page.

Step 2: With this handy PDF file editor, you're able to accomplish more than just fill in blank form fields. Express yourself and make your documents appear great with custom textual content added in, or modify the file's original input to excellence - all that backed up by an ability to add any images and sign it off.

It really is easy to fill out the document with this practical guide! This is what you want to do:

1. It is very important fill out the form hud 60002 form properly, therefore be mindful when filling in the sections comprising all of these blanks:

A way to fill out section 3 summary report stage 1

2. Once the last array of fields is done, you have to add the essential details in CDBG State Administered Other, Part I Employment and Training, Homeless Assistance HOME, and PublicIndian Housing A in order to proceed further.

Ways to prepare section 3 summary report portion 2

3. The following step should be quite uncomplicated, Part II Contracts Awarded, Construction Contracts, A Total dollar amount of all, B Total dollar amount of contracts, C Percentage of the total dollar, D Total number of Section, NonConstruction Contracts A Total, B Total dollar amount of, C Percentage of the total dollar, and D Total number of Section - all these empty fields will have to be completed here.

section 3 summary report completion process shown (portion 3)

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - D Total number of Section, Public reporting for this, and searching existing data sources - to proceed further in your process!

Public reporting for this, searching existing data sources, and D Total number of Section inside section 3 summary report

It is possible to make an error while filling out your Public reporting for this, hence make sure to look again before you'll send it in.

Step 3: Immediately after double-checking your filled in blanks, hit "Done" and you're good to go! After creating a7-day free trial account here, you will be able to download form hud 60002 form or email it directly. The PDF file will also be available via your personal account with all your changes. FormsPal provides secure document completion without personal information record-keeping or sharing. Feel at ease knowing that your data is safe here!