Hud Form 935 2 A PDF Details

Do you own rental property or manage a real estate brokerage? If so, you probably have had to deal with Hud Form 935 2 A at some point. While it may seem like just another form in the long list of government paperwork that comes along with owning and managing properties, there are actually several important reasons why this form should be filled out properly and reviewed regularly. In this blog post we will discuss what Hud Form 935 2 A is, how it impacts landlords/property managers, and exactly what steps need to be taken to make sure everything is filled out correctly.

Form NameHud Form 935 2 A
Form Length12 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out3 min
Other names935 2a hud form, hud 2a form, hud form 935 a, affirmative housing

Form Preview Example

Note to all applicants/respondents: This form was developed with Nuance, the official HUD software for the creation of HUD forms. HUD has made available instructions for downloading a free installation of a Nuance reader that allows the user to fill-in and save this form in Nuance. Please see for the instructions. Using Nuance software is the only means of completing this form.

Affirmative Fair Housing

Marketing Plan (AFHMP) -

Multifamily Housing

U.S. Department of Housing

OMB Approval No. 2529­0013

and Urban Development


Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity


1a. Project Name & Address (including City, County, State & Zip Code)

1b. Project Contract Number

1c. No. of Units







1d. Census Tract

1e. Housing/Expanded Housing Market Area

1f. Managing Agent Name, Address (including City, County, State & Zip Code), Telephone Number & Email Address

1g. Application/Owner/Developer Name, Address (including City, County, State & Zip Code), Telephone Number & Email Address

1h. Entity Responsible for Marketing (check all that apply)



Other (specify)

Position, Name (if known), Address ( including City, County, State & Zip Code), Telephone Number & Email Address

1i. To whom should approval and other correspondence concerning this AFHMP be sent? Indicate Name, Address (including City, State & Zip Code), Telephone Number & E-Mail Address.

2a. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan






















Plan Type






Date of the First Approved AFHMP:


















Reason(s) for current update:





































2b. HUD-Approved Occupancy of the Project (check all that apply)












Mixed (Elderly/Disabled)

























2c. Date of Initial Occupancy

2d. Advertising Start Date

Advertising must begin AT LEAST 90 days prior to initial or renewed occupancy for new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects.

Date advertising began or will begin

For existing projects, select below the reason advertising will be used:

To fill existing unit vacancies





























To place applicants on a waiting list


(which currently has























To reopen a closed waiting list



(which currently has
























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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

3a. Demographics of Project and Housing Market Area Complete and submit Worksheet 1.

3b. Targeted Marketing Activity

Based on your completed Worksheet 1, indicate which demographic group(s) in the housing market area is/are LEAST likely to apply for the housing without special outreach efforts. (check all that apply)



American Indian or Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Hispanic or Latino

Black or African American

Persons with Disabilities

Families with Children

Other ethnic group, religion, etc. (specify)

4a. Residency Preference

Is the owner requesting a residency preference? If yes, complete questions 1 through 5.

If no, proceed to Block 4b.

(1) Type

(2) Is the residency preference area:

The same as the AFHMP housing/expanded housing market area as identified in Block 1e?

The same as the residency preference area of the local PHA in whose jurisdiction the project is located?

(3)What is the geographic area for the residency preference?

(4)What is the reason for having a residency preference?

(5)How do you plan to periodically evaluate your residency preference to ensure that it is in accordance with the non-discrimination and equal opportunity requirements in 24 CFR 5.105(a)?

Complete and submit Worksheet 2 when requesting a residency preference (see also 24 CFR 5.655(c)(1)) for residency preference requirements. The requirements in 24 CFR 5.655(c)(1) will be used by HUD as guidelines for evaluating residency preferences consistent with the applicable HUD program requirements. See also HUD Occupancy Handbook (4350.3) Chapter 4, Section 4.6 for additional guidance on preferences.

4b. Proposed Marketing Activities: Community Contacts

Complete and submit Worksheet 3 to describe your use of community contacts to market the project to those least likely to apply.

4c. Proposed Marketing Activities: Methods of Advertising Complete and submit Worksheet 4 to describe your proposed methods of advertising that will be used to market to those least likely to apply. Attach copies of advertisements, radio and television scripts, Internet advertisements, websites, and brochures, etc.

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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

5a. Fair Housing Poster

The Fair Housing Poster must be prominently displayed in all offices in which sale or rental activity takes place (24 CFR 200.620(e)). Check below all locations where the Poster will be displayed.

Rental Office

Real Estate Office

Model Unit

Other (specify)

5b. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan

The AFHMP must be available for public inspection at the sales or rental office (24 CFR 200.625). Check below all locations where the AFHMP will be made available.

Rental Office

Real Estate Office

Model Unit

Other (specify)

5c. Project Site Sign

Project Site Signs, if any, must display in a conspicuous position the HUD approved Equal Housing Opportunity logo, slogan, or statement (24 CFR 200.620(f)). Check below all locations where the Project Site Sign will be displayed. Please submit photos of Project signs.

Rental Office

Real Estate Office

Model Unit

Entrance to Project

Other (specify)

The size of the Project Site Sign will be






The Equal Housing Opportunity logo or slogan or statement will be


6. Evaluation of Marketing Activities

Explain the evaluation process you will use to determine whether your marketing activities have been successful in attracting individuals least likely to apply, how often you will make this determination, and how you will make decisions about future marketing based on the evaluation process.

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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

7a. Marketing Staff

What staff positions are/will be responsible for affirmative marketing?

7b. Staff Training and Assessment: AFHMP

(1) Has staff been trained on the AFHMP?

(2)Has staff been instructed in writing and orally on non­discrimination and fair housing policies as required by 24 CFR 200.620(c)?

(3)If yes, who provides instruction on the AFHMP and Fair Housing Act, and how frequently?

(4)Do you periodically assess staff skills on the use of the AFHMP and the application of the Fair Housing


(5) If yes, how and how often?

7c. Tenant Selection Training/Staff

(1)Has staff been trained on tenant selection in accordance with the project’s occupancy policy, including any residency preferences?

(2)What staff positions are/will be responsible for tenant selection?

7d. Staff Instruction/Training:

Describe AFHM/Fair Housing Act staff training, already provided or to be provided, to whom it was/will be provided, content of training, and the dates of past and anticipated training. Please include copies of any AFHM/Fair Housing staff training materials.





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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

8.Additional Considerations: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your AFHMP to help ensure that your program is marketed to those least likely to apply for housing in your project? Please attach additional sheets, as needed.

9.Review and Update

By signing this form, the applicant/respondent agrees to implement its AFHMP, and to review and update its AFHMP

in accordance with the instructions to item 9 of this form in order to ensure continued compliance with HUD’s Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Regulations (see 24 CFR Part 200, Subpart M). I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (See 18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802).

Signature of person submitting this Plan & Date of Submission (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name (type or print)

Title & Name of Company

For HUD-Office of Housing Use Only

For HUD-Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Use Only

Reviewing Official:
















Signature & Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Signature & Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

































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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average six (6) hours per initial response, and four (4) hours for updated plans, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.

Purpose of Form: All applicants for participation in FHA subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily housing programs with five or more units (see 24 CFR 200.615) must complete this Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) form as specified in 24 CFR 200.625, and in accordance with the requirements in 24 CFR 200.620. The purpose of this AFHMP is to help applicants offer equal housing opportunities regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. The AFHMP helps owners/agents (respondents) effectively market the availability of housing opportunities to individuals of both minority and non-minority groups that are least likely to apply for occupancy. Affirmative fair housing marketing and planning should be part of all new construction, substantial rehabilitation, and existing project marketing and advertising activities.

An AFHM program, as specified in this Plan, shall be in effect for each multifamily project throughout the life of the mortgage (24 CFR 200.620(a)). The AFHMP, once approved by HUD, must be made available for public inspection at the sales or rental offices of the respondent (24 CFR 200.625) and may not be revised without HUD approval. This form contains no questions of a confidential nature.

Applicability: The form and worksheets must be completed and submitted by all FHA subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily housing program applicants.


Send completed form and worksheets to your local HUD Office, Attention: Director, Office of Housing

Part 1: Applicant/Respondent and Project Identification. Blocks 1a, 1b, 1c, 1g, 1h, and 1i are self-


Block 1d- Respondents may obtain the Census tract number from the U.S. Census Bureau ( when completing Worksheet One.

Block 1e- Respondents should identify both the housing market area and the expanded housing market area for their multifamily housing projects. Use abbreviations if necessary. A housing market area is the area from which a multifamily housing project owner/agent may reasonably expect to draw a substantial number of its tenants. This could be a county or Metropolitan Division. The U.S. Census Bureau provides a range of levels to draw from.

An expanded housing market area is a larger geographic area, such as a Metropolitan Division or a Metropolitan Statistical Area, which may provide additional demographic diversity in terms of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.

Block 1f- The applicant should complete this block only if a Managing Agent (the agent cannot be the applicant) is implementing the AFHMP.

Part 2: Type of AFHMP

Block 2a- Respondents should indicate the status of the AFHMP, i.e., initial or updated, as well as the date of the first approved AFHMP. Respondents should also provide the reason (s) for the current update, whether the update is based on the five-year review or due to significant changes in project or local demographics (See instructions for Part 9).

Block 2b- Respondents should identify all groups HUD has approved for occupancy in the subject project, in accordance with the contract, grant, etc.

Block 2c- Respondents should specify the date the project was/will be first occupied.

Block 2d- For new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects, advertising must begin at least 90 days prior to initial occupancy. In the case of existing projects, respondents should indicate whether the advertising will be used to fill existing vacancies, to place individuals on the project’s waiting list, or to re-open a closed waiting list. Please indicate how many people are on the waiting list when advertising begins.

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Form HUD 935.2A (12/2011)

Part 3 Demographics and Marketing Area.

"Least likely to apply" means that there is an identifiable presence of a specific demographic group in the housing market area, but members of that group are not likely to apply for the housing without targeted outreach, including marketing materials in other languages for limited English proficient individuals, and alternative formats for persons with disabilities. Reasons for not applying may include, but are not limited to, insufficient information about housing opportunities, language barriers, or transportation impediments.

Block 3a - Using Worksheet 1, the respondent should indicate the demographic composition of the

project’s residents, current project applicant data,

census tract, housing market area, and expanded housing market area. The applicable housing market area

and expanded housing market area should be indicated

in Block 1e. Compare groups within rows/across columns on

Worksheet 1 to identify any under-represented group(s) relative to the surrounding housing market area and expanded housing market area, i.e., those group(s) “least likely to apply”

for the housing without targeted outreach and marketing. If there is a particular group or subgroup with members of a protected class that has an identifiable presence in the housing market area, but is not included in Worksheet 1, please specify under “Other.”

R espondents should use the most current demographic data from the U.S . Census or another official source such as a local government planning office. Please indicate the source of your data in Part 8 of this form.

Block 3b - Using the information from the completed Worksheet 1, respondents should identify the demographic group(s) least likely to apply for the housing without special outreach efforts by checking all that apply.

Part 4 - Marketing Program and Residency Preference (if any).

Block 4a - A residency preference is a preference for admission of persons who reside or work in a specified geographic area (see 24 CFR 5.655(c)(1)(ii)). Respondents should indicate whether a residency preference is being utilized, and if so, respondents should specify if it is new, revised, or continuing. If a respondent wishes to utilize a residency preference, it must state the preference area (and provide a map delineating the precise area) and state the reason for having such a preference. The respondent must ensure that the preference is in accordance with the non- discrimination and equal opportunity requirements in 24 CFR 5.105(a) (see 24 CFR 5.655(c)(1)).

Respondents should use Worksheet 2 to show how the

percentage of the eligible population living or working in the

residency preference area compares to that of residents of the project, project applicant data, census tract, housing market area, and expanded housing market area. The percentages would be the same as shown on completed Worksheet 1.

Block 4b - Using Worksheet 3, respondents should describe their use of community contacts to help market the project to those least likely to apply. This table should include the name of a contact person, his/her address, telephone number, previous experience working with the target population(s), the

approximate date contact was/will be initiated, and the specific role the community contact will play in assisting with affirmative fair housing marketing or outreach.

Block 4c - Using Worksheet 4, respondents should describe their proposed method(s) of advertising to market to those

least likely to apply. This table should identify each media option, the reason for choosing this media, and the language

of the advertisement. Alternative format(s) that will be used to reach persons with disabilities, and logo(s) that will appear on the various materials (as well as their size) should be described.

Please attach a copy of the advertising or marketing material.

Part 5 – Availability of the Fair Housing Poster, AFHMP, and Project Site Sign.

Block 5a - The Fair Housing Poster must be prominently displayed in all offices in which sale or rental activity takes place (24 CFR 200.620(e)). Respondents should indicate all locations where the Fair Housing Poster will be displayed.

Block 5b -The AFHMP must be available for public inspection

at the sales or rental office (24 CFR 200.625). Check all of the locations where the AFHMP will be available.

Block 5c -The Project Site Sign must display in a conspicuous position the HUD-approved Equal Housing Opportunity logo, slogan, or statement (24 CFR 200.620(f)). Respondents should indicate where the Project Site Sign will be displayed, as well as the size of the Sign and the size of the logo, slogan, or statement. Please submit photographs of project site


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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

Part 6 - Evaluation of Marketing Activities.

Respondents should explain the evaluation process to be used to determine if they have been successful in attracting those individuals identified as least likely to apply. Respondents should also explain how they will make decisions about future marketing activities based on the evaluations.

Part 7- Marketing Staff and Training.

Block 7a -Respondents should identify staff positions that are/will be responsible for affirmative marketing.

Block 7b - Respondents should indicate whether staff has been

trained on the AFHMP and Fair Housing Act.

Please indicate who provides the training and how frequently.

In addition, respondents should specify whether they periodically assess staff members’ skills in using the AFHMP and in applying the Fair Housing Act. They should state how often

they assess employee skills and how they conduct the assessment.

Block 7c - Respondents should indicate whether staff has been trained on tenant selection in accordance with the project’s occupancy policy, including residency preferences (if any).

Respondents should also identify those staff positions that are/will be responsible for tenant selection.

Block 7d - Respondents should include copies of any written materials related to staff training, and identify the dates of past and anticipated training.

Part 8 - Additional Considerations.

Respondents should describe their efforts not previously mentioned that were/are planned to attract those individuals least likely to apply for the subject housing.

Part 9 - Review and Update.

By signing the respondent assumes responsibility for implementing the AFHMP. Respondents must review their AFHMP every five years or when the local Community Development jurisdiction’s Consolidated Plan is updated, or

when there are significant changes in the demographics of the project or the local housing market area. When reviewing the plan, the respondent should consider the current demographics of the housing market area to determine if there have been demographic changes in the population in terms of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. The respondent will

then determine if the population least to likely to apply for the housing is still the population identified in the AFHMP, whether the advertising

and publicity cited in the current AFHMP are still appropriate, or whether advertising sources should be modified or expanded. Even if

the demographics of the housing market area have not changed, the respondent should determine if the outreach currently being performed is reaching those it is intended to reach as measured by project occupancy and applicant data. If not, the AFHMP should be updated. The revised AFHMP must be submitted to HUD for approval. HUD may review whether the affirmative marketing is actually being performed in accordance with the AFHMP. If based on their review, respondents determine the AFHMP does not need to be revised, they should maintain a file documenting what was reviewed, what was found as a result of the review, and why no changes were required. HUD may review this documentation.

Notification of Intent to Begin Marketing.

No later than 90 days prior to the initiation of rental marketing activities, the respondent must submit notification of intent to begin marketing. The notification is required by the AFHMP Compliance Regulations (24 CFR 108.15). The Notification is submitted to the Office of Housing in the HUD Office servicing the locality in which the proposed housing will be located. Upon receipt of the Notification of Intent to Begin Marketing from the applicant, the monitoring office will review any previously approved plan and may schedule a pre-occupancy conference. Such conference will be held prior to initiation of sales/rental marketing activities. At this conference, the previously approved AFHMP will be reviewed with the applicant to determine if the plan, and/or its proposed implementation, requires modification prior to initiation of marketing in order to achieve the objectives of the AFHM regulation and the plan.

OMB approval of the AFHMP includes approval of this notification procedure as part of the AFHMP. The burden hours for such notification are included in the total designated for this AFHMP form.

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Form HUD-935.2A (12/2011)

Worksheet 1: Determining Demographic Groups Least Likely to Apply for Housing Opportunities

(See AFHMP, Block 3b)

In the respective columns below, indicate the percentage of demographic groups among the project’s residents, current project applicant data, census tract, housing market area, and expanded housing market area (See instructions to Block 1e). If you are a new construction or substantial rehabilitation project and do not have residents or project applicant data, only report information for census tract, housing market area, and expanded market area. The purpose of this information is to identify any under-representation of certain demographic groups in terms of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. If there is significant under-representation of any demographic group among project residents or current applicants in relation to the housing/expanded housing market area, then targeted outreach and marketing should be directed towards these individuals least likely to apply. Please indicate under-represented groups in Block 3b of the AFHMP. Please attach maps showing both the housing market area and the

expanded housing market area.




Census Tract

Housing Market Area



Applicant Data




%Black or African American

%Hispanic or Latino


%American Indian or Alaskan Native

%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

%Persons with Disabilities

%Families with Children under the age of 18




Other (specify)

Worksheet 2: Establishing a Residency Preference Area (See AFHMP, Block 4a)

Complete this Worksheet if you wish to continue, revise, or add a residency preference, which is a preference for admission of persons who reside or work in a specified geographic area (see 24 CFR 5.655(c)(1)(ii)). If a residency preference is utilized, the preference must be in accordance with the non-discrimination and equal opportunity requirements contained in 24 CFR 5.105(a). This Worksheet

will help show how the percentage of the population in the residency preference area compares to the demographics of the project 's residents, applicant data, census tract, housing market area, and expanded housing market area. Please a ttach a map clearly

delin eating the residency preference geographical area .




Census Tract

Housing Market





Applicant Data

(as determined

Area (as

Housing Market

Preference Area


(as determined

(as determined

in Worksheet



(if applicable)


in Worksheet 1)

in Worksheet 1)


in Worksheet 1)

(as determined in







Worksheet 1)



%Black or African American

%Hispanic or Latino


%American Indian or Alaskan Native

%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

%Persons with Disabilities

%Families with Children under the age of 18

Other (specify)

Worksheet 3: Proposed Marketing Activities –Community Contacts (See AFHMP, Block 4b)

For each targeted marketing population designated as least likely to apply in Block 3b, identify at least one community contact organization you will use to facilitate outreach to the particular population group. This could be a social service agency, religious body, advocacy group, community center, etc. State the names of contact persons, their addresses, their telephone numbers, their previous experience working with the target population, the approximate date contact was/will be initiated, and the specific role they will play in assisting with the affirmative fair housing marketing. Please attach additional pages if necessary.

Targeted Population(s)

Community Contact(s), including required information noted above.

Worksheet 4: Proposed Marketing Activities – Methods of Advertising (See AFHMP, Block 4c)

Complete the following table by identifying your targeted marketing population(s), as indicated in Block 3b, as well as

the methods of advertising that will be used to market to that population. For each targeted population, state the means of advertising that you will use as applicable to that group and the reason for choosing this media. In each block, in addition to specifying the media that will be used (e.g., name of newspaper, television station, website, location of bulletin board, etc.) state any language(s) in which the material will be provided, identify any alternative format(s) to be used (e.g. Braille, large print, etc.), and specify the logo(s) (as well as size) that will appear on the various materials. Attach additional pages, if necessary, for further explanation. Please attach a copy of the advertising or marketing


Targeted Population(s)→

Targeted Population:

Targeted Population:

Targeted Population:

Methods of Advertising ↓
















Radio Station(s)








TV Station(s)








Electronic Media








Bulletin Boards








Brochures, Notices, Flyers








Other (specify)








How to Edit Hud Form 935 2 A Online for Free

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Step 1: First, open the tool by clicking the "Get Form Button" in the top section of this webpage.

Step 2: With this state-of-the-art PDF editor, you may do more than simply complete blank form fields. Edit away and make your documents appear great with custom textual content put in, or modify the original content to excellence - all that supported by the capability to add any images and sign the file off.

Concentrate while filling out this form. Make certain all necessary blanks are completed properly.

1. While filling in the afhmp, make certain to complete all of the necessary blanks in the corresponding form section. This will help to speed up the work, allowing your details to be handled promptly and appropriately.

Filling in section 1 of affirmative fair housing marketing plan form

2. When the prior part is completed, go on to enter the applicable information in all these: Position Name if known Address, i To whom should approval and, a Affirmative Fair Housing, Plan Type, Date of the First Approved AFHMP, Reasons for current update, b HUDApproved Occupancy of the, Elderly, Family, Mixed ElderlyDisabled, Disabled, c Date of Initial Occupancy, d Advertising Start Date, Advertising must begin at least, and Date advertising began or will.

b HUDApproved Occupancy of the, Advertising must begin at least, and Position Name if known Address of affirmative fair housing marketing plan form

Concerning b HUDApproved Occupancy of the and Advertising must begin at least, be certain that you double-check them in this section. Both of these could be the key fields in this page.

3. In this particular step, have a look at Based on your completed Worksheet, White, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific, Hispanic or Latino, Persons with Disabilities, Families with Children, Other ethnic group religion etc, a Residency Preference, Is the owner requesting a, Type, Is the residency preference area, and The same as the residency. All these will need to be taken care of with highest accuracy.

Tips on how to fill in affirmative fair housing marketing plan form portion 3

4. Now start working on this fourth part! In this case you have all of these What is the reason for having a, How do you plan to periodically, and equal opportunity requirements, Complete and submit Worksheet, b Proposed Marketing Activities, Complete and submit Worksheet to, c Proposed Marketing Activities, and Complete and submit Worksheet to blanks to do.

affirmative fair housing marketing plan form completion process described (portion 4)

5. As a final point, this last subsection is what you'll have to complete prior to submitting the PDF. The blank fields at issue are the following: The Fair Housing Poster must be, Rental Office, Real Estate Office, Model Unit, Other specify, b Affirmative Fair Housing, The AFHMP must be available for, Rental Office, Real Estate Office, Model Unit, Other specify, c Project Site Sign, Project Site Signs if any must, Rental Office, and Real Estate Office.

Filling out section 5 in affirmative fair housing marketing plan form

Step 3: Spell-check all the information you've inserted in the blanks and then press the "Done" button. Get the afhmp after you subscribe to a free trial. Easily view the pdf in your FormsPal account, with any modifications and changes being conveniently preserved! FormsPal offers safe document editing devoid of personal data recording or any sort of sharing. Feel safe knowing that your information is in good hands with us!