Traveling to India involves more than just packing bags and booking flights; understanding the nuances of the India Immigration form is crucial for a smooth entry into the country. This document, a mandatory arrival card for passengers, serves as a comprehensive tool for the authorities to gather essential details about those entering the land. It requires information ranging from basic personal identifiers like name, sex, nationality, and passport details to more specific data such as travel history, visa information, and the purpose of visit. With sections tailored for Indian citizens, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), and foreigners, including Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs), the form caters to the diverse needs of all travelers. Even details about accommodations in India, expected length of stay, and previous countries visited within the last six days are captured to ensure safety and record-keeping. Complying with the guidelines—such as writing in capitals, avoiding writing across the lines, and leaving appropriate spaces—ensures the process is efficient for both the traveler and immigration officials. Additionally, the form acquaints travelers with customs regulations, import duties, and exemptions, providing a comprehensive overview of what to expect upon arrival. Acknowledging the significance of this document not only facilitates a hassle-free entry but also acquaints travelers with the legal and regulatory expectations of the Indian government, making it an integral part of journey planning to this vibrant country.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | India Form Immigration |
Form Length | 2 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 30 sec |
Other names | immigration form india, india arrival form, airport arrival immigration form inda, india immigration form arrival 2020 |
I |
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Pleasewritein CAPITALSonly.OneCharaclerin oneboxasshownbelow. |
llo nottrite acrGsthelines.Leaveoneboxblanktor sDace. |
l A l B l c l p l E 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 l s I |
1. Name(as in passport) Leaveone box blankafterercry partof the namefinitial
2. Sex (tick/appropriate box) |
3. Nationality |
4. Dateof Birth (DD/MM/Y0 |
5. Gountry of Residence |
6. NRUPIO/OCIStatus (ticky'appropdateboxl |
7. PIO/OCICard No., if any |
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Dr,o Io", |
8. PassportNumber |
9. Dateof lssue (DDnrlilfYY) |
10. Flight Number |
11. Port of Boardlng |
12.Dateof Arrlval(DD/MM/Yn 13. Countrles vlsfted In last 6 days
14.Addreag In lndla
'15.Telephone No.
To be filled in by Indians only
16,Do$yourPurportcaryanEcR!mp? (ttcky'rppropd{bor}.17. whdrcromplrydonna (eky'.pfofi{r bor}
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lCompletion of Employment |
To be filled in by foreigners (lncluding PIO/OCI)and NRls |
19. VlsaNumber |
20. Dateof Explry(DDrftil/YY) |
21. Type of Visa |
22. Expec'ted daie of Departure (DD/frlM/YY) |
23.Purposeof vlslt (tlck/approprlatebox) |
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*Not to be filled by NRls |
lmmigratlon Stamp |
Siqnatureof Passenqer
1 . N a m e i n f u l l |
2 . F l i g h t N o . |
3 |
. No . of checked in baggage(s) |
4 . No . of hand baggage(s) - |
5 |
. Total value of dutiable goods being imported |
6 |
. (a) Are you carrying any plants/soeds/fruits/flow € rs/vegetables/bulbs/otherplanting materials ? |
(b)Are you carryingany meat& meat products/dairyproducts/liveor ornam€ntalfish/poultry/poultryproducts? Yes/No
Signafure of the. passenger
(Rule 5 & 15 of Registration of Foreigners Rules)
1.Government ol lndia - http!/ 2. Ministry of Home
3.Bureau of fmmigration - www.immigrationindia.nic.in4. Airport Authority of India-, Central Board of Excise & Customs -
6.Ministry of Tourism -, 7. Ministry of Agriculture - www.plantquarantineinindia.org8.Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs - of Civil Aviation Security - www.bcasindia.nlc.lnlO.Ministry of Civil Aviation - Civil Aviation - hftpf/
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1.lndian Customs requinr you to dedare goods in exce3s of the free albwance, prohibited or resiricited goods & commerciai goods d Red Channel counter. Export or lmport sf NarrDtic drugs, Wiidlifu and its products and cwmercial goods ard arrns & explosives are prohibite<lrestricH. Attempt to export or import these goods ,:an l€d to penal cotlsequen€, incMing aneS.
Z Frea ailowance for tourists od Indlan origin k normally Rs. 25,00€i/- per passenger, irTckJdtngtwo liters of whisky/wine and 200 nos. cigarettes. Hcriyever, this free
allowance is burer for pffin[Fs aniving fiom Na@, Bhutan, Mvanma and Chhra
ard fur childien ft:ss than 10 yeas of age. &tr tffi computer impored 6 @g€ge is allowed duty fi'ee for an adult pas€figer. Tourists of imeQn cigin can also import duty free gifts and souvenirs worth Rs. 80001.
3, All tourists can import used persnd efiac.Ee.g. Latop, P#ep Ccmputeli ressrable jerudlery free of duty, if theryare b
.{. Passeng€ts slu,ld dadare fuefun onrcncy in the etrrency dslardbn fofm, if dlflency nats, bank nob ot TCs are in exess of US$ 10,fi8 or
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PIO - Personsof IndianOrigin ; OCI - OverseasCitizensot India; NRI -