Letter to Purchase Land PDF Details

A Letter to Purchase Land is a crucial initial step in the real estate buying process, signaling a buyer's intent to enter into a formal agreement for purchasing a specified piece of property. It outlines major points such as the identification of both the seller and buyer, complete with their contact information, thereby formally setting the stage for negotiation. This letter specifies the property in question, including all associated rights, titles, interests, and included fixtures or improvements, alongside the purchase price and terms. It establishes a timeframe for the opening of escrow and details the procedure for deposits towards the purchase price, including an initial refundable deposit and a subsequent non-refundable one, indicating the seriousness of the buyer's offer. Additionally, the letter sets a period for the buyer to conduct due diligence or feasibility studies, with provisions for withdrawal if the property doesn't meet the buyer's criteria or expectations. Critical to the closing process, it requires that specific conditions be met concerning title insurance and the absence of any impediments to development. The letter also mentions the close of escrow, other potential provisions that might be included in the Purchase Agreement, and the expiration terms of the offer. This document essentially lays the groundwork for a more detailed and binding Purchase Agreement, guiding both parties through the initial phases of negotiation with clear terms and conditions, and setting the tone for a transparent and mutually beneficial transaction.

Form NameLetter To Purchase Land
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields2
Avg. time to fill out1 min 39 sec
Other namessample letter to buy land, land purchase offer letter template, sample proposal letter to buy land pdf, letter of intent to purchase land template

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Re: Letter of Intent (Property Description) (City/County)

Our File No. *

Dear _________________:

Subject to the execution of a definitive and mutually acceptable agreement of purchase and sale ("Purchase Agreement") within ________ (___) days after execution of this Letter of

Intent (the "Contract Negotiation Period"), the undersigned offers to purchase the subject property in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

1.Seller(s): ___________________________________, with contact information

as follows: ____________________________________________________________.

2.Buyer: _____________________________________, with contact information

as follows: ____________________________________________________________. Buyer may assign his interest to any corporation, partnership or limited liability company in which he is the controlling party or to any other third party without Seller approval.

3.Subject Property: The property, which is the subject of this offer ("Subject Property"), is identified as _______________________________ (APN No. __________). Together with the real property, Buyer is also purchasing all of Seller's rights, title and interest in all of the fixtures, improvements, leases, maps, reports, plans, and other such material is having to do with the Subject Property including all land use entitlements, governmental permits and allocations, and other such governmental and agency approvals as may exist concerning the

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FORM01.086 – Letter of Intent



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property. In addition, this offer to purchase includes the following specific items: ___________


4.Purchase Price: ___________________ ($________).

5.Terms of Purchase: ________________________________________________


6.Opening of Escrow: Escrow ("the Purchase Escrow") shall be opened at

______________ Title Company within three (3) business days from execution of this Letter of Intent. The Purchase Agreement and Mutual Escrow Instructions shall be mutually prepared and executed by Buyer and Seller within ________ (___) days of execution by both parties of this Letter of Intent to purchase (the "Contract Negotiation Period").

7.Deposit Toward Purchase Price:

A.Initial Deposit: Concurrently with the opening of escrow, Buyer shall place therein the sum of ___________________________ Dollars ($____________) as a refundable deposit toward and applicable to the Purchase Price ("the Initial Deposit"). Escrow Holder shall deposit such sum in an interest-bearing, federally insured account with interest accruing for the benefit of Buyer.

B.Second Deposit: An additional non-refundable deposit of

__________________________ Dollars ($____________) shall be applicable to the Purchase Price and upon approval of the feasibility shall be released to Seller, inclusive of the Initial Deposit.

8.Feasibility Period: Buyer shall have until ________________ to perform all feasibility and due diligence for subject property. Seller shall fully cooperate with Buyer in



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providing any and all information available regarding the development potential of the property. Buyer may terminate this Letter of Intent and/or the Purchase Agreement at any time prior to the end of the Feasibility Period for any reason or no reason at all upon written notification to Seller and Escrow Holder of the termination. Upon notice of termination, Escrow Holder shall be instructed to immediately release the Initial Deposit made by Buyer and return to Buyer within five (5) business days of termination.

9.Buyer's Condition Precedent to Closing: Following the expiration of the Feasibility Period, Buyer's obligation to close escrow shall be subject only to the following conditions:

A.Title Company shall be in position to issue a policy of title insurance to Buyer in the full amount of the Purchase Price showing good and marketable title vested in Buyer subject only to such exceptions to title as have been approved by Buyer during the Feasibility Period.

B.The non-existence of any development, building, construction, flood or moratoria affecting the Subject Property.

C.Seller to provide Buyer title to property free and clear of liens except for non-delinquent bonds and taxes.

10.Close of Escrow: Close of escrow to be on _______________________.



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11.Other Provisions:

A.The Purchase Agreement may contain other provisions such as, but not limited to, a liquidated damages clause, attorney's fees, notices, mutual indemnifications, broker's commission, and the like.

B.Any and all documentation provided by Seller to Buyer shall be returned to Seller upon cancellation of this transaction.

12.Expiration of Offer: This Letter of Intent shall constitute an open offer until

____________, at which time it shall be automatically terminated if not executed by Seller.

If the above outline of terms and conditions are acceptable, please indicate by signing below. All parties to these transactions intend that this proposal be superseded by a the Purchase Agreement. In the meantime, all parties agree to proceed in accordance with terms and conditions outlined in this Letter of Intent. Seller understands the purpose of this Letter of Intent is to allow further investigation by both parties into the feasibility of entering into a formal agreement. This Letter of Intent is only binding on the parties during the Contract Negotiation period. If the Purchase Agreement is not mutually executed within the Contract Negotiation Period for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all, this Letter of Intent shall expire and no party shall have any further rights or duties hereunder. Seller shall not solicit other offers during the Contract Negotiation Period.



Dated: _________________



Dated: _________________



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How to Edit Letter To Purchase Land Online for Free

You can easily prepare documents with the help of our PDF editor. Editing the sample letter of expression of interest to purchase land document is not hard if you follow the next actions:

Step 1: Find the button "Get Form Here" on the webpage and select it.

Step 2: So, you can begin editing your sample letter of expression of interest to purchase land. Our multifunctional toolbar is available to you - insert, eliminate, transform, highlight, and carry out several other commands with the content in the document.

In order to create the sample letter of expression of interest to purchase land PDF, enter the information for all of the segments:

portion of blanks in offer letter to purchase land

Provide the appropriate information in the field Sellers with contact information, as follows, Buyer with contact information, as follows Buyer, may assign his interest to any, the controlling party or to any, Subject Property The property, Property is identified as APN No, Together with the real property, all of the fixtures improvements, to do with the Subject Property, allocations and other such, WPFORMS DOC, and FORM Letter of Intent.

Filling out offer letter to purchase land step 2

You're going to be required to enter the information to help the application complete the box Page, property In addition this offer to, Purchase Price, Terms of Purchase, Opening of Escrow Escrow the, Title Company within three, Intent The Purchase Agreement and, and executed by Buyer and Seller.

step 3 to completing offer letter to purchase land

You have to list the rights and responsibilities of the sides within the Initial Deposit Concurrently with, place therein the sum of Dollars, refundable deposit toward and, Holder shall deposit such sum in, accruing for the benefit of Buyer, Second Deposit An, additional, nonrefundable, deposit, Dollars shall be applicable to, Price and upon approval of the, Deposit, Feasibility Period Buyer shall, and feasibility and due diligence for paragraph.

offer letter to purchase land Initial Deposit Concurrently with, place therein the sum of  Dollars, refundable deposit toward and, Holder shall deposit such sum in, accruing for the benefit of Buyer, Second Deposit An, additional, nonrefundable, deposit, Dollars  shall be applicable to, Price and upon approval of the, Deposit, Feasibility Period Buyer shall, and feasibility and due diligence for blanks to complete

Finish by reviewing the following fields and preparing them as required: Page, providing any and all information, Buyer may terminate this Letter of, end of the Feasibility Period for, and Escrow Holder of the, instructed to immediately release, five business days of termination, Buyers Condition Precedent to, Feasibility Period Buyers, and conditions.

offer letter to purchase land Page, providing any and all information, Buyer may terminate this Letter of, end of the Feasibility Period for, and Escrow Holder of the, instructed to immediately release, five  business days of termination, Buyers Condition Precedent to, Feasibility Period Buyers, and conditions blanks to insert

Step 3: Select the button "Done". The PDF document can be exported. It's possible to download it to your device or send it by email.

Step 4: In order to avoid potential future risks, you should definitely possess at the very least several copies of each and every document.

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