Lifetime Fitness Form PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of allowing minors to access fitness facilities without their legal guardians present requires clear guidelines and agreements, such as the Lifetime Fitness form. This detailed document outlines the necessary permissions and terms for a sponsoring member, who must be at least 18 years old, to bring another person’s minor child(ren) into Life Time fitness centers. The form stipulates that sponsoring members must remain on-site during the visit and are prohibited from checking minors in or out of specific areas like the Child Center or Kids Academy. Additionally, the admission of non-member minor guests is subject to restrictions based on seasonal guest hours, and a guest fee might be applicable. To ensure safety and security, parents or legal guardians requesting admission for their children must acknowledge several critical points. These include the inherent risks associated with using the facility’s premises, facilities, equipment, services, and activities. The document elaborately covers the assumptions of risks, waiver of liability, and the defense and indemnification clauses, where it vividly outlines the potential dangers and emphasizes the release of Life Time from liability for any injuries or damages that might occur. It also specifies the responsibilities of the parent or legal guardian in assuming these risks, waiving claims, and agreeing to defend and indemnify Life Time against claims. Signing this form signifies the comprehensive understanding and acceptance of these terms, ensuring that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations in creating a safe environment for minors to enjoy Life Time’s facilities and services.

Form NameLifetime Fitness Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other nameslifetime parent waiver, lifetime guest waiver, lifetime waiver, lifetime guest pass waiver

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(Each child brought to Life Time by a Sponsoring Member must have a separate, signed agreement)

Please acknowledge the below:

Sponsoring Member is 18 years or older and is bringing another person’s minor child(ren) into Life Time

Sponsoring Members must stay on-site and may not check another

person’s child in or out of the Child Center or Kids Academy

Non-member minor guest admittance may be restricted based on

seasonal Guest Hours and a Guest Fee may apply

REQUEST FOR ADMISSION OF CHILDREN: I hereby request that Life Time admit onto its premises under the supervision of the undersigned each of the following minor child (“Child” or “Children”) of the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian:

For the timeframe of ______/______/_____ to ______/______/______

(Agreement is valid for up to 90 days from current date, and guest fee may apply to current and future visits)

For a one-time visit on ______/______/______









ASSUMPTION OF RISK. I understand that there are dangers, hazards, and risks of injury or damage, some of which are inherent, in the use of Life Time’s premises, facilities, equipment, services, activities or products.

Use of Premises and Services. I understand that use of Life Time’s premises, facilities, equipment, services, activities or products (“Use of Life Time Premises and Services”) can include but is not limited to (1) use of indoor and outdoor pools, waterslides, sauna, locker roo ms, rock climbing structures, racquet courts, studios, fitness floors, fitness equipment, gymnasiums, child centers, kid’s play areas, spa and salon, medi -spa, clinic or lab space, café, lobby, entryways, sidewalks, parking lots and any other facilities or equipment; (2) use of personal training services; g roup fitness classes (including yoga); child center services; kid’s programs; spa and salon, medi-spa, or chiropractic services; and weight loss or nutritional programs; (3) use of services and participation in activities o ff Life Time premises, including but not limited to running, cycling, mountain biking, personal training, group fitness, athletic events, educational programs , wellness programs, travel programs, and field trips; and (4) all other programs, activities, classes, sessions, seminars, workshops, assessments, events, amenities, or benefits that are sponsored, endorsed or operated by Life Time on or off its premises.

Risks. I understand that the dangers, hazards, and risks of injury or damage in the Use of Life Time Premises and Services (“Risks”) may include but are not limited to (1) slips, trips, collisions, falls, and loss of footing or balance, including “slip and falls” and falls from rock climbing structures or fitness equipment; (2) drowning; (3) equipment failure, malfunction or misuse; (4) property or information theft, loss, misuse or damage, including from lockers, vehicles, equipment, files or systems; and (5) other accidents or incidents that may result in injury or damage to me, Minor Member(s), Other Member(s), or Guest(s).

Injuries. I understand that such injuries or damages may include but are not limited to major or minor personal, physical, bodily, emotional, mental, economic, property or other types of injuries or damages (“Injuries”) to me, Minor Member(s), Other Member(s) or Guest(s), including but not limited to (1) death; (2) paralysis, brain damage, heart attacks, strokes, disfigurement, heat stress and/or heat stroke, dehydration, concu ssions, hearing loss, torn or damaged muscles or ligaments, broken bones, allergic reactions, burns, sprains, bruises and scrapes; (3) aggravation of pre-existing injuries or medical conditions; (4) pain and suffering; (5) loss of consortium, love, affection, comfort, companionship, or care; (6) emotional distress, embarrassmen t, humiliation, or shock; (7) lost wages or lost earning capacity; (8) lost, stolen, misused or damaged property or information; and (9) any other disability, impairm ent, incapacity, injury or damage.

I understand that Risks and Injuries in the Use of Life Time Premises and Services (collectively, “Risks of Injury”) may be caused, in whole or in part, by the NEGLIGENCE OF LIFE TIME, me, Minor Member(s), Other Member(s), Guest(s) and/or other persons. I FULLY UNDERSTAND, AND VOLUNTARILY AND


WAIVER OF LIABILITY. On behalf of myself and my spouse/partner, children/Minor Members, Other Members, Guests, parents, guardians, heirs, ne xt of kin, personal representatives, heirs and assigns, I hereby voluntarily and forever release and discharge Life Time from, covenant and agree not to sue Life Time for, and waive, any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, debts, damages, losses, costs, fees, expenses or any other alleged liabilities or obligat ions of any kind or nature, whether known or unknown (collectively, “Claims”) for any Injuries to me, Minor Member(s), Other Member(s), or Guest(s) in the Use of Life Time Premises and Services which arise out of, result from, or are caused by any NEGLIGENCE OF LIFE TIME, me, any Minor Member(s), any Other Member(s), any Guest(s), and/or any other person and, if in Canada, any breach by Life Time of the Occupiers’ Liability Act (Ontario) (collectively, “Negligence Claims”).

Negligence Claims. I understand that Negligence Claims include but are not lim ited to Life Time’s (1) negligent design, construction (including renovation or alteration), repair, maintenance, operation, supervision, monitoring, or provision of the Use of Life Time Premises and Servi ces; (2) negligent failure to warn of or remove a hazardous, unsafe, dangerous or defective condition; (3) negligent failure to provide or keep premises in a reasonably safe co ndition; (4) negligent provision of or failure to provide emergency care; (5) negligent hiring, selection, training, instruction, c ertification, supervision or retention of employees, independent contractors or volunteers; (6) negligent collection, use, disclosure or storage of personal, sensitive or other information ( including negligent failure to implement or maintain information security controls); or (7) other negligent act(s) or omission(s).

Life Time’s Fees and Costs. I specifically agree that, if I (on my own behalf or on behalf of another, including an estate) assert a Negligence Claim aga inst Life Time and/or breach my agreement not to sue Life Time, I will pay all reasonable fees (including attorneys’ fees), costs and expenses incurred by Life Time (“Life Time’s Fees and Costs”) to defend (1) the Negligence Claim(s) and (2) all other Claims based on the same facts as the Negligence Claim(s).

DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION. On behalf of myself and my spouse/partner, children/Minor Member(s), Other Member(s), Guest(s), parents, guardians, heirs, next of kin, personal representatives, heirs and assigns, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold Life Time harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law from and against any Claim (including any Negligence Claim) asserted against Life Time by any other person (including but not limited to any Other Member, any Guest, any other Life Time member or guest, any family member who is not a Life Time member, or any other person or entity) arising out of, resulting from, or caused by the Use of Life Time Premises and Services by me, Minor Member(s), Other Member(s), or Guest(s). My agreement to defend Life Time means that I will pay all of Life Time’s Fees and Costs incurred to defend the Claim from the date the Claim is asserted. My agreement to indemnify and hold Life Time harmless means that I will pay any settlement, judgment, or other damages, fees or costs of any type incurred by Life Time to resolve the Claim.

By signing this Agreement, I certify that I have the right and authority to make decisions concerning the care, custody and control of the Child above and have thoroughly read, fully understand, and voluntarily accept and agree to its terms.









Print Name of Parent/Legal Guardian

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian




Member ID (if applicable)










Print Name of Sponsoring Member

Signature of Sponsoring Member




Member ID











Life Time Team Member (Print Name)

Date Agreement Presented


___Original – To Life Time File





___Photocopy – To Sponsoring Member








How to Edit Lifetime Fitness Form Online for Free

With the goal of allowing it to be as effortless to apply as it can be, we built the PDF editor. The whole process of completing the lifetime fitness waiver guest can be trouble-free when you keep up with the next actions.

Step 1: You can click the orange "Get Form Now" button at the top of the following web page.

Step 2: You can see each of the functions that you may take on the file once you've got entered the lifetime fitness waiver guest editing page.

Fill in the lifetime fitness waiver guest PDF and type in the material for every segment:

filling in lifetime waiver stage 1

Fill in the By signing this Agreement I, Print Name of ParentLegal Guardian, Signature of ParentLegal Guardian, Member ID if applicable, Print Name of Sponsoring Member, Signature of Sponsoring Member Date, Member ID, Date Agreement Presented Life, and Original To Life Time File fields with any information that can be demanded by the platform.

part 2 to filling out lifetime waiver

Step 3: Click the "Done" button. At that moment, you may transfer the PDF file - save it to your device or send it through email.

Step 4: In avoiding probable upcoming issues, it is important to have no less than several copies of each and every document.

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