Locet PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of nursing facility admissions can often feel overwhelming for both clients and their families. In Louisiana, the process is streamlined with the use of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) Nursing Facility Client Face Sheet for LOCET, which serves as the cornerstone document for establishing a client's eligibility for nursing facility care. This form, delineated into precise sections, not only gathers basic information like the client's name, social security number, and contact details but also delves deeper into assessing the client's health status, cognitive performance, and the level of care required. It is an essential tool used to ensure that the individual's needs are accurately evaluated and matched with the appropriate level of nursing care. From personal details to medical diagnoses, and from daily living capabilities to the need for specialized rehabilitation therapies, the LOCET form comprehensively covers all aspects of a client's condition and care requirements, ensuring a well-rounded approach to their nursing facility admission process.

Form NameLocet
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other nameslouisiana locet questions, locet for state of louisiana, locet, locet louisiana

Form Preview Example


Louisiana DHH Nursing Facility Client Face Sheet for LOCET p. 1


Level of Care Eligibility Tool for Nursing Facilities pp.2-5


Hardcopy version is for use in Nursing Facility Admission Process


Client’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________


Social Security #: _________________________________ b. Medicaid #: _______________________________


(1 if pending, 0 if none)


Private Insurance #: ___________________________ Private Insurance Name: ___________________________

d.Veteran’s Administration #: _____________________________ e. Medicare #: _____________________________

(or Comparable Railroad Insurance #)


DHH Region #: ____________________




1 = Male

2 = Female


C.2. Birthdate ______________/________/_________

C.3. Race/Ethnicity: Please answer all ( 0 = No

a.Amer Indian/Alaskan Native _____

b.Asian _____

c.Black/African-American ______

1 = Yes)

d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander _______

e. White ________

f. Hispanic or Latino ________


Marital Status:


Never Married

3. Widowed

5. Divorced








4. Separated

6. Other




Client Contact Information:






Home Address:



Address 2:




City: _____________________________________ State: _______________________ Zip: ________________


Home Tel:





Facility Name if known: __________________________________________________________________________





Mailing Address (if different from Home Address)

Please leave this section blank if same as Home Address





Address 1:



Address 2:



City: ___________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: _________________


Other Contact Information:







Type of Other Contact:

1. Personal Representative

4. Power of Attorney








2. Tutor


5. Other (specify):









3. Curator










Address 2:



City: _____________________________________ State: _______________________ Zip: ________________






Applicant Name _____________________________

Last 4 digits of Applicant SSN ____


____ ____ OAAS PF-06-010

Revised 05/10/2010









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Louisiana DHH Nursing Facility Client Face Sheet for LOCET p. 1

Level of Care Eligibility Tool for Nursing Facilities pp. 2-5

Hardcopy version is for use in Nursing Facility Admission Process


1.The intake analyst will discuss the eligibility determination process/issues generally with the informant, then read the statement to the informant and ask if he/she understands, clarify any misunderstandings, and finally, select the answer given.

―I (informant) understand that the purpose of this interview is to determine if the person being assessed (applicant) meets medical

eligibility criteria for publicly funded long-term care services, and that I am expected to provide objective and accurate information about the applicant to assist in this determination.‖

2.―The following issued have been explained to me:

b. The information I provide will be used to determine medical eligibility for long-term care services funded through the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.

0. No 1. Yes

c. The results of this interview, and information about how to appeal the results, will be provided in writing to the applicant.

0. No

1. Yes

d.The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals will conduct in-person interviews on a random sample of individuals who have applied to assess the accuracy of the information provided.

0. No 1. Yes

e. All program requirements must be met for eligibility to any particular program.‖

0. No

1. Yes

3. Informant indicates that eligibility determination process/issues have been adequately explained:

0. No

1. Yes

Signature of


Applicant / Informant:_______________________





1. LOCET Initiated by:

1 = Applicant


2. Date/Time LOCET Initiated:





















































3.Type of LOCET :

1.Initial Determination

SECTION FF. Program Choice


1.h. Client chooses Nursing Facility Admission:

0=NO 1=YES

SECTION GG. Diagnoses:



a. Primary Diagnosis:


b. Secondary Diagnosis:



(Military Time)


ICD-9 Codes

(If available)




SECTION B. Items/information to collect at beginning of interview process



4. Relationship of informant to applicant (select only one):






Self (Skip to Item B.7)

5. Hospital discharge planner





6. Nursing Home admissions staff




Child or child-in-law

7. Other health care professional.





Other relative






8. Other. Please specify. __________________________________________

Applicant Name _____________________________ Last 4 digits of Applicant SSN

____ ____ ____ ____ OAAS PF-06-010

Revised 05/10/2010


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5.Informant’s information sources regarding the status/abilities of applicant.

(select all that apply):



0=NO 1=YES

a. Direct observation of the applicant ………



d. Review of agency records, care









b. From paid care providers……………



provider status reports, etc………












c. From family or other informal caregivers



e. Other (specify) _______________


















If the only source of information in B.5. is Direct Observation of the applicant, answer B.6. Otherwise, skip B6.


If information source is from direct observation of applicant, indicate how recently observation occurred:



1. within last three days

3. within last month



2. within last week

4. more than one month ago





Current location of applicant

(select only one):



0. Private home/apt

4. Group Home or ICF/DD





5. Shelter (for homeless, disaster -related or otherwise)




Adult Residential Center (Assisted living)/board & care






Nursing home

6. Other, please specify____________________________ _

Pathway 1. Activities of Daily Living

*** Please use the following to describe each activity:

a. Independent:

No help or oversight --OR-- Help/oversight provided only 1 or 2 times during last 7 days.

b. Supervision:

Oversight, encouragement or cueing provided 3 or more times during last 7 days, --OR


Supervision 3 or more times plus physical assistance provided only 1 or 2 times during last 7 days.

c. Limited assistance:

Applicant highly involved in activity; received physical help in guided maneuvering of



limbs or other non-weight-bearing assistance 3 or more timesOR More help provided only

1 or 2 times during last 7 days.

d. Extensive assistance: While applicant performed part of activity over last 7-day period, help of following type provided 3 or more times:

-Weight bearing support

-Full performance by another during part (but not all) of last 7 days

e.Total Dependence: Full performance by another during all of last 7 days.

f.Activity did not occur during entire 7 days (regardless of ability).

g.Unknown to Informant

12A. Locomotion. Describe how the applicant moves between locations inside his/her place of residence. (If the applicant uses a wheelchair, code self-sufficiency once in chair.) Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7



A through G only


12B Eating. Describe how the applicant eats and drinks (regardless of skill). (Includes intake of nourishment by other means, e.g., tube feeding...) Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7 days:


A through G only


12C. Transfer. Describe how the applicant moves to and from surfaces, e.g., bed, chair, wheelchair, standing position. (EXCLUDE transferring to/from bath/toilet.) Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7 days:



A through G only

12D. Bed Mobility. Describe how the applicant moves to and from a lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while

in bed. Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7 days:


A through G only


12E. Toilet Use. Describe how the applicant uses the toilet (or commode, bedpan, urinal). (Includes transfer on/off toilet, cleaning self, changing pad, managing ostomy or catheter, adjusting clothes.) Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s

self-performance during last 7 days:

___________________ A through G only

12F. Dressing. Describe how the applicant dresses and undresses him/herself, including prostheses, orthotics, fasteners, belts, shoes, and underwear. Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7 days:


A through G only

Applicant Name _____________________________

Last 4 digits of Applicant SSN ____ ____ ____ ____ OAAS PF-06-010

Revised 05/10/2010

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0 or 1 or 2 only
A through E only
A through E only

12G. Personal Hygiene. Describe how the applicant grooms him/herself, including combing hair, brushing teeth, washing/drying face/hands, shaving. (EXCLUDE baths and showers.) Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during

last 7 days:


A through G only

12H. Bathing. Describe how the applicant takes a full-body bath/shower or sponge bath (excluding hair or washing back). Use the above codes to describe the applicant’s self-performance during last 7 days:


A through G only

Pathway 2. Cognitive Performance

13A. Short-term Memory. Does the applicant appear to recall recent events, for instance, when the applicant ate at his/her last meal and what he/she ate?

0 = Memory OK

1 = Memory problem

2 = Unknown to Informant

0 or 1 or 2 only

13C. Cognitive Skills for Daily Decision-making. How does the applicant make decisions about the tasks of daily life, such as planning how to spend his/her day, choosing what to wear, reliably using canes/walkers or other assistive equipment if needed?

a. Independent decisions consistent/reasonable

b. Minimally impaired some difficulty in new situations or decisions poor and requires cueing/supervision in specific situations only

c. Moderately impaired decisions consistently poor or unsafe; cues or supervision required at all times d. Severely impaired never/rarely made decisions

e. Unknown to Informant

13D. Making Self Understood. How clearly is the applicant able to express or communicate his/her needs/requests? (Includes speech, writing, sign language, or word boards.)

a. Understoodexpresses ideas without difficulty

b. Usually understood difficulty finding words or finishing thoughts; prompting may be required c. Sometimes understood ability is limited to making concrete requests

d. Rarely/never understood e. Unknown to Informant

Pathway 3. Physician Involvement

14A. Physician visits. In the last 14 days, how many days has a physician (or authorized assistant or practitioner) examined the

applicant? (Do not count emergency room exams or hospital in-patient visits.)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

0 through 15 only

14B. Physician orders. In the last 14 days, how many times has a physician (or authorized assistant or practitioner) changed the

applicant’s orders? (Do not include order renewals without change; do not count hospital in-patient order changes.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

0 through 15 only

Pathway 4. Treatments and Conditions

15A. Has the applicant received any of the following health treatments, or been diagnosed with any of the following health


0. No

1. Yes

2. Unknown to Informant






a. Stage 3-4 pressure sores in the last 14 days…………….


e. Pneumonia in the last 14 days…………………0

b. Intravenous feedings in the last 7 days………………...


f. Daily respiratory therapy in the last 14 days….




c. Intravenous medications in the last 14 days……………


g. Daily insulin injections with 2 or more





d. Tracheostomy care, ventilator/respirator,




order changes last 14 day s…………………….

suctioning in last 14 days…………………………………


h. Peritoneal or hemodialysis in the last 14 days









0 or 1 or 2 only

Pathway 5: Skilled Rehabilitation Therapies

16A. Record the total minutes each of the following therapies was administered or scheduled (for at least 15 minutes a day).

Enter ―0‖ if none or less that 15 minutes daily.

a = Total number of minutes provided in last 7 days

b = Total number of minutes scheduled for next 7 days but not yet administered


Speech Therapy

a =


b =



Occupational Therapy

a =


b =



Physical Therapy

a =


b =


0 through 999 only

Applicant Name _____________________________

Last 4 digits of Applicant SSN ____ ____ ____ ____ OAAS PF-06-010

Revised 05/10/2010

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Pathway 6. Behavior

****Please use the following codes for behavior symptom frequency in last 7 days:

a. Behavior not exhibited in last 7 days

d. Behavior of this type occurre d daily

b. Behavior of this type occurred 1 to 3 days in last 7 days

e. Unknown to Informant

c. Behavior of this type occurred 4 to 6 days, but less than daily


17A. Wandering. In the last seven days, did the applicant wander, that is, move around with no rational purpose, seemingly

oblivious to his/her needs or safety?



A through E only






17B. Verbally abusive behavior. In the last seven days, did the applicant threaten or scream at others? Code for behavior

symptom frequency in last 7 days:



A through E only






17C. Physically abusive behavior. In the last seven days, did the applicant hit, shove, scratch, or otherwise act physically abusive or sexually abusive toward other people? Code for behavior symptom frequency in last 7 days:


A through E only

17D. Socially inappropriate/disruptive behavior. In the last seven days, did the applicant make noise, engage in self-abusive acts, disrobe in public, hoard items, or rummage through others’ belongings? Code for behavior symptom frequency in last 7



A through E only

17E. Mental Health Problem/Condition.

Applicants who need long term care may experience delusions and hallucinations that impact the applicant’s ability to live independently in the community. If present at any point in last 7 days, code:

0 = NO This applicant DID NOT experience delusions or hallucinations which impacted his/her ability to function in the community within the last 7 days.

1 = YES This applicant DID experience delusions or hallucinations which impacted his/her ability to function in the community within the last 7 days.

2 = Unknown to informant

a. Delusions

b. Hallucinations

0 or 1 or 2 only

Pathway 7: Service Dependency

18.Code if the applicant is currently being served by EDA Waiver, ADHC Waiver services, LT PCS or is currently in a nursing home.

a =

Not approved for or receiving

these services before 12/01/2006.







b =

Was approved for these services prior to 12/01/2006, has had no break in service since




12/01/2006, and requires ongoing services

























to maintain current functional






















A or B only















Items to be filled out by intake analyst after completing LOCET form:













J19A. How many minutes did this contact and interview take? ________________







J19B. Date LOCET completed

































































J19C.a. Signature of Intake Analyst

My signature below indicates that I attest to the fact that I have conducted the LOCET interview recorded within this document, and that the Intake Analyst Registration number shown below in Item J19.C.c. has been issued to me by the Office of Aging and Adult Services.


Print ed Name

J19C.b. Date of Intake Analyst Signature









Telephone Number of Intake Analyst _________________________________________

J19C.c. LOCET Intake Analyst Registration Number


Applicant Name _____________________________

Last 4 digits of Applicant SSN ____ ____ ____ ____ OAAS PF-06-010

Revised 05/10/2010


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How to Edit Locet Online for Free

It shouldn’t be challenging to create la oaas locet through our PDF editor. This is the way one could conveniently prepare your document.

Step 1: You should hit the orange "Get Form Now" button at the top of this page.

Step 2: You are now allowed to update la oaas locet. You've got lots of options thanks to our multifunctional toolbar - it's possible to add, eliminate, or modify the content, highlight the specified areas, as well as perform similar commands.

Fill in all of the following areas to fill out the template:

locet questions blanks to consider

Jot down the details in Home Tel, Facility Name if known, Parish, Mailing Address if different from, Name, Address, Address, City State Zip, D Other Contact Information, Type of Other Contact Personal, Name, Address, Address, City State Zip, and Telephone.

Entering details in locet questions stage 2

The system will ask you for details to quickly fill in the segment Applicant Name Last digits of.

stage 3 to finishing locet questions

The b The information I provide will, No Yes, c The results of this interview, No Yes, d The Louisiana Department of, No Yes, e All program requirements must be, No Yes, Informant indicates that, Date, ACSRO Users SKIP TO SECTION EE, SECTION EE Initial Call and LOCET, and DateTime LOCET Initiated area will be your place to insert the rights and obligations of all parties.

part 4 to finishing locet questions

Finish by looking at the following sections and filling them out as required: DateTime LOCET Initiated, Y Y Y Y, M M, D D, Military Time Type of LOCET, SECTION FF Program Choice h, SECTION GG Diagnoses a Primary, b Secondary Diagnosis, ICD Codes If available, SECTION B Itemsinformation to, and Applicant Name Last digits of.

step 5 to filling out locet questions

Step 3: Choose the Done button to be certain that your completed document could be exported to every gadget you decide on or mailed to an email you indicate.

Step 4: Generate copies of your file - it may help you keep away from possible future complications. And don't be concerned - we don't display or watch your data.

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