Mv 15F Form PDF Details

In the quest for transparency and public access to records, the Mv 15F form emerges as a pivotal tool under the ambit of the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), specially designed to facilitate requests for Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records in New York. It embodies the intricate balance between individual privacy and the public's right to information, underscoring the necessity of utilizing the correct form to expedite requests. The form delineates a clear demarcation of records that it does not cover, such as driver's license records, vehicle title records, and accident reports, for which other specified forms must be used. It emphasizes the protection of personal information under the Federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and the New York State Public Officers Law, mandating requestors to mark permissible uses and accompany their requests with identification verification. The form also outlines the fee structure for requests, exempt groups, and acceptable payment methods, ensuring clarity and ease in the process. In adhering to federal and state privacy laws, the Mv 15F form serves as a testament to the legal frameworks in place to safeguard personal information while facilitating access to vital records for legitimate purposes.

Form NameMv 15F Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesdmv mv15f, nys dmv forms mv15f, dmv hearing new york mv 15f, mv 15 form new york dmv

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You will receive your records more quickly when you use the correct request form. DMVforms are available at


Driver license record (“abstract”) - use form MV-15

Vehicle title record - use form MV-15

Driver history (“lifetime abstract”) - use form MV-15

Copy of a ticket and/or ticket disposition - use form MV-15

Vehicle registration record (“abstract”) - use form MV-15

Copy of a revocation or suspension order - use form MV-15

Accident report - use form MV-198C


1. InformationAbout You (the Requestor):


Organization (ifapplicable)

Address (NumberandStreet)




E-mailAddress (Requiredifyouwantyourrecordssenttoyouelectronically)*

Phone Number (optional)


*Records sent by email or by fax will not be certified. Certified records must be mailed. We can only provide your records by one method (mail, email, or fax).

2. Important InformationAbout Requests for Certain DMV Records:

Personal information on certain DMV records is protected by the Federal Driver’s Privacy ProtectionAct (18 U.S.C. §2721 et seq.) and by §87 and §89 of the NYS Public Officers Law. Records about a driver license or permit, motor vehicle title, motor vehicle registration, or identification card issued by DMV are protected by the Driver’s Privacy ProtectionAct.

If any of the records you want are protected by the Driver’s Privacy ProtectionAct, you must do the following:

1.Mark your permissible use in the list on page 3 of this form;

2.Send a photocopy of your driver license or government-issued non-driver ID card with this form(you can cover the photo on the document); and

3.Sign the certification on the bottom of page 3.




3. Describe the DMV Records That You Want:

Please provide a clear description of the record(s) you are requesting with as much detail as possible.


4. Fee Information:

Section202oftheNYSVehicleandTrafficLawrequiresa$10searchfeeandacopyfeeof$1perpage.Youmustsenda$10searchfeewith your FOILrequest, unless you or your organization is exempt from these fees.

Only these groups are exempt from search fees:

Government agencies

Volunteer fire companies

Volunteer ambulance services

Public officers, boards, or bodies

Legal aid bureaus or societies or other private entities when acting pursuant to §722 of the NewYork State County Law

5. Method of Payment (DO NOT SEND CASH):

Check the box that shows your payment method.

oExempt (Check this box ONLYif you belong to one of the exempt groups described in the Fee Information section above.)


Make checks payable to the “Commissioner of Motor Vehicles”

Please remember to SIGN YOUR CHECK

No starter checks

U.S. Funds only

oMoney Order

oDMV EscrowAccount:



List of Permissible Uses - Driver Privacy ProtectionAct

èStep 1)Check the permissible use(s) for the records that you want:

TheFederalDriver’sPrivacyProtectionAct(18U.S.C.§2721.etseq.)(“DPPA”)regulatesaccesstoMotorVehiclesrecords.Recipientherebycertifiesthatthe informationprovidedhereunderbyDMVshallbeusedsolelyforthefollowingpurpose(s).

(Recipient must check all that apply.)

1.Useinanycivil,criminal,administrative,orarbitralproceedinginanycourtoragency,includingtheserviceofprocess,investigationin anticipationoflitigation,andtheexecutionorenforcementofjudgmentsandordersorpursuanttoacourtorder.(18U.S.C.§2721(b)(4))

2.Use by an insurer or insurance support organization or self-insured entity in claims investigations, anti-fraud activities, rating or under- writing activities. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(6))

3.Use in providing notice to the owners of towed or impounded vehicles. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(7))

4.Use by an employer, its agent or insurer to obtain information relating to the holder of a commercial driver's license required under Chapter 313 ofTitle 49 of the U.S.C. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(9))

5.For use in the normal course of business by a legitimate business or its agents, employees, or contractors, but only-

(A)to verify the accuracy of personal information submitted by the individual to the business or its agents, employees, or contractors; (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(3)(A)) and

(B)if such information as so submitted is not correct or is no longer correct, to obtain the correct information, but only for the purposes of preventing fraud by, pursuing legal remedies against, or recovering on a debt or security interest against, the individual. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(3)(B))

6.Use required under NYSVehicle andTraffic Law,Article 19A- Special Requirements for Bus Drivers. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(14))

7.Use required under NYSVehicle andTraffic Law,Article 19B - Special Requirements for Commercial Motor Carriers.

(18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(14))

8.Use by any government agency, including any court or law enforcement agency, in carrying out its functions. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(1))

9.Use by any private person or entity acting on behalf of a federal, state, or local agency in carrying out its functions. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(1))

10.Use in matters of motor vehicle or driver safety. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

11.Use in matters of motor vehicle theft. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

12.Use in matters of motor vehicle emissions. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

13.Use in matters of motor vehicle product alterations, recalls or advisories. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

14.Use in performance monitoring of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and dealers. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

15.Use in motor vehicle market research activities, including survey research. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

16.Use in removal of non-owner records from the original owner records of motor vehicle manufacturers. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(2))

17.Use in the operation of private toll transportation facilities. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(10))

18.For use by any requester, if the requester demonstrates it has obtained the written consent of the individual to whom the information pertains. (May use form MV-15GC). (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(13))

19.Use specifically authorized under NYS law, IF such use is related to the operation of a motor vehicle or public safety.

Cite the specific NYS law here:


(18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(14))

20.Use in research activities and in producing statistical reports, as long as the personal information is not published, disclosed or used to contact individuals. (18 U.S.C. §2721 (b)(5))

Toknowinglymakeafalsestatementorconcealamaterialfactinthiswrittenstatementmaybepunishableasacriminaloffense.Inaddition,anyonewhomakes falserepresentationtoobtainanypersonalinformationfromanindividual’sMotorVehiclesrecordissubjecttofederalcriminalfinesundertheDriver’sPrivacy ProtectionAct(DPPA).

èStep 2)Attach a copy of your driver license or government-issued identification card. (Youmaycoverthepicture.)

èStep 3)Sign the following Privacy Certification:

I certify that I have read the Driver’s Privacy ProtectionAct (18 U.S.C. §2721 et seq.) and will comply fully with the terms of such law. I also certify that I shall notrequestoruseanyinformationprovidedbytheDepartmentofMotorVehiclesthatisnotspecificallyauthorizedbytheDriver’sPrivacyProtectionAct.

I certify that if I receive or have access to records or information from the DMV, I shall not (i) use such records or information for civil immigration purposes or

(ii)disclose such records or information to any agency that primarily enforces immigration law, such as U.S. immigration and customs enforcement and U.S. customsandborderprotection,ortoanyemployeeoragentofanysuchagencyunlesssuchdisclosureispursuanttoacooperativearrangementbetweencity,state andfederalagencieswhichdoesnotenforceimmigrationlawandwhichdisclosureislimitedtothespecificrecordsorinformationbeingsoughtpursuanttosuch arrangement.Icertifythat,inadditiontotherequirementsof18USC2721(c),Ishallkeepforaperiodoffiveyearsrecordsofallusesandidentifyingeachperson orentitythatprimarilyenforcesimmigrationlawthatreceiveddepartmentrecordsorinformationfromsuchcertifyingpersonorentity.Ishallmaintaintherecords inamannerandformprescribedbythecommissioner,andIshallmakethemavailableforinspectionuponthecommissioner’srequest.


Requester’s Signature (required)Date

Requester - PrintNameHere








How to Edit Mv 15F Form Online for Free

dmv lifetime driver's abstract mv 15f can be filled out in no time. Simply open FormsPal PDF tool to get it done quickly. To make our editor better and less complicated to work with, we continuously develop new features, taking into account suggestions coming from our users. Getting underway is effortless! All you should do is adhere to the following simple steps below:

Step 1: Click the orange "Get Form" button above. It is going to open up our tool so you can start filling in your form.

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Pay close attention when filling out this form. Make certain all required blank fields are done properly.

1. The dmv lifetime driver's abstract mv 15f usually requires specific information to be entered. Be sure the following blanks are finalized:

Completing part 1 in mv15form

2. The next part is to submit all of the following fields: YOU CANNOT USE THIS FORM TO.

Step number 2 in completing mv15form

3. Your next stage is hassle-free - fill out all the form fields in Check the box that shows your, o Exempt Check this box ONLY if, o Check, Make checks payable to the, Please remember to SIGN YOUR CHECK, No starter checks, US Funds only, o Money Order, o DMV Escrow Account, MVFOIL, and PAGE OF in order to finish the current step.

Check the box that shows your, US Funds only, and o Check of mv15form

4. The next subsection needs your involvement in the subsequent parts: è Step Check the permissible uses, Recipient must check all that apply, Use in any civil criminal, Use by an insurer or insurance, Use in providing notice to the, Use by an employer its agent or, For use in the normal course of, A to verify the accuracy of, Use required under NYS Vehicle and, Use required under NYS Vehicle and, Use by any government agency, Use by any private person or, Use in matters of motor vehicle or, Use in matters of motor vehicle, and Use in matters of motor vehicle. Just remember to fill out all required information to move forward.

For use in the normal course of, A to verify the accuracy of, and Recipient must check all that apply inside mv15form

5. As you approach the conclusion of the document, there are actually just a few more requirements that need to be fulfilled. In particular, Use in matters of motor vehicle, Use in performance monitoring of, Use in motor vehicle market, Use in removal of nonowner records, Use in the operation of private, For use by any requester if the, Use specifically authorized under, USC b, Use in research activities and in, To knowingly make a false, è Step Attach a copy of your, è Step Sign the following Privacy, I certify that I have read the, and I certify that if I receive or should be done.

Filling in section 5 of mv15form

People who use this PDF frequently make errors when completing Use in matters of motor vehicle in this section. Make sure you revise whatever you type in right here.

Step 3: After going through your fields and details, hit "Done" and you are done and dusted! Go for a free trial subscription with us and gain direct access to dmv lifetime driver's abstract mv 15f - download or modify inside your FormsPal account. FormsPal guarantees your data privacy by using a secure system that never records or shares any sort of private data provided. Be assured knowing your docs are kept safe each time you work with our services!