Nucs 4075 Form PDF Details

In an evolving business landscape, understanding and utilizing the NUCS 4075 form, issued by the State of Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Employment Security Division, becomes vital for employers aiming for compliance with state regulations. Located at 500 E. Third Street in Carson City, and reachable both by phone and fax, this form serves as a tool for employers to make necessary corrections to previously submitted quarterly wage reports. Specifically designed to amend individual wage items or overall wage totals reported earlier, it aids in ensuring accuracy in reported wages, contributions, and any subsequent adjustments that may affect unemployment insurance rates or contributions. Employers can correct individual employee wages or amend total wages previously reported, with the possibility of affecting taxable and nontaxable amounts. The form also provides space for detailed explanations of corrections and requires employer verification through signature and contact information, ensuring an accountable and transparent correction process. Such corrections can lead to adjustments in contributions, interest for late payments, and penalties for reports not filed timely, underlining the importance of accuracy and timeliness in wage reporting.

Form NameNucs 4075 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesnevada nucs 4075, nucs 4075 form, nv nucs 4075, employment security department nucs 4075

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500 E. Third Street - Carson City, Nevada 89713

Telephone (775) 684-6322

Fax (775) 684-6367


Corrections for the Calendar Quarter Ending___________________________

(Please use a separate form for each quarter being corrected.)

Employer Account Number ...................................................................................





Date .........

Reviewed by .....................................

Date .................................................

Name (DBA)................................................................................................................................................................................

1.Complete the following section to amend individual wage items previously reported on Employer's Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report (form NUCS-4072). ( If a reimbursable employer, use this form to amend Form NUCS-4062.)

Employee Social Security No.

000 00 0000

Name of Employee

Wages Previously Reported Correct Amount Wages

(Print or Type)





If more spaces are needed, request Form NUCS-4500.


2.Complete the following section to amend wages previously reported in Items 3, 4, or 5 of Employer's Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report (form NUCS-4072). (If a reimbursable employer, use this section to amend TOTAL wages paid.)

Amounts Previously Reported


on Quarterly Report


TOTAL (Item 3)









TAXABLE (Item 5)



Difference ONLY

Additional Amount

Reduced Amount











Adjustment at UI Rate ( _________ %) in effect for quarter indicated above


.................................... $


Adjustment at CEP Rate of .05 percent (.0005)


.................................... $






For each month or part of month the payment is late, interest at 1 percent (.01)




of the amount of UI contributions past due, will also be payable …………………………








Only if original report was not filed timely, at 1/10 percent (.001) X additional




taxable wage amount (see above) for each month from delinquent date to




date original report was filed
















3.Please explain the corrections reported above. ............................................................................................................................................














NUCS-4075 (Rev10/12)

How to Edit Nucs 4075 Form Online for Free

It is possible to fill in employment security department nucs 4075 effectively by using our online tool for PDF editing. To retain our tool on the forefront of practicality, we aim to integrate user-driven capabilities and improvements regularly. We're always pleased to get feedback - assist us with revolutionizing how we work with PDF documents. By taking a couple of easy steps, you may begin your PDF journey:

Step 1: Simply hit the "Get Form Button" at the top of this site to launch our pdf editing tool. Here you will find all that is necessary to work with your document.

Step 2: After you start the file editor, you will find the document prepared to be completed. Aside from filling out different blanks, you can also do several other actions with the form, namely adding your own text, editing the original textual content, adding illustrations or photos, putting your signature on the PDF, and much more.

It is simple to fill out the document with this practical tutorial! This is what you want to do:

1. It is crucial to complete the employment security department nucs 4075 correctly, thus be careful when filling out the sections comprising these particular fields:

nucs 4075 form completion process shown (portion 1)

2. After this section is completed, go to type in the suitable information in all these - on Quarterly Report, Additional Amount, Reduced Amount, TOTAL Item, NONTAXABLE Item, TAXABLE Item, Adjustment at UI Rate in effect, Adjustment at CEP Rate of percent, CONTRIBUTIONS, For each month or part of month, INTEREST, Only if original report was not, PENALTY INTEREST, NET ADJUSTMENT, and UNDERPAYMENT.

Adjustment at CEP Rate of  percent, on Quarterly Report, and TAXABLE Item inside nucs 4075 form

3. Your next part is going to be straightforward - fill in all the fields in NUCS Rev, Signature, Title, Telephone, and Date to complete this part.

Signature, Title, and Telephone in nucs 4075 form

Always be very mindful when filling out Signature and Title, as this is the section in which many people make a few mistakes.

Step 3: Once you have reread the information in the document, click "Done" to conclude your form at FormsPal. Try a 7-day free trial subscription at FormsPal and gain instant access to employment security department nucs 4075 - downloadable, emailable, and editable from your FormsPal account page. FormsPal is committed to the confidentiality of all our users; we always make sure that all information put into our system stays protected.