Ohio Form Jfs 02390 PDF Details

The Ohio Jfs 02390 form is an essential document for those seeking authorization for Home Care Attendants (HCAs) to perform skilled tasks as part of home care services. Managed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, this form is a critical tool in ensuring that home care recipients receive proper care tailored to their medical needs. Prospective users of the form are navigated through the process, which requires detailed information about the consumer, including their name, street address, Recipient ID, and a list of skilled tasks for which the attendant is trained. The form mandates the trainer, who could be the consumer or an authorized representative, to list out the medically necessary skilled tasks and ensure the attendant's training on these tasks is completed successfully. The authorization process is rigid, needing initials from an Authorized Health Care Professional (AHP) to validate the tasks once training is completed. Additionally, the form requires signatures from all parties involved, including the consumer or their authorized representative, the home care attendant, the trainer, and the AHP. This detailed documentation process is designed to protect all parties involved and guarantee that the care provided by the HCA meets the specific needs as per the Ohio Administrative Code rules and regulations.

Form NameOhio Form Jfs 02390
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesinitialed, exclusion, CMA, carestar

Form Preview Example

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services


Consumer Name (Please print)

Consumer Street Address

Recipient I.D. #



Zip Code






Enter the medically necessary skilled task(s) the Home Care Attendant has successfully completed training to perform. Draw a single line through any unused boxes.


Place initials in the box for each approved task(s).







JFS 02390 (7/2010)

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Each team member shown below must complete the section that applies to her/his role. The HCA is not approved to perform the listed task(s) until though AHP has initialed the “Training Detail” page.


I, the undersigned have received the necessary training and am electing to select, instruct and direct the Home Care Attendant (HCA) to perform the task(s) set forth on this form. I will ensure that the HCA performs the task(s) consistent with her/his training and in accordance with OAC Rule 5101:3-46-04.1, as appropriate. I understand that this authorization may be revoked at any time by my authorizing health care professional. I am responsible for reporting any changes in my health or circumstances to the Case Management Agency (CMA) Case Manager, Trainer (if other than consumer, HCA, and Authorized Health Care Professional.

Name (Please print)



Date Signed


I, the undersigned have received training in task(s) set forth on this form, and will perform the task(s) in accordance with OAC Rule 5101:3-46-94.1 or 5101:3-50-04.1, as appropriate, and as trained by the consumer, authorized representative and/or trainer. I understand that I am approved to perform on the listed task(s) for this consumer and that ODJFS may revoke that approval at any time if deemed necessary. I understand I am responsible for reporting any changes in my ability to perform the task(s) to the Consumer, CMA Case Manager, Trainer, and Authorized Health Care Professional.

Name (Please print)



Date Signed

TRAINER (Please read before signing and dating)

I, the undersigned, verify that I have successfully trained the Home Care Attendant to perform the task(s) set forth on this form.

Trainer Name (Please print)

Trainer Signature


Date Signed

AUTHORIZING HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL AND TRAINER (Please read before signing and dating)

I, the undersigned, approve the consumer’s decision to select, instruct and direct the Home Care Attendant in the performance of the task(s) set forth on this form. I understand that I may revoke approval at any time, if deemed necessary, by notifying the Consumer/Authorized Representative, CMA Case Manager, and Trainer.

Name (Please print)



Date Signed

Emergency Phone Number (Including Area Code)

Fax Number (Including Area Code)

In the event that no physician is aware of or supports the consumer’s decision to use the Home Care Attendant option, the Registered Nurse who is serving as the Authorized Healthcare Professional must be made aware of the physician’s exclusion or non-support.

Customer/Authorized Representative (Initials)

Authorized Healthcare Professional (Initials)

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Consumer Name (Please print)

Effective Period (not to exceed 12 months)







Trainer Name (Please print)

Start Date


End Date










Trainer – Enter the name of the medically necessary skilled task required by the consumer. Enter the date the Home Care Attendant (HCA) completed training to successfully perform the skilled task. Write a detailed description of how HCA will perform the task, including times or intervals.

(If the consumer/authorized representative is the trainer, the consumer/authorized representative will complete this section.)

Name of Task

Date Training Completed



Task Training Detail


Check here if CONTINUED on next page


My initials indicate approval of this task to be performed by the Home Care Attendant and that the Home Care Attendant has demonstrated the ability to perform the task.


JFS 02390 (7/2010)

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How to Edit Ohio Form Jfs 02390 Online for Free

The PDF editor was created with the purpose of making it as simple and easy-to-use as it can be. The next steps will help make creating the undersigned easy and quick.

Step 1: Click the orange "Get Form Now" button on the following webpage.

Step 2: Right now, you can start editing the undersigned. The multifunctional toolbar is available to you - add, erase, adjust, highlight, and undertake several other commands with the content material in the form.

The following segments will help make up your PDF file:

portion of empty spaces in carestar

You need to type in the appropriate details in the JFS, and Page of field.

JFS, and Page  of in carestar

The application will demand for more information with a purpose to instantly complete the part Name Please print, Signature, Initials, Date Signed, HOME CARE ATTENDANT, I the undersigned have received, Name Please print, Signature, Initials, Date Signed, TRAINER Please read before signing, I the undersigned verify that I, Trainer Name Please print, Trainer Signature, and Initials.

Completing carestar part 3

Explain the rights and obligations of the sides inside the section Date Signed, Emergency Phone Number Including, Fax Number Including Area Code, In the event that no physician is, CustomerAuthorized Representative, JFS, and Page of.

carestar Date Signed, Emergency Phone Number Including, Fax Number Including Area Code, In the event that no physician is, CustomerAuthorized Representative, JFS, and Page  of fields to fill

Finish by reviewing the following sections and filling them in accordingly: Consumer Name Please print, Trainer Name Please print, Effective Period not to exceed, Start Date, End Date, DIRECTIONS Trainer Enter the name, Name of Task, Task Training Detail, and Date Training Completed.

stage 5 to entering details in carestar

Step 3: Hit the Done button to be certain that your finished file may be exported to any kind of electronic device you prefer or sent to an email you indicate.

Step 4: Come up with no less than a couple of copies of your file to keep away from any kind of potential concerns.

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