When looking into volunteering with Natural Resources Agencies, the Optional Form 301 serves as a gateway for individuals eager to offer their skills in service of the environment and community. Designed with sections requesting personal information, availability, preferred work locations, and specific interests in volunteer categories such as Archeology, Conservation, and Wildlife, to name a few, this form is comprehensive. Applicants can showcase their talents, whether it be in biology, heavy machinery operation, or even in educating the public, ensuring their volunteer work aligns with both their skills and passions. Notably, the form also addresses logistical considerations like lodging requirements and availability, reflecting a well-rounded approach to volunteer matchmaking. Additionally, it includes a commitment to non-discrimination and an outline of the volunteer’s role within the broader organizational structure, emphasizing the importance of understanding that while volunteers do not accrue the benefits of federal employment, their service is both valued and recognized as creditable work experience. Completing the form, which carries an OMB control number verifying its validity, takes a mere 15 minutes but can open the door to enriching volunteer opportunities that contribute significantly to the stewardship of natural resources.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Optional Form 301 |
Form Length | 2 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 30 sec |
Other names | 2010, USC, USDAs, OMB |
Volunteer Application |
Instructions: |
Mark in the appropriate |
boxes, |
for other |
items either |
print or type |
responses. If |
extra |
space is |
for Natural Resources Agencies |
needed use item 18. |
1. Name (Last, First, Middle) |
2. Age |
3. Telephone Number |
4. Email Address |
( ) |
- |
5. Street Address (include apartment no., if any)
6. City, State, and Zip Code
7. Which general volunteer work categories are you most interested in?
Campground Host
Construction Maintenance
Conservation Education
Historical/ Preservation
Pest/Disease Control
Minerals/ Geology
Natural Resources Planning
Soil/ Watershed Timber/Fire Prevention Trail/Campground Maintenance Tour Guide/Interpretation Visitor Information
Other (Please specify)
8. What qualifications/skills/experience/education do you have that you would like to use in your volunteer work?
Boat Operation
Clerical/Office Machines
Computer Programming
Driver’s License
First Aid Certificate
Hand/Power Tools
Heavy Equipment Operation Horses – Care/ Riding Landscaping/Reforestation Land Surveying Livestock/Ranching
Map reading Mountaineering Photography Public Speaking Research/Librarian
Sign Language Supervision
Other Trade skills (Please specify)
Working with People
Other (Please specify)
9.Based on boxes checked in items 6 and 7, what particular type of volunteer work would you like to do? (Please describe any specific qualifications, skills, experience, or education that apply)
10. a. Have you volunteered before? |
Yes |
No |
b. If Yes, please briefly describe your volunteer experience.
11. Would you like to supervise other volunteers?
12.What are some of your objectives for working as a volunteer? (Optional)
13.Please specify any physical limitations that may influence your volunteer work activities:
Optional Form 301 (Revised 06/2007)
14a. |
Which months would you be available for volunteer work? |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
14b. |
How many hours per week would you be available for volunteer work? Hours |
14c. Which days per week would you be available for volunteer work? |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
June December
15.Specify at least three states or specific locations within a state where you would like to do volunteer work.
16.Specify your lodging requirements:
I will furnish my own lodging (such as tent; camper; own, relative’s, or friend’s place)
I will require assistance in finding lodging
17. |
If a volunteer assignment is not available at the location specified in item 15, do you want your application forwarded to |
another location, or Federal agency, seeking volunteers with your background/interest? |
Yes |
No (Please specify) |
18. |
This is provided for more detailed responses. Please indicate the item numbers to which these responses apply: |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of the Interior prohibit discrimination in all programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
Volunteers are not considered Federal employees for any purposes other than tort claims and injury compensation. Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other benefit. However, volunteer service is creditable work experience.
Privacy Act Statement
Collection and use is covered by Privacy Act System of Records
19. Signature (Sign in ink)
20. Date
2 |
Optional Form 301 (Revised 06/2007) |