Promotion Form PDF Details

When engaging with Publix, a significant resource for vendors is the meticulously designed Publix Cost/Promotion Form. This form plays a crucial role in streamlining the communication of cost and promotion details for items between vendors and Publix. To ensure accuracy and efficiency, vendors are advised to type in the requisite information in the non-shaded areas of the form. The form caters to both new submissions and revisions, making it essential for vendors to indicate the form number being replaced if applicable. A comprehensive field description guides the vendors through each step, ranging from basic information like vendor and manufacturer names to more detailed data including case allowances, net costs, and any applicable promotion details. The form also accommodates information regarding specific packaging types, proposed performance metrics, and logistical details such as order and performance dates. Additionally, it outlines the method of payment for lump sum funds, offering options suited to different vendor preferences. With its clear instructions and systematic approach to capturing all necessary information, the Publix Cost/Promotion Form is a testament to the value Publix places on organization and clarity in its business dealings. This form not only aids in maintaining a transparent relationship between Publix and its vendors but also facilitates the smooth execution of promotional activities, ensuring all parties are well-informed and aligned in their goals.

Form NamePromotion Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesprintable certificate of promotion, blank coupons to fill in, parmation time form, printable mexican customs form

Form Preview Example



The Publix Cost/Promotion Form is used to detail all cost and promotion


information applicable to an item.



Vendor procedures Follow the steps below to complete the non-shaded areas of the Publix Cost/Promotion Form. The information must be typed.

The Publix Cost/Promotion Form must be stamped at the reception desk and immediately forwarded to the buyer (unless otherwise instructed by the buyer).

Field Description








Check the appropriate box. If Revision is checked, “Form # being




replaced:” must be completed.




Form # being replaced

Revisions to Publix Cost/Promotion Forms must be made by filling




out a new Publix Cost/Promotion Form with the updated




information and a reference to the Publix Cost/Promotion Form that




is being replaced. Enter the number of the Publix Cost/Promotion




Form that is being replaced on this line. Highlight the changes




being presented.




Buyer Name/#

Enter the name and number of the buyer to whom the Publix

Cost/Promotion Form is presented.

Vendor Number

Enter the number assigned by Publix for a vendor. DSD Vendors:




If you have more than one vendor number, and all information is the




same for each vendor number, list all vendor numbers on this line.




If you do not have enough room, list the remainder in the Vendor




Comments box.




Manufacturer Name

Enter the name of the manufacturer of your item(s).




Invoicing Vendor Name

Enter the name that will appear on the invoice or statement sent to








Brokerage Name

Enter the name of the brokerage handling the account. If none,




leave blank.




Sales Rep Name

Enter the name of the person calling on Publix.








Enter the address of the broker or direct sales representative.





Phone #



Enter the phone number of the broker or direct sales representative.





Fax #



Enter the fax number for the broker or direct sales representative.




Publix Item Code

Enter the Publix identifier for an item. If this is a new item, leave
















continued on next page




Publix Cost/Promotion Form Instructions 1

JP0120 (4-00)


Vendor procedures, continued

Field Description






Enter the detailed description of your item.




Case UPC

Enter the number on the outside of the case that identifies the item.




Item UPC

Enter the scannable code that identifies the item. Be sure to include



all digits.




M/C Pk (Master Case

Enter the total number of retail selling units in a case.







Enter the size of the item. Example: 12 oz., 5 lbs., etc.




List Case Cost

Enter the gross cost of a master case before any allowances or



charges have been applied.




Case Allowances/Charges

Enter amounts to be considered in the cost of goods to lower the net



cost. See the legend at the bottom of the Publix Cost/Promotion



Form for a description of some individual allowances.




Special Packs

Enter a retail package type other than regular, if applicable.



Examples: Prepriced, Off Label. See the legend at the bottom of



the Publix Cost/Promotion Form for a description of some



individual allowances.




Net Case Cost

Enter the master case cost after all allowances have been deducted.




Net Unit Cost

Enter the net cost of one retail selling unit.




Requested Performance

Enter the code for the suggested performance for which funds are



being offered in box the under the allowance column.




Order Dates

Enter the dates the deals are available to buy for Warehouse or



D.S.D. items. See the Supplier Policies and Guidelines for details.




Performance Dates

Enter the dates of suggested performance.




Vendor Promotion #

Enter the promotion number for this deal.




Extended Terms

Enter terms other than the standard terms for the vendor, if



applicable (i.e. the number of days from the invoice date in which



the invoice is to be paid, the amount of discount allowed if paid



within the specified time period, etc.).









continued on next page

2 Publix Cost/Promotion Form Instructions



Vendor procedures, continued

Field Description





Guaranteed Sale? (Y/N)

Check Yes or No to designate if this item is a guaranteed sale (i.e.



If all merchandise is not sold, can it be returned?). Note: Any



merchandise that is damaged or unsaleable is subject to return.




Holdback %

If there is a holdback %, enter the amount in this section.




Lump Sum Funds

Enter the amount of Lump Sum Funds given. Describe what the



Lump Sum Funds are for in the Vendor Comments section.




Payment Method

Check the box that indicates the method for receiving billback






• Immediate Deduction - billback monies are set up for



immediate deduction.



• Check mailed to - Check this option if a check made payable to



Publix has been mailed to the Publix A/P Systems address and a



copy of the check is attached to the Publix Cost/Promotion






• Billback Invoice - Check this option if an invoice should be



generated by the Accounts Receivable Department and mailed



to the address indicated. Enter the name and address that



Publix should use for billing purposes. The payment terms are



30 days. If payment is not received within 30 days, the amount



will be deducted.




Vendor Comments

Enter additional comments. These should include a description of



Lump Sum Funds performance.




Typed Name

Type the name of the person signing the Publix Cost/Promotion







Sales Rep. Signature

Sign the Publix Cost/Promotion Form. Publix Cost/Promotion



Forms must be signed or they will not be accepted by Publix. This



must be the signature of the person presenting the Publix



Cost/Promotion Form.









continued on next page


Publix Cost/Promotion Form Instructions 3


Buyer / Clerical

Follow the steps below to complete the shaded areas of the Publix



Cost/Promotion Form. The information must be typed.





Field Description






Date received by buyer

Enter the date the Publix Cost / Promotion Form is received




Enter your initials to verify receipt of the Publix Cost /




Promotion Form.


Accounts Payable #


Enter the Accounts Payable Vendor Number assigned by




Merchandise Accounting to process payment. This can be found




on VR02 in PIMS.


Repk (Repack)


Enter the number of Publix shipping cases within a master case.


Case Allowances/Costs

Circle the appropriate division(s), initial, and date the form when


Entered in System


case allowances/costs (i.e. TOA, BBA, LUA, etc.) have been




entered into the system.


Lump Sum Funds Entered

Circle the appropriate division(s), initial, and date the form when


in System


the lump sum funds (i.e. LPA) have been entered into the






Date Publix


Enter the date the copy was made and sent to Accounts


Cost/Promotion Form

Receivable to notify them of Lump Sum Funds, Payment


Copy Sent to A/R


Method, etc.


Ad Dates


Enter the date(s) Publix will run an ad, TPR, or in-store special.


Buyer Comments /


Enter additional comments and the performance that the buyer


Performance Agreed Upon

and the sales representative have agreed upon.






4 Publix Cost/Promotion Form Instructions
