Prp 20200 Form PDF Details

The Prp 20200 form, titled "General Compilation Engagement Checklist," serves as a comprehensive guide for evaluating and documenting the various aspects of a financial statement compilation engagement. Issued in May 2015, it is a critical tool used by accounting professionals to ensure that financial statements are accurately compiled, whether a report is issued or not. The form covers a wide array of details, including the engagement profile with codes, financial statement dates, and the personnel involved from the owner or partner to the senior manager. It enquires about the financial statements being compiled, such as balance sheets and income statements, and asks whether these statements include or omit disclosures and supplementary information. Additionally, the form addresses if the entity is independent, the period the financial statements cover, and the accounting basis used, whether GAAP or a special purpose framework. Unpaid professional fees from prior engagements and the types of non-attest services performed, ranging from financial statement preparation to advisory services, are also key components of this checklist. Furthermore, it explores the involvement in client management decisions and the assessment of client personnel overseeing non-attest services. The form concludes with details about complex areas of the engagement, compilation hours, and the continuity of personnel assigned to the engagement, embodying an essential resource for ensuring compliance and thoroughness in financial compilation engagements.

Form NamePrp 20200 Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesGAAP, ChecklistsSystem, unbilled, reconciliations5

Form Preview Example

00-11 MAY 2015

General Compilation Engagement Checklist








Engagement Code No.


Date of Financial Statements2



Owner or Partner



Date of Report (engagement letter if no report





was issued)






Date Report or Financial Statement








This engagement involves reporting (or compiling without a report) on a

balance sheet

income statement

complete set of financial statements

financial statements without statement of cash flows

specified elements, accounts, or items of a financial statement

pro forma financial information

1.that (include

) (omit

) substantially all required disclosures and

2. (include

) (do not include

) supplementary information.

The financial statements are for an entity that is a(n): independent entity

consolidated or combined group

subsidiary, division, or branch

other (explain) __________________________

Is the firm independent with respect to the entity?


If no, did the compilation report include a statement that the firm was


not independent?


If the reason(s) the firm was not independent was disclosed,


did the disclosure include all of the reasons independence was impaired?







The financial statements cover an (annual

) (interim

) reporting period.

The financial statements were prepared on (generally

accepted accounting principles [GAAP] applicable financial

reporting framework ) (a special purpose framework

)3 basis of accounting.

At the time the report or financial statement(s) on the client’s current year was issued or released, or both, were there billed fees, unbilled fees, or note(s) receivable arising from such fees, for any professional services provided that re-

mained unpaid more than one year prior to the date of the report? Yes


Key data reported on by this office for this engagement include the following:

Total assets








Net sales




Net income




Major lines of business:





2To determine the applicability of all cross referenced pronouncements, consider their effective dates.

3The cash, tax, regulatory, and other bases of accounting that utilize a definite set of logical, reasonable criteria that is applied to all material items appearing in financial statement are commonly referred to as other comprehensive bases of accounting.

AICPA Peer Review Program Manual

PRP §20,200


Peer Review Engagement Checklists—System Reviews

00-11 MAY 2015

What types of non-attest services will be performed for this client? (Check all that apply.)4

Activities such as financial statement preparation, cash-to-accrual conversions, and reconciliations5 [ET sec.]

Bookkeeping, payroll, and other disbursements [ET sec. 1.295.120]

Tax preparation services [ET sec. 1.295.160]

Other, which may include advisory services [ET sec. 1.295.105], appraisal, valuation, and actuarial services [ET sec. 1.295.110], benefit plan administration [ET sec. 1.295.115], business risk consulting [ET sec. 1.295.125], corporate finance consulting [ET sec. 1.295.130], executive or employee recruiting [ET sec. 1.295.135], forensic accounting [ET sec. 1.295.140], information systems design, implementation, or integration [ET sec. 1.295.145], internal audit [ET sec. 1.295.150], investment advisory or management [ET sec. 1.295.155]

For each non-attest service type previously identified, identify the following (attach additional sheets, if necessary):

Specific non-attest service:

Individual in your firm responsible:

Name(s) and title of client personnel overseeing this service:

Please describe your assessment and factors leading to your satisfaction that the client personnel overseeing the service had sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to do so:

Did any of the non-attest service(s) involve leading and directing the entity, including making significant decisions or assuming management responsibilities?

Examples of such services include, but are not limited to, the following: (Check all that apply.)

Accepting responsibility for the preparation and fair presentation of the client’s financial statements

Having check signing authority or power of attorney, whether used or not

Preparing invoices, receipts, or other documents that evidence the occurrence of a transaction (including data entry)

Authorizing or executing transactions, or making decisions on behalf of the client

Supervising, hiring, or terminating client employees

Serving on the client’s board of directors

Serving as a client’s stock transfer or escrow agent, registrar, general counsel, or equivalent Accepting responsibility for the management of a client’s project

Performing ongoing evaluations of the client’s internal control as part of its monitoring activities


If any of the preceding boxes are checked, please provide a description:

4To determine the applicability of all cross-referenced Code sections, consider their effective dates.

5Effective for periods beginning after December 15, 2014, activities such as financial statement preparation, cash-to-accrual conversions, and reconciliations are considered outside the scope of the attest engagement and, therefore, constitute a non-attest service.

PRP §20,200

Copyright © 2015, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.

00-11 MAY 2015

General Compilation Engagement Checklist


Complex or troublesome engagement areas:

Compilation hours on this engagement


Manager (or equivalent)

Senior or Other Professionals

Total (this office)

Total Budgeted

Personnel Continuity:
























Number of years assigned to this job













Number of years in current position on the job













Date Engagement

Date Checklist Reviewed by




Review Performed


Team Captain





Reviewer Signature


Team Captain Signature





AICPA Peer Review Program Manual

PRP §20,200

How to Edit Prp 20200 Form Online for Free

Once you open the online PDF tool by FormsPal, you're able to fill in or edit ChecklistsSystem here. To retain our editor on the forefront of efficiency, we aim to put into action user-oriented features and improvements on a regular basis. We're routinely looking for feedback - help us with revampimg PDF editing. Here is what you'd have to do to get going:

Step 1: Firstly, access the editor by pressing the "Get Form Button" in the top section of this webpage.

Step 2: Using this handy PDF editing tool, you'll be able to accomplish more than simply fill out blank form fields. Try each of the features and make your docs seem sublime with customized text put in, or adjust the original input to excellence - all that comes along with the capability to insert stunning photos and sign the file off.

This PDF form will require specific details to be filled in, therefore you must take the time to enter what's asked:

1. The ChecklistsSystem needs certain information to be typed in. Make sure the subsequent blank fields are finalized:

Writing segment 1 of applicability

2. Soon after filling in this step, go on to the next step and fill in the essential particulars in these blanks - Is the firm independent with, Yes, If no did the compilation report, If the reasons the firm was not, Yes, Yes, The financial statements cover an, interim, reporting period, The financial statements were, a special purpose framework, basis of accounting, At the time the report or, Key data reported on by this, and Total assets.

Filling out segment 2 of applicability

3. Completing Major lines of business, To determine the applicability of, AICPA Peer Review Program Manual, and PRP is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

applicability conclusion process explained (portion 3)

Be extremely mindful when completing AICPA Peer Review Program Manual and PRP, since this is where a lot of people make a few mistakes.

4. The subsequent section needs your information in the following areas: What types of nonattest services, Activities such as financial, Bookkeeping payroll and other, Tax preparation services ET sec, Other which may include advisory, For each nonattest service type, Please describe your assessment, service had sufficient skills, and Did any of the nonattest services. Just be sure you fill in all needed info to move onward.

applicability writing process detailed (portion 4)

5. Because you approach the end of your document, there are actually several extra points to complete. Particularly, Examples of such services include, Accepting responsibility for the, Preparing invoices receipts or, Authorizing or executing, Supervising hiring or terminating, If any of the preceding boxes are, and To determine the applicability of should all be done.

Stage # 5 in completing applicability

Step 3: Spell-check all the details you've entered into the blanks and click the "Done" button. Right after starting a7-day free trial account with us, it will be possible to download ChecklistsSystem or email it at once. The form will also be readily accessible in your personal cabinet with all of your modifications. Whenever you work with FormsPal, you can complete forms without the need to worry about personal data breaches or records being shared. Our protected software makes sure that your personal data is maintained safely.