Sexual Consent Form PDF Details

In today's society, where the lines of consent and privacy are more crucial than ever, the Sexual Consent Form and Right of Privacy Agreement emerges as a pivotal document designed to protect the interests and rights of individuals engaging in intimate relationships. This form is a declaration by the consenting parties, affirming that they are over 18 years old, acting of their own free will, and have not been coerced into the agreement due to threats of harm or embarrassment. The document meticulously outlines the nature of consensual acts involved, ranging from sexual fondling to intercourse, and includes provisions for personal boundaries with a unique "Code Red" safe word for immediate cessation of activities. It also contains a clause to safeguard privacy, making the unauthorized disclosure of the agreement a liable offense for invasion of privacy, thus emphasizing the gravity of confidentiality in such agreements. Additionally, it underscores the importance of sobriety during consent and reminds parties to consult with legal counsel before entering into any agreement, highlighting the legal and emotional complexities surrounding consensual sexual relationships. Drafted by Dr. Ava Cadell, a clinical sexologist, this form represents a vital tool for maintaining the dignity and respect of personal relationships in the modern age.

Form Name Sex Contract
Form Length 1 pages
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Avg. time to fill out 15 sec
Other names sex contract template, sex contract pdf, bdsm consent form, sex consent form

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Sexual Consent Form


Right of Privacy Agreement

I, _______________________, hereby declare under penalty of

perjury that I am over 18 years old.

I further declare that this agreement is of my own free will and that neither I nor anyone near or dear to me has been threatened with harm or embarrassment.

Both parties agree that this is a private agreement not to be disclosed to third parties except in case of accusation of sexual misconduct by (name)

________________________ of (state)___________________. If he/she shows or makes

public this agreement without accusation of sexual misconduct, it is agreed that he/she will be liable for damages for invasion of privacy, whether or not his/her signature appears herein.

By initialing __________________, agrees to engage in all or some of the following

consensual acts. Check boxes below and initial the following.

Sexual fondling, petting and kissing________

Sexual intercourse________

Oral copulation (mutual)________

Unilateral copulation by________only.

Other, to be specified:



I further declare that I am at this time not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication and agree to engage in consensual sex with____________________________

and intend not to change my mind before the sex act is over. However, it is further understood that if I, for any reason say the words “Code Red,” that my partner agrees to stop instantly.



Check with your attorney before entering into any agreement.

© Dr. Ava Cadell, Clinical Sexologist, 2003

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How to Edit Sexual Consent Form Online for Free

It is possible to prepare the sex contract template document with our PDF editor. The next steps will enable you to instantly get your document ready.

Step 1: Find the button "Get Form Here" and hit it.

Step 2: The file editing page is right now open. You can add text or enhance existing content.

These particular parts are included in the PDF form you'll be filling in.

sexual consent agreement empty fields to complete

The program will require you to complete the Other to be specified, I further declare that I am at, SignedSigned, DateDate, Check with your attorney before, and Dr Ava Cadell Clinical Sexologist section.

Completing sexual consent agreement stage 2

Step 3: Once you press the Done button, your prepared file can be simply exported to any kind of your devices or to electronic mail chosen by you.

Step 4: Get duplicates of the template. This can protect you from possible complications. We cannot view or reveal your data, so be certain it is secure.

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