NO |
Are you allergic to preservatives, neomycin, thimerosal, streptomycin or latex? |
Do you have a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome or an active neurological disorder? |
Have you ever had a serious reaction after receiving any vaccination? |
Do you have a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting today? |
For Women: Are you pregnant or suspect you are pregnant? If yes, you must consult your physician. |
Check with your physician and/o you health a e p ovide efo e e eiving this va ine if you he ked yes on any of the a ove uestions.
Participants who should not take the vaccine:
Anyone who has had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of DTP, DTap, DT or Td should not get Tdap.
Anyone who has a severe allergy to any component of any vaccine should not get that vaccine. Tell your provider of any severe allergies.
Anyone who had a coma, or long or multiple seizures within 7 days after a dose of DTP or DTaP should not get Tdap, unless a cause other than the vaccine was found.
Talk with your provider if the person getting the vaccine has epilepsy or another nervous system problem, had severe swelling or severe pain after a previous dose of DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, or Tdap vaccine, or has had Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Anyone who has a moderate or severe illness on the day of the immunization should usually wait until they recover before getting the vaccine. A person with a mild illness or low fever can usually be vaccinated.
Possible side effects from the vaccine:
Most people have no side effects from Tdap vaccines. Injections are given by injection into a muscle of the upper arm. This may cause soreness for a day or two, mild fever, headache, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, chills, body aches, sore joints, rash, swollen glands.
The vaccine should not be administered to people with acute febrile illness until their temporary systems have abated. However, minor illnesses with or without fever should not contraindicate the use of Tdap vaccine, particularly among children with mild respiratory tract infection or allergic rhinitis. This vaccine should not be administered to anyone with a history of hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine including Thimerosal.
I authorize Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) records to be released and reviewed by an authorized representative of my third party payer or employer as required for payment. I authorize this information to be released and reviewed by any federal, state, or agency only as required by the regulatory or licensing body.
I agree to release and hold harmless SVNA and the venue at which the vaccine is being provided, its employees, officers, directors or affiliates from any and all liability that might arise from or is in any way connected with this vaccine.
I have been offered a copy of the HIPAA Privacy Notice for SVNA.
I have been offered and read a copy of the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) which explains the risks and benefits. I have had the chance to ask questions before vaccination.
I understand that it is recommended that, if this is a first vaccination, I will remain in the area for 15 minutes for assistance should any immediate reaction occur. I understand that if I experience any side effects, it is my responsibility to consult my physician at my expense.
I understand that I am responsible to reimburse SVNA for charges not covered by my employer, or health insurance.
I authorize SVNA to give me Tdap vaccination.