Form Tsp 70 PDF Details

The TSP-70 form, known as the Request for Full Withdrawal, serves as an essential document for participants of the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) deciding to withdraw their entire account balance upon reaching eligibility. This can include either civilian federal employees or members of the uniformed services, emphasizing the form's broad applicability. Within the form, participants are required to make critical decisions regarding the method of withdrawal, which can range from a single payment, monthly payments calculated by TSP or based on the participant's life expectancy, to investing in a life annuity. Notably, the form encompasses sections addressing spousal rights, in which married participants must navigate additional requirements, like spousal consent, that aim to protect the financial interests of both parties. Additionally, the form provides options for those looking to transfer a portion or all of their TSP balance into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or an eligible employer plan, showcasing the flexibility offered to participants in managing their retirement savings. Direct deposit information is solicited for those preferring this method for receiving payments, streamlining the process. The form concludes with a section dedicated to certification and notarization to verify the participant's understanding and adherence to the regulations governing the withdrawal, stressing the irrevocable nature of the election made with this request. With these provisions, the TSP-70 form is characterized by its comprehensive structure designed to guide TSP participants through the process of full account withdrawal while ensuring compliance with federal regulations and protecting spousal entitlements.

Form NameForm Tsp 70
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namestsp form 99 pdf, tsp 99 form pdf, tsp 99 printable form, blank tsp 99 form

Form Preview Example

Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Middle)




I.INFORMATION ABOUT YOU —This section is required.


This request applies to my:

Civilian Account



Uniformed Services Account


Last Name


First Name


Middle Name











TSP Account Number

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Daytime Phone (Area Code and Number)

6.Foreign address? 7. Check here.

Street Address or Box Number (For a foreign address, see instructions on back.)

Street Address Line 2






Zip Code

II.MARRIED FERS AND UNIFORMED SERVICES PARTICIPANTS —If your total TSP account balance is more than $3,500, your spouse is entitled to a joint life annuity with a 50% survivor benefit, level payments, and no cash refund. Check Item 11 be- low to use your entire account balance to purchase that annuity. Otherwise, complete Items 12 – 15, then proceed to Section IV.



I choose the default joint life annuity with my spouse. (Option 3b in Section XIII). Skip to Section VII, then complete Page 6.




Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Middle)

Spouse’s Social Security Number

If you are not able to obtain your spouse’s signature below, provide your spouse’s name and Social Security number and submit Form TSP-16, Exception to Spousal Requirements (TSP-U-16 for uniformed services), with this request.

Spouse’s waiver: I waive my right to a joint life annuity with a 50% survivor benefit, level payments, and no cash refund.






Spouse’s Signature

Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)



Notary: Please complete the following. No other acknowledgement is acceptable (see instructions).

The person who signed Item 13 is known to or was identified by me, and, before me, signed or acknowledged to have

signed this form. In witness thereof, I have signed below on this


day of













My commission expires:










Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Notary Public’s Signature







III.MARRIED CSRS PARTICIPANTS —We must notify your spouse of your withdrawal request.


17.Is your spouse’s address the same as your address?



No (Complete Items 18 – 22.)


Don’t know spouse’s address.














(Provide spouse’s SSN and submit














Form TSP-16.)
















Spouse’s Social Security Number


Spouse has


foreign address?

Check here.

Street Address or Box Number (For a foreign address, see instructions.)

Street Address Line 2





Do Not Write Below This Line


Zip Code

Form TSP-70, Page 1 (11/2015)

* P I I S 0 0 2 2 9 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P I I S *




TSP Account Number:

(Last, First, Middle)

IV. WITHDRAWAL ELECTION This section is required. Choose one or more methods. Indicate percentages in whole numbers. If choosing monthly payments, include the dollar amount of each payment or choose to have the TSP compute your payments based on your life expectancy.

23. I would like to withdraw my entire account balance as follows:





.0% Single Payment














.0% Life Annuity (Must equal $3,500 or more. Also complete Page 6.)








.0% TSP Monthly Payments Tell us how to pay your monthly payments:





















1 0 0 % (Total a, b, and c)









per month ($25.00 or more)




















Compute my payments based on my life expectancy.


24.I would like to transfer all or a portion of my single payment and/or eligible monthly payments (indicated in Section IV) to an IRA or eligible employer plan. (See instructions for an explanation of eligible monthly payments. Note: You must include the completed applicable transfer page(s) from this form with your withdrawal request package.)

VI. DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION Single payments and/or monthly payments that are not being transferred to a tradi- tional IRA, eligible employer plan, or Roth IRA can be paid by direct deposit to a checking or savings account at a financial insti- tution. Do not complete this section if you want direct deposit for annuity payments. The annuity provider will send you the necessary paperwork for direct deposit of those payments.

25. Pay by direct deposit (check all that apply):



Single Payment







TSP Monthly Payments

26. Type of Account:










































































Name of Financial Institution


































































































































Routing Number (Must be 9 digits)

Checking or Savings Account Number

VII. CERTIFICATION AND NOTARIZATION This section is required. I certify that I have read the information in this pack- age, as well as the Withdrawal booklet and the TSP tax notice, and that I understand that my withdrawal election is irrevo- cable. I certify that the information I have provided on all pages of this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge­. Also, I certify that I am separated from Federal service­ and that I do not expect to be rehired by the Federal Government within 31 days of my separation. Warning: Any intentional false statement in this application or willful misrepresentation concern­ing­ it is a violation of law that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for as long as 5 years, or both (18 U.S.C. § 1001).


Participant’s Signature








Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)

32.Notary: Please complete the following. No other acknowledgement is acceptable (see instructions).

The person who signed Item 30 is known to or was identified by me, and, before me, signed or acknowledged to have

signed this form. In witness thereof, I have signed below on this

day of














My commission expires:











Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Notary Public’s Signature






















Do not write in this section.

Form TSP-70, Page 2 (11/2015)











TSP Account Number:

(Last, First, Middle)

VIII. FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING — Completing this section is optional. Withholding will not apply to amounts transferred to an IRA or eligible employer plan or which are otherwise nontaxable (see instructions). If you complete this section, you should not complete IRS Form W-4P. If you complete this section incorrectly or choose a withholding option that does not apply to your elected withdrawal, and the rest of your form is completed correctly, your withdrawal will be processed using the standard IRS withholding rules.

Withholding on Single Payments

33.The TSP must withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your single payment for Federal income tax.

Indicate the dollar amount of withholding you want in addition to the mandatory 20% for Federal income tax:




Withholding on Monthly Payments

The type and duration of monthly payments you elect will determine the required Federal tax withholding and which options below are available to you. You can use the monthly payment calculator on the TSP website ( to calculate the esti- mated duration of your payments.

34.For monthly payments that will last less than 10 years (less than 120 payments), indicate the dollar amount of with- holding you want on each monthly payment in addition to the mandatory 20% for Federal income tax:




35.For monthly payments that will last 10 years or more (120 payments or more), or are computed based on life expectancy, I want:



No withholding

Withholding based on my marital status:





Married, but withhold at higher single rate

Allowances (Enter the total number of allowances. If zero, enter 0.)



Withhold this additional dollar amount:





(Note: You must also complete Item 35b.)






Do not write in this section.

Form TSP-70, Page 3 (11/2015)











TSP Account Number:

(Last, First, Middle)


This page is optional. You and the IRA trustee or plan administrator must complete this page if you want to transfer (i.e., direct rollover) all or a part of the traditional (non-Roth) portion of your single or eligible monthly payments to a traditional IRA, an eligible employer plan, or a Roth IRA. Your traditional TSP balance consists of traditional contributions, tax-exempt contributions,­ all agency contributions, and the earnings associated with these contributions. Note: If you choose to transfer money from your traditional (non-Roth) balance to a Roth IRA, you will have to pay tax on that portion when you file your tax return for the year.

IX. YOUR TRANSFER ELECTION FOR TRADITIONAL BALANCE —After you complete this section, take or send this page (including the instructions on the back) to your IRA or plan. Your IRA trustee or plan administrator must complete Section X. You must submit the completed package in order for your transfer to be processed.

36.Single Payment. Indicate the percentage of your traditional (non-Roth) single payment that you want to transfer:

37.Monthly Payments. Indicate the percentage of your traditional (non-Roth) monthly payments that you want to transfer:



X.TRANSFER INFORMATION FOR TRADITIONAL BALANCE —This section is to be completed by the IRA trustee or plan administrator. The account described here must be a traditional IRA, eligible employer plan, or Roth IRA. Please return this completed form to the participant. Do not submit transfer forms of financial institutions or plans.


Type of Account:






Traditional IRA









Eligible Employer Plan






Roth IRA














































































































IRA/Plan Account Number or Other Customer ID
































Check this box if tax-exempt balances are accepted into the account identified above.










Provide the name and mailing address information below exactly as it should appear on the front of the check.






















































Only the













































































































Make check payable to
























































































institution or











































































































plan should






















































complete this



If needed, use these boxes to supplement “check payable to” information above.




































































It will be used











































































































to identify the






















































account that


Street Address
























































































will receive the



























































































Zip Code









I confirm the accuracy of the information in this section and the identity of the individual named above. As a representative of the fi­nancial institution or plan to which the funds are being transferred, I certify that the financial institution or plan agrees to accept the funds directly from the Thrift Savings Plan and deposit them into the IRA or eligible employer plan identified above.


Typed or Printed Name of Certifying Representative (Last, First, Middle)


Signature of Certifying Representative

( )

Daytime Phone (Area Code and Number)








Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)



Do not write in this section.

Form TSP-70, Page 4 (11/2015)











TSP Account Number:

(Last, First, Middle)


This page is optional. You and the IRA trustee or plan administrator must complete this page if you want to transfer (i.e., direct rollover) all or a part of the Roth portion of your single or eligible monthly payments to a Roth IRA or to a Roth account maintained by an eligible employer plan. Your Roth TSP balance consists of any employee contributions that you designated as Roth when you made your contribution election and the earnings associated with these contributions. Withdrawals of Roth contributions are paid tax-free. The earnings associated with these contributions are paid tax-free only if 5 years have passed since January 1 of the calendar year in which you made your first Roth contribution, and you have reached age 59½ or have a permanent disability. (See instructions.)

XI. YOUR TRANSFER ELECTION FOR ROTH BALANCE —After you complete this section, take or send this page (includ- ing the instructions on the back) to your IRA or plan. Your IRA trustee or plan administrator must complete Section XII. You must submit the completed package in order for your transfer to be processed.

45.Single Payment. Indicate the percentage of your Roth single payment that you want to transfer:

46.Monthly Payments. Indicate the percentage of your Roth monthly payments that you want to transfer:



XII. TRANSFER INFORMATION FOR ROTH BALANCE —This section is to be completed by the IRA trustee or plan admin- istrator. The account described here must be a Roth IRA or a Roth account maintained by an eligible employer plan. Please return this completed form to the participant. Do not submit transfer forms of financial institutions or plans.

47. Type of Account:


Roth IRA


Eligible Employer Plan — Roth Account


IRA/Plan Account Number or Other Customer ID

49. Provide the name and mailing address information below exactly as it should appear on the front of the check.





Only the

Make check payable to








institution or





plan should





complete this

If needed, use these boxes to supplement “check payable to” information above.









It will be used





to identify the

Street Address




account that




will receive the







Zip Code


I confirm the accuracy of the information in this section and the identity of the individual named above. As a representative of the fi­nancial institution or plan to which the funds are being transferred, I certify that the financial institution or plan agrees to accept the funds directly from the Thrift Savings Plan and deposit them into the IRA or eligible employer plan identified above.



Typed or Printed Name of Certifying Representative (Last, First, Middle)

Signature of Certifying Representative

( )

Daytime Phone (Area Code and Number)








Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)



Do not write in this section.

Form TSP-70, Page 5 (11/2015)











TSP Account Number:

(Last, First, Middle)

Complete this page if you chose a life annuity in Item 11 or 23b.

XIII. ANNUITY ELECTION — Choose only one annuity. If you choose a joint life annuity, you must complete Section XIV. If the annuity you choose is marked by an asterisk (*), you must also complete Section XV.

53.Your Gender:



54.Indicate your annuity choice by checking one of the options below.

Single Life — Level Payments:

Single Life — Increasing Payments:


No additional features


No additional features


Cash refund (Complete Section XV)


Cash refund (Complete Section XV)


10-year certain (Complete Section XV)


10-year certain (Complete Section XV)

Joint Life With Spouse — Level Payments:

Joint Life With Spouse — Increasing Payments:



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)

Joint Life With Joint Annuitant Other Than Spouse — Level Payments:



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)



to survivor, no additional features



to survivor, cash refund (Complete Section XV)


Name (Last, First, Middle)







58. Gender:




Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)


Joint Annuitant’s Social Security Number





Relationship to Participant














XV. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION FOR YOUR TSP ANNUITY — If you chose an annuity with a cash refund or 10-year certain feature (options in Section XIII marked by an asterisk (*)), you must provide the requested information and indicate the share of your annuity intended for each designation. (Contingent beneficiaries are not allowed.) Use whole percent- ages. Percentages must total to 100.


Beneficiary’s Name (Last, First, Middle)



Social Security Number/EIN

Relationship to Participant


Beneficiary’s Name (Last, First, Middle)



Social Security Number/EIN

Relationship to Participant


Beneficiary’s Name (Last, First, Middle)

Social Security Number/EIN

Relationship to Participant






Check here if you are submitting additional pages. How many additional pages are you attaching to this form?

















Do not write in this section.

Form TSP-70, Page 6 (11/2015)

















How to Edit Form Tsp 70 Online for Free

We found the finest web programmers to design this PDF editor. The application will let you prepare the tsp 99 printable form document without difficulty and won't take a lot of your time and effort. This easy-to-follow instruction will allow you to begin.

Step 1: The first thing is to select the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: Once you've got accessed the editing page tsp 99 printable form, you'll be able to find all the actions intended for the form within the upper menu.

These sections are what you are going to fill in to get your finished PDF document.

example of fields in tsp form 99 pdf

Note the required information in Spouses Signature Notary Please, day of, My commission expires, Date mmddyyyy, Notary Publics Signature, seal, Jurisdiction, III MARRIED CSRS PARTICIPANTS We, Month, Year, Spouses Name Last First Middle, Is your spouses address the same, Yes, No Complete Items, and Dont know spouses address Provide area.

stage 2 to entering details in tsp form 99 pdf

Inside the segment talking about IV WITHDRAWAL ELECTION This, Single Payment Life Annuity Must, Total a b and c, per month or more, Compute my payments based on my, V TRANSFER ELECTION, I would like to transfer all or a, and VI DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION, you have got to write down some necessary information.

tsp form 99 pdf IV WITHDRAWAL ELECTION  This, Single Payment  Life Annuity Must, Total a b and c, per month  or more, Compute my payments based on my, V TRANSFER ELECTION, I would like to transfer all or a, and VI DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION fields to fill out

For box VI DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION, Pay by direct deposit check all, Single Payment, TSP Monthly Payments, Type of Account, Checking, OR Savings, Name of Financial Institution, ACH Routing Number Must be digits, Checking or Savings Account Number, VII CERTIFICATION AND NOTARIZATION, age as well as the Withdrawal, Participants Signature, Date Signed mmddyyyy, and Notary Please complete the, identify the rights and obligations.

Filling in tsp form 99 pdf part 4

Fill out the template by reading these fields: Notary Please complete the, day of, My commission expires, Date mmddyyyy, Notary Publics Signature, seal, Jurisdiction, Month, and Year.

tsp form 99 pdf Notary Please complete the, day of, My commission expires, Date mmddyyyy, Notary Publics Signature, seal, Jurisdiction, Month, and Year blanks to fill out

Step 3: Click "Done". It's now possible to upload the PDF document.

Step 4: To protect yourself from possible future issues, ensure that you have up to two copies of each separate form.

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