Us Australia Form Trade Agreement PDF Details

The US-Australia Trade Agreement form serves as a crucial document for businesses and individuals involved in importing goods from the United States to Australia, laying out a structured process to certify the origin of goods being traded. This document, adorned with a company’s letterhead, essentially declares that the goods supplied to an Australian importer are of US origin, aligning with the criteria set forth in Section 153YB of the Customs Act 1901 and as detailed in paragraph 5.1 (a) of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA). Parties must comprehensively describe the goods, citing model or product numbers if available, and classify them under the Harmonized Tariff to six digits. It encompasses a wide range of items, from minerals and plants obtained in the US to live animals and products derived from them, alongside goods procured through hunting, fishing, or aquaculture. Additionally, it includes items from as far-reaching areas as outer space or the seabed outside territorial waters, under US jurisdiction, emphasizing the extensive scope of goods that can be traded under this agreement. The form requires explicit acknowledgment from the issuer concerning their obligation to maintain and provide supporting documentation upon request and to inform all relevant parties of any changes that could impact the statement’s validity. This formal declaration, concluding with the signature of the authorizing company representative, is pivotal in facilitating trade between the two nations, ensuring compliance with tariff regulations, and fostering a transparent and efficient trade partnership.

Form NameUs Australia Form Trade Agreement
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesausfta forms, ausfta form, ausfta form pdf, aufsta fillable form

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Company Letterhead

Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement


I ______________________________ of (name of company) in the United States of America hereby

state that the goods supplied to (Australian importer’s name) are US originating goods as defined in Section 153YB of the Customs Act 1901 (and in paragraph 5.1 (a) of AUSFTA) as they are wholly obtained or produced entirely in the US.

Description of Goods

Model/Product No. (if applicable)

Harmonized Tariff



Classification to 6 digits







The goods are:

Tick 3

1.Minerals extracted in the US

2.Plants grown in the US, or the US and Australia, or products obtained from such plants

3.Live animals born and raised in the US, or the US and Australia, or products obtained from such animals

4.Goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing or aquaculture conducted in the US

5.Fish, shellfish or other marine life taken from the sea by ships registered or recorded in the US and flying the flag of the US

6.Goods produced exclusively from goods referred to in point 5 above, on board factory ships registered or recorded in the US and flying the flag of the US

7.Goods taken from the seabed, or beneath the seabed, outside the territorial waters of the US by the US or a national of the US, where the US has the right to exploit that part of the seabed

8.Goods taken from outer space by the US or a national of the US

9.Waste and scrap that has been derived from production operations in the US or has been derived from used goods that are collected in the US and that are fit only for recovery of raw materials

10.Goods produced entirely in the US exclusively from goods referred to at point number (relevant number here) above or from their derivatives

11.Recovered goods derived in the US and used in the US in the production of remanufactured goods

This statement applies to the goods above that are supplied on and from (specify date in DD/MM/YYY format). I agree to maintain and present on request, documentation necessary to support this statement. I further agree to inform, in writing, all persons to whom the statement was given of any changes that could affect the accuracy or validity of this statement.

Signed by:

Position in Company:

Full Name:

Contact Details:


Note: The Australian importer should quote Preference Rule Type “WO” on the Import Declaration for the goods described above.

How to Edit Us Australia Form Trade Agreement Online for Free

It's easy to fill in the aufta form online document with this PDF editor. The following steps will help you quickly prepare your document.

Step 1: Select the button "Get form here" to access it.

Step 2: You'll notice all of the actions that you can use on the file as soon as you've entered the aufta form online editing page.

Enter the necessary details in each area to create the PDF aufta form online

ausfta form template gaps to fill out

Write down the data in the Minerals extracted in the US, This statement applies to the, Signed by, and Position in Company field.

Filling in ausfta form template part 2

You'll have to put down some particulars inside the segment Full Name, Date, Contact Details, and Note The Australian importer.

ausfta form template Full Name, Date, Contact Details, and Note The Australian importer blanks to complete

Step 3: As soon as you hit the Done button, your final document is easily exportable to any of your devices. Or, you can easily send it by means of mail.

Step 4: Get no less than several copies of your file to avoid different potential future complications.

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