Application Raising Canes Job PDF Details

Embarking on a career journey with Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers starts with a detailed application process designed to gather comprehensive information from potential candidates. The form, which applicants are required to complete by hand in ink, promises an unbiased consideration for all candidates, irrespective of race, color, religion, gender, and other federally and state-protected classes, ensuring an equal employment opportunity for everyone. The application not only seeks personal information such as name, contact details, and legal eligibility for employment in the U.S. but also probes into an applicant's willingness to relocate, their availability, and their desired salary. It meticulously gathers educational and professional history, underlining the importance of accurate and complete responses, with spaces designated for explaining any gaps or unique circumstances. Additionally, Raising Cane’s emphasizes a comprehensive approach by requesting information on skills pertinent to the roles, whether they are in restaurant management or office administration, along with a section for references and any additional comments the applicant may wish to provide. The declaration at the end serves as a reminder of the seriousness with which the application should be treated, necessitating acknowledgment of the truthfulness of the information provided and consent for further verification. This document is not only a gateway to potential employment but also forms part of an individual’s permanent record with the company, underscoring the company's methodical and professional approach to building its team.

Form NameApplication Raising Canes Job
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields222
Avg. time to fill out22 min 44 sec
Other namescane's application online, raisingcanes application, raising canes application, cane's application

Form Preview Example

Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers

Date Completed ___________


Restaurant Support Office

Employment Application

Complete in your own handwriting in ink. If employed, this becomes part of your permanent record. Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers and all related entities consider all applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, orientation, marital status, national origin, age (40 and

over), disability, the presence of non-job related medical conditions, or any other basis prohibited by state or federal laws. Employment with Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers and/or its related entities is at will. All questions must be answered and the application signed to be considered for employment.

Tell us about yourself.







(Middle Initial)

(Social Security #)

Present Address:











Permanent Address: ________________________________









Day Phone: (

) _________________________


Night Phone: (

) __________________________








Are you at least 18 years of age?



If no, state your date of birth: _____ / _____ / _____













Do you have relatives











working at Raising Cane’s?




If yes, name of relative(s) __________________________________





Have you ever been employed by Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers or any of our restaurants or offices? Yes No


If yes: Location _________________________

Dates from: _____ / _____ / ____ To: _____ / ____ / ____


Why did you leave? ______________________________________________________________________________








Can you furnish proof of your right to work in the U.S.A?














Do you have reliable transportation to work?

















What position interests you?









Position Application for:

Restaurant Management Restaurant Support Office (Position) __________________________






Other (explain) ___________________________________________


Date available for employment: _______________________

Starting salary or income desired:



Are you open to relocation:










If you relocate, which cities or areas would you consider in order of preference:



1) _______________________________

2) _______________________________ 3) _______________________________











Describe your experience with us.









Have you ever visited a Raising Cane’s? Yes


Were you referred to Canes by someone? ______________________

If yes, describe your experience: ____________________________________________________________________________



Why would you like to work for Raising Cane’s? ________________________________________________________________



Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers® is an Equal Opportunity Employer

©Raising Cane’s 04.09

Describe your education and experience.



Circle last year





Name and Address of School:


Did you graduate?

Course / Major:












High School:































































































Graduate School:





























Trade or Business School: _________________________





























Describe any specialized training, apprenticeship and/or skills that relate to your ability to perform the job for which you have applied:





Skills for Office / Administration Positions Only


Typing WM: __________

Computer proficiency:

MS Word MS Excel

MS PowerPoint MS Outlook







10 Key: Yes



Other(s): ________________________________







Other Important Information




How were you referred to us for employment?






Walk In

Employment Agency

Employee Referral


Career Fair



Other: _____________________

Our restaurants are open 7 days a week. Do you have any commitments that could interfere with the regular performance of your duties on behalf of Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers? Yes No If yes, explain:________________________________




In the past seven (7) years, have you been convicted of a felony or have you been placed on probation or received deferred adjudication for any criminal offense? Yes No

If yes, list convictions, probations and/or deferred adjudications indicating date, charge, place and action taken (arrests are not convictions). A conviction(s), probation(s) and/or deferred adjudication(s) will not necessarily disqualify an applicant for employment. Use additional paper if necessary.



©Raising Cane’s 04.09

Previous Work Experience (Please give accurate and complete employment history, starting with your most recent position.)

Name of Company/Employer: _________________________________________________________________________


City: ______________

State: _____________

Zip: _______________

Phone: (

) _________________________

Employment dates from:

_____/_____ / ____To: ____ / ____ / ___

Annual pay:

Starting Salary: ________ /Bonus: ______________

Ending Salary: _________

/Bonus: ______________







Position held:______________________________________ Supervisor’s name:_________________________________

Duties performed: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Reason for leaving: __________________________________________________________________________________


Name of Company/Employer: _________________________________________________________________________


City: ______________

State: _____________

Zip: _______________

Phone: (

) _________________________

Employment dates from:

_____/_____ / ____To: ____ / ____ / ___

Annual pay: Starting Salary: ________ /Bonus: ______________

Ending Salary: _________

/Bonus: ______________

2Position held:______________________________________ Supervisor’s name:_________________________________

Duties performed: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Reason for leaving: __________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Company/Employer: _________________________________________________________________________


City: ______________

State: _____________

Zip: _______________

Phone: (

) _________________________

Employment dates from:

_____/_____ / ____To: ____ / ____ / ___

3 Annual pay: Starting Salary: ________

/Bonus: ______________

Ending Salary: _________

/Bonus: ______________

Position held:______________________________________ Supervisor’s name:_________________________________

Duties performed: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Reason for leaving: __________________________________________________________________________________


Name of Company/Employer: _________________________________________________________________________


City: ______________

State: _____________

Zip: _______________

Phone: (

) _________________________

Employment dates from:

_____/_____ / ____To: ____ / ____ / ___

Annual pay:

Starting Salary: ________

/Bonus: ______________

Ending Salary: _________

/Bonus: ______________









Position held:______________________________________ Supervisor’s name:_________________________________

Duties performed: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Reason for leaving: __________________________________________________________________________________








May we contact the employers listed above?











If no, indicate by NUMBER which one (s) you do not wish us to contact:


/ 2 / 3 / 4






Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign by an employer?




©Raising Cane’s 04.09

Your References (Please provide at least 2 (B)usiness and 2 (P)ersonal references.)

(circle) Name:

B / P _______________________



Phone #:


____________ _____________________________________________

B / P _______________________


____________ _____________________________________________

B / P _______________________


____________ _____________________________________________

B / P _______________________


____________ _____________________________________________

B / P _______________________


____________ _____________________________________________


This space is provided for you to give us any information about yourself not already covered in the application. (e.g. career interests, plans, objectives or any other information that you believe we should know in considering you for this position.)





Applicant Statement (Please read the following and sign your acknowledgment.)

I certify that the information given herein and attached hereto is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize

you to make such investigations and inquiries of information provided herein (and attached hereto) and other matters related thereto as may be necessary, and I release Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers (“the Company”) and its related entities (including parent and indirect

parent entities) whichever the case may be, and its officers and employees from all liability in connection with these actions. I hereby release the Company, its officers, employees and representatives, franchisees and licensees, employers, schools and other persons, institutions or businesses responding to investigations to inquiries from all liability in responding to inquiries in connection with my application for employment. I understand that false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate information given in this application, during interviews or otherwise provided may result in a refusal to hire, or discharge in the event of employment.

I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is at will. I also understand that, if hired, my employment is for no definite period of time. I may terminate my employment at any time, and I may be dismissed at any time without prior notice of any reason or for no reason. I further understand and agree that nothing in this application is intended as, or shall constitute a contract of employment or a guarantee of employment.

I understand that by signing this application I am authorizing you to contact the individuals I have identified as references and former employers (if applicable), and educational institutions to confirm the information provided. I also understand that any policies or procedures implemented by the Company in the event of my employment are for internal controls only and are not intended to be nor

constitute a contract for my employment. I agree to a drug test, if permitted by law, to be paid for by the Company. In addition, I understand that any of these policies or procedures may be changed at any time at the employer’s discretion without notice.

Finally, I understand that this application will only be considered for 90 days and that if I have not heard from the Company within that time period, I must reapply to be considered further.



Signature of Applicant


Company Use Only:

Hire Information:

Starting Date:


Starting Base Salary:




Training Location:






©Raising Cane’s 04.09

How to Edit Application Raising Canes Job Online for Free

There is nothing hard regarding filling in the raisingcanes application if you use our PDF editor. By following these basic steps, you can obtain the ready document in the least time frame you can.

Step 1: Hit the orange button "Get Form Here" on the web page.

Step 2: You're now on the file editing page. You may edit, add text, highlight certain words or phrases, place crosses or checks, and insert images.

You should enter the following details to complete the raising, canes application PDF:

filling out caniaccareers com part 1

Enter the requested particulars in If yes: Location Dates from: / , Why did you leave, Can you furnish proof of your, Do you have reliable, What position interests you,  Yes  No,  Yes  No, Position Application for: , Date available for employment:, Starting salary or income desired:, Are you open to relocation: If you,  Yes  No, Describe your experience with us, Have you ever visited a Raising, and Were you referred to Cane, s by part.

part 2 to entering details in caniaccareers com

In the Circle last year, Name and Address of School:, completed: Did you graduate, Degree:, High School: , College: , 1 2 3 4  Yes  No, 1 2 3 4  Yes  No, College: , 1 2 3 4  Yes  No, Graduate School: , 1 2 3 4  Yes  No, Trade or Business School: , 1 2 3 4  Yes  No, and Describe any specialized training box, emphasize the valuable information.

part 3 to completing caniaccareers com

The Skills for Office / Administration, Typing WM: Computer proficiency:, 10 Key:  Yes  No  Other, s , Other Important Information, How were you referred to us for, Our restaurants are open 7 days a, In the past seven (7) years, and If yes area will be your place to include the rights and obligations of each party.

caniaccareers com Skills for Office / Administration, Typing WM:  Computer proficiency:, 10 Key:  Yes  No  Other(s): , Other Important Information, How were you referred to us for, Our restaurants are open 7 days a, In the past seven (7) years, and If yes blanks to insert

Look at the sections Previous Work Experience (Please, Name of Company, Employer , Address: City: State: Zip: , Phone: ( ) Employment dates from:, / / To: / / , Annual pay: Starting Salary: , Duties performed: , Reason for leaving: , Name of Company, Employer , Address: City: State: Zip: , Phone: ( ) Employment dates from:, / / To: / / , Annual pay: Starting Salary: , Duties performed: , and Reason for leaving: and next complete them.

stage 5 to entering details in caniaccareers com

Step 3: After you hit the Done button, the final document is readily transferable to any of your gadgets. Or, you will be able to send it by means of email.

Step 4: Create a minimum of a couple of copies of the file to keep away from any sort of possible future issues.

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