Basic College Mathematics PDF Details

Embarking on the journey through Basic College Mathematics by Ignacio Bello is akin to setting off on a structured yet engaging path towards mathematical proficiency. This comprehensive guide is meticulously designed to not only introduce learners to essential mathematical concepts but also equip them with the tools to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios effectively. At the heart of Bello's approach is a step-by-step manual that promises to transform students from novices into adept mathematicians through a series of thoughtfully structured sections. Starting with an encouragement to review suggested topics, the book promptly sets objectives that outline the tasks learners should be able to accomplish. A unique feature includes 'Green Math Examples,' which connect mathematics with environmental considerations, enhancing the relevance of math in addressing contemporary issues. The layout is such that examples and paired margin problems serve not only to explain the content but also to reinforce skills, ensuring that knowledge is firmly grasitated. Mastery of the material is assessed through a variety of checks - from concept checkers to mastery tests, each designed to build confidence and ensure understanding. For those seeking to deepen their engagement, connections with exercises, self-tests, and videos provide additional layers of support. The inclusion of reviews, practice tests, and a solutions manual offers comprehensive reinforcement and aids in the consolidation of the learning material. Bello's Basic College Mathematics, through its real-world approach and detailed support system, stands as an invaluable resource for any learner aspiring to master the fundamentals of mathematics in a grounded and accessible manner.

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Bello Basic College Mathematics

How to Use this Book: A Manual for Success

This brief guide shows you how to use the book effectively: Use It and Succeed! It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.


1.To succeed: Review the suggested topics at the beginning of each section

2.Objectives: Identify the tasks you should be able to perform (organized by section)

3.Getting Started: Preview the topics being discussed with a familiar application


1.Examples: Explain, expand and help you attain the stated Objectives

2.Green Math Examples: Usually the last Example in each section deals with the environment

3.Paired Margin Problems: Reinforce skills in the Examples. (Answers at the bottom of page)


1.Concept Checker: To reinforce key terms and get ready for the Mastery Test that follows

2.Mastery Test: Get a quick checkup to make sure you understand the material in the section

3.Skill Checker: Check in advance your understanding of the material in the next section


1.Connect: Boost your grade with Connect Practice Problems, Self Tests, and Videos.

2.Exercises (Grouped by Objectives): Practice by doing! Interesting Applications included

3.Green Applications: Marked with a Green bar in the margin; math applied to the Environment


1.Summary: Easy-to-read grid details the items studied and their meaning and gives an Example

2.Review: Coded by Section number; do them and get extra reinforcement and practice!

3.Practice Test: Answers give Section, Example and Pages for easy reference to each question


1.Cumulative Review: Covers topics from present and prior chapters. Review all the material!

2.Solutions Manual: Worked out odd numbered solutions, all Reviews and Cumulative Reviews

3.Videos on the Web: Authors working problems from the Practice Test step by step

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Ignacio Bello

Hillsborough Community College/University of South Florida




Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2009 and 2006. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by

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ISBN 978–0–07–734330–9 (Annotated Instructor’s Edition)

MHID 0–07–734330–1

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bello, Ignacio.

Basic college mathematics : a real-world approach / Ignacio Bello. — 4th ed.

Includes index.

ISBN 978–0–07–338438–2 — ISBN 0–07–338438–0 (hard copy : alk. paper) 1. Mathematics. I. Title. QA39.3.B44 2012



V About the Author


Ignacio Bello

attended the University of South Florida (USF), where he earned a B.A. and M.A. in Mathematics. He began teaching at USF in 1967, and in 1971 became a member of the Faculty at Hillsborough Community College (HCC) and Coordinator of the Math and Sciences Department. Professor Bello instituted the USF/HCC

remedial program, a program that started with 17 students taking Intermediate Algebra and grew to more than 800 students with courses covering Developmental English, Reading, and Mathematics. Aside from the present series of books (Basic College Mathematics, Introductory Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra), Professor Bello is the author of more than 40 textbooks including Topics in Contemporary Mathematics (ninth edition), College Algebra, Algebra and Trigonometry, and Business Mathematics. Many of these textbooks have been translated into Spanish. With Professor Fran Hopf, Bello started the Algebra Hotline, the only live, college-level television help program in Florida. Professor Bello is featured in three television programs on the award-winning Education Channel. He has helped create and develop the USF Mathematics Department Website (, which serves as support for the Finite Math, College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, and Introductory Algebra, and CLAST classes at USF. You can see Professor Bello’s presentations and streaming videos at this website, as well as at Professor Bello is a member of the MAA and AMATYC and has given many presentations regarding the teaching of mathematics at the local, state, and national levels.

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VFrom the Author

The Inspiration for My Teaching

I was born in Havana, Cuba, and I encountered some of the same challenges in mathematics that many of my current students face, all while attempting to overcome a language barrier. In high school, I failed my freshman math course, which at the time was a complex language for me. However, with hard work and perseverance, I scored 100% on the final exam the second time around. While juggling various jobs in high school (roofer, sheetrock installer, and dock worker), I graduated and received a college academic scholarship. I first enrolled in calculus and made a “C.” Never one to be discouraged, I became a math major and worked hard to excel in the courses that had previously frustrated me.

While a graduate student at the University of South Florida (USF), I taught at a technical school, Tampa Technical Institute, a decision that contributed to my resolve to teach math and make it come alive for my students the way brilliant instructors such as Jack Britton, Donald Rose, and Frank Cleaver had done for me. My math instructors instilled in me the motivation to work toward success. Through my teaching, I have learned a great deal about the way in which students learn and how the proper guidance through the developmental mathematics curriculum leads to student success. I believe I have developed a strong level of guidance in my textbook series by carefully explaining the language of mathematics and providing my students with the key fundamentals to help them reach success.

A Lively Approach to Build Students’ Confidence

Teaching math at the University of South Florida was a great new career for me, but I found that students, professors, including myself, and administrators were disappointed by the rather imposing, mathematically correct but boring book we had to use. So, I took the challenge to write a book on my own, a book that was not only mathematically correct, but student-oriented with interesting applications— many suggested by the students themselves—and even, dare we say, entertaining! That book’s approach and philosophy proved an instant success and was a precursor to my current series.

Students fondly called my class “The Bello Comedy Hour,” but they worked hard, and they performed well. When my students ranked among the highest on the common final exam at USF, I knew I had found a way to motivate them through common-sense language and humorous, realistic math applications. I also wanted to show students they could overcome the same obstacles I had in math and become successful, too. If math has been a subject that some of your students have never felt comfortable with, then they’re not alone!This book was written with the mathanxious students in mind, so they’ll find it contains a jovial tone and explanations that are patient instead of making math seem mysterious, it makes it down-to-earth and easily digestible. For example, after explaining the different methods for simplifying fractions, readers are asked: “Which way should you simplify fractions? The way you understand!” Once students realize that math is within their grasp and not a foreign language, they’ll be surprised at how much more confident they feel.

A Real-World Approach: Applications, Student Motivation, and Problem Solving

What is a “real-world approach”? I found that most textbooks put forth “real-world” applications that meant nothing to the real world of my students. How many of my students would really need to calculate the speed of a bullet (unless they are in its


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