BIR 2306 Form PDF Details

The Bir 2306 form, officially known as the Certificate of Final Tax Withheld At Source, plays a pivotal role in the Philippines' taxation system, serving both individuals and non-individual entities. Issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), this document pertains to various income payments and tax withholdings, capturing a broad spectrum of financial interactions. Key sections of the form include detailed information about the income recipient or payee and the withholding agent or payor alongside their respective Tax Identification Numbers (TINs), names, and registered addresses. It also encompasses a comprehensive breakdown of the nature of income payments, alphanumeric tax codes (ATC), and the total amount of payments versus the tax withheld. This form is a declaration made under the penalties of perjury, emphasizing its legal importance and the need for accuracy. It incorporates declarations for substituting filing applicable to Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Percentage Tax Withholding, further illustrating the Philippines' intricate tax structure aimed at ensuring compliance and proper documentation of taxable transactions. Additionally, the schedules of alphanumeric tax codes provided in detail offer guidance on various income categories, from employee benefits to interests on foreign loans, dividends, rentals, and royalties, tailoring the documentation process to specific types of income and their corresponding tax treatments.

Form NameBIR 2306 Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields107
Avg. time to fill out22 min 9 sec
Other namesbir 2306 downloadable form, 2306 form editable download, bir form 2306 excel download, bir form 2306 excel

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Republika ng Pilipinas Kagawaran ng Pananalapi

Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas

Certificate of Final Tax

BIR Form No.


Withheld At Source

March 2003 (ENCS)



For the Period

















Part I

Income Recipient/Payee Information




Withholding Agent/Payor Information











Payee's Name (For Non-Individuals )





Payor's Name (For Non- Individuals)



Payee's Name

(Last Name, First Name,

Middle Name) For Individuals 7

Payor's Name (Last Name, First Name,

Middle Name) For Individuals


Registered Address





Registered Address





8A Zip





9A Zip











Foreign Address





ICR No. (For Alien Income Recipient Only)

Part II

Details of Income Payment and Tax Withheld


Nature of Income Payment


Amount of Payment

Tax Withheld










We declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this certificate has been made in good faith, verified by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and correct pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof.


Payor/Payor's Authorized Representative

Date Signed

Signature Over Printed Name






Date Signed

Payee/Payee's Authorized Representative

Signature Over Printed Name

To be accomplished for Value-Added Tax/Percentage Tax Withholding (substituted filing)

I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that the information herein stated are reported under BIR Form No. 1600 which have been filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.


Payor/Payor's Authorized Representative

Signature Over Printed Name

I declare under the penalties of perjury that I am qualified under substituted filing of Percentage Tax/Value Added Tax Returns (BIR Form 2551M/2550M/Q), since I have only one payor from whom I earn my income; that, in accordance with RR 14-2003, I have availed of the Optional Registration under the 3% Final Percentage Tax Wthholding/10% Final VAT Withholding in lieu of the 3% Percentage Tax/10% VAT in order to be entitled to the privileges accorded by the Substituted Percentage Tax Return/Substituted VAT Return System prescribed in the aforesaid Regulations; that, this Declaration is sufficient authority of the withholding agent to withhold 3% Final Percentage Tax/10% Final VAT from my sale of goods and/or services.


Payee/Payee's Authorized Representative

Signature Over Printed Name


Nature of Income Payment



Income Tax

Fringe Benefit

1Alien individual employed by OBU's, Foreign Petroleum Service Contractors, & Subcontractors,


& by Regional or Area Headquarters & Regional Operating Headquarters of Multinational Co.,

WF 320



including any of its Filipino employees occupying the same position




Payment of fringe benefits to Non-Resident Alien Not Engaged in Trade or Business (NRAETB)

WF 330



Employees other than rank and file based on the grossed-up monetary value

WF 360



Interest/Yield from Bank Deposits/Deposit Substitutes/Government Securities




Saving Deposit

WI 161

WC 161


Time Deposit

WI 161

WC 161


Government Securities

WI 162

WC 162


Deposit Substitutes/Others

WI 163

WC 163


Foreign Currency Deposits

WI 170

WC 170


Preterminated Long Term Deposit/Investment


WC 440


Less than three (3) years

WI 440



Three (3) years to less than four (4) years

WI 441



Four (4) years to less than five (5) years

WI 442



All Others




Interest on foreign loans payable to NRFCs


WC 180


Interest and other income payments on foreign currency transaction /loans payable to OBUs


WC 190


Interest and other income payments on foreign currency transaction /loans payable to FCDUs


WC 191


Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizen & resident aliens/NRFC's

WI 202

WC 212


Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens & resident aliens/NRFC's

WI 203

WC 213


Cash dividend payment by domestic corp. to NRFCs whose countries allowed tax deemed paid credit


WC 222


Property dividend payment by domestic corp. to NRFCs whose countries allowed tax deemed paid credit


WC 223


On other payments to NRFC


WC 230


Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRAETB

WI 224



Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRAETB

WI 225


20Share of a NRAETB in the distributable net income after tax of a partnership (except General Professional


Partnership) of which he is a partner, or share in the net income after tax of an association,

WI 226



a joint account or a joint venture taxable as a corp., of which he is a member or a co-venturer




Distributive share of individual partners in a taxable partnership, association,

WI 240



a joint account or a joint venture or consortium






Other royalty payments to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB

WI 250

WC 250


(other than WI380 and WI 341) /domestic and resident foreign corporation





On prizes exceeding P10,000 & other winnings paid to individuals

WI 260



Branch profit remittances by all corporations except PEZA/SBMA/CDA registered


WC 280


On the gross rentals, lease and charter fees derived by non-resident owner or lessor of foreign vessels


WC 290


On the gross rentals, lease and charter fees derived by non-resident lessor of aircraft,


WC 300


machineries and other equipment






Payment to Oil Exploration Service Contractors/Sub-Contractors

WI 310

WC 310

28Payment to Filipinos or Alien individuals employed by Foreign Petroleum Service Contractors/


Subcontractors, Offshore Banking Units and Regional or Area Headquarters and Regional Operating

WI 320



Headquarters of Multinational Companies occupying executive/managerial and technical positions




Payments to Non-Resident Alien Not Engaged in Trade or Business (NRAETB) except on sale of shares

WI 330



in domestic corporation and real property






Payments to non-resident individual/foreign corporate cinematographic film owners, lessors or distributors

WI 340

WC 340


Royalties paid to NRAETB on cinematographic films and similar works

WI 341



Final Tax on interest or other payments upon tax-free covenant bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust or

WI 350



other obligations under Sec. 57C of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997






Royalties paid to citizens, resident aliens & non-resident alien engaged in trade or business (NRAETB)

WI 380



on books, other literary works & musical compositions






Payments to taxpayer enjoying Preferential Tax Rates/Tax Treaty Rates


WC 390


Informer's cash reward to individuals/juridical person

WI 410

WC 410


Final Capital Gains Tax on Sale/Exchange or Other Disposition of Real Property

WI 450

WC 450

For Business Tax


VAT Withholding on Purchase of Goods (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credits)

WV 014


VAT Withholding on Purchase of Services (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credits)

WV 024


Person exempt from VAT under Sec. 109 (z)

WB 084


Tax on Winnings and Prizes (Sec. 126) (double/forecast/quinella/trifecta bets) - Gov't. Withholding Agent (4%)

WB 191


Tax on Winnings and Prizes on horse races/owners of winning racehorses (Sec. 126) - Gov't. Withholding Agent (10%)

WB 192


Tax on Winnings and Prizes (Sec. 126 ) (double/forecast/quinella/trifecta bets) - Private Withholding Agent (4%)

WB 193


Tax on Winnings and Prizes on horse races/owners of winning racehorses (Sec. 126 ) - Private Withholding Agent (10%)

WB 194


VAT Withholding on Non-residents - Gov't. Withholding Agent

WV 040


VAT Withholding on Non-residents - Private Withholding Agent

WV 050




NRAETB = Non-resident Alien Engaged in Trade or Business

NRFC = Non- resident Foreign Corporation

FCDU = Foreign Currency Deposit Unit

NRANETB = Non-resident Alien Not Engaged in Trade or Business

OBU = Offshore Banking Unit

PEZA = Philippine Export Zone Authority

SBMA = Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority

CDA = Clark Development Authority


République des Philippines

Formulaire BIR (bureau des services fiscaux) N°


Septembre 2005

Certificat d’impôt final

Retenu à la source

Partie II : relevé détaillé des revenus versés et de l’impôt prélevé

Nature du revenu versement


Montant payé

Impôt retenu


société nationale à des sociétés étrangères non-



résidentes dont les pays d’origine ont accordé un crédit



pour l’impôt qui est censé avoir été payé



17 – Sur tous les autres versements effectués à une


WC 230

société étrangère non-résidente



18 – Paiement d’un dividende en espèces par une

WI 224


société nationale à un étranger non-résident exerçant



une activité dans le commerce ou les affaires



19 – Versement d’un dividende en nature par une

WI 225


société nationale à un étranger non résident exerçant



une activité dans le commerce ou les affaires



20 - Part versée à un étranger non résident exerçant une

WI 226


activité dans le commerce ou les affaires sur le revenu



net distribuable après impôt d’une société (sauf une



société professionnelle en nom collectif) dont il est



membre, ou part du revenu net après impôt d’une



association, d’un compte joint ou d’une « joint



venture » imposable comme une société, dont il est






21 – Part distribuée à des membres d’une société,

WI 240


association, d’un compte joint ou d’une « joint



venture » ou d’un consortium.



22 – Autres versements de droits d’auteur/redevances à


WC 250

des citoyens, des étrangers résidents et des étrangers



non résidents exerçant une activité dans le commerce



ou les affaires (autre que WI380 et WI 341)/ société



nationale et étrangère résidente



23 – Sur les prix dépassant 10.000 Pesos et les autres

WI 260


gains payés à des particuliers



24 – Versement de bénéfice de succursale par toutes les


WC 208

sociétés inscrites au registre sauf la société






25 – Sur le montant brut des loyers, des baux, des


WC 290

affrètements perçus par un propriétaire ou bailleur non-



résident de navires étrangers



26 - Sur le montant brut des loyers, des baux, des


WC 300

affrètements perçus par un bailleur non résident



d’avion, de machines et autre équipement



27 – Versement à des entrepreneurs/sous-traitants de

WI 310

WC 310

compagnie de prospection pétrolière



28 – Versement effectué à des particuliers philippins ou

WI 320


à des étrangers employés par les compagnies pétrolières



étrangères/ sous-traitants étrangers, les banques



offshore les sièges sociaux régionaux ou de districts et



les postes de commandement régionaux de



multinationales employant des cadres et des techniciens



29 – Versements à un étranger non-résident n’exerçant

WI 330


pas une activité dans le commerce et les affaires sauf



sur la vente de parts d’une société nationale et de biens






30 – Versements à un particulier non résident/à une

WI 340

WC 340

société cinématographique étrangère propriétaire,



bailleur (bailleresse) ou distributeur (distributrice) de






31 – Droits d’auteur/redevances versés à un étranger

WI 341


non-résident exerçant une activité dans le commerce ou



les affaires



32 – Impôt final sur les intérêts ou d’autres versements

WI 350


en application d’obligations comportant une clause



d’exonération fiscale, d’hypothèques, d’actes de



fidéicommis ou d’autres obligations qui sont exonérées



d’impôt conformément à l’article 57C du Code Fiscal



National de 1997



33 – Droits d’auteur versés à des citoyens, des étrangers

WI 380


résidents et des étrangers non résidents exerçant une



activité commerciale ou dans les affaires sur les livres,



autres œuvres littéraires et compositions musicales



34 – Versements à un contribuable bénéficiant d’un


WC 390

taux fiscal préférentiel/d’un prélèvement libératoire






35 – Récompense en espèces de l’indicateur

WI 410

WC 410

/informateur versée à des personnes physiques ou






36 – Impôt final sur les plus-values obtenues sur les

WI 450

WC 450

ventes/échanges ou autres cessions de biens






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