Cba Form 11A 27 PDF Details

In the landscape of professional licensing in California, the Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form 11A-27 stands as a crucial document for applicants seeking licensure as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Revised in October 2013, its primary goal is to ensure that the California Board of Accountancy (CBA) is fully informed of any misdemeanors or felony convictions that an applicant may have, a requirement that aligns with the standards prescribed under Business and Professions Code section 480. This form applies to a broad spectrum of applicants, categorized from Type A through E, each delineating a different qualification pathway ranging from first-time licensure seekers who passed the CPA exam in California to those who passed equivalency exams in Canada or through the International Qualification Examination (IQEX). The directive for completion and submission of this form coincides with the CPA license application process, necessitating thorough accuracy and honesty in disclosing past criminal convictions to avoid potential denial of licensure. The insistence on including even expunged convictions or those adjudicated in juvenile court unless they fall under specified exceptions underscores the depth of transparency expected from aspiring CPAs in California. This demand for full disclosure reflects the CBA's commitment to maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the accounting profession, ensuring that individuals granted the CPA title uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct. Furthermore, the form serves not just as a procedural step, but as a reminder of the legal and ethical obligations that accompany the prestigious CPA designation.

Form NameCba Form 11A 27
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesCBA, false, criminal conviction disclosure form cpa, cba criminal conviction disclosure form

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Criminal Conviction Disclosure


Form 11A-27 (Revised 10/13)


To inform the CBA of any misdemeanor or felony convictions.




Type A, B, C, D, and E applicants (see reverse).



Who Completes:

Applicant completes the document in its entirety, signs and dates.




With submission of the Application for CPA License.



Submit To:

California Board of Accountancy


2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 250


Sacramento, California 95815-3832




Business and Professions Code section 480.



Type A

An applicant who passed the Uniform CPA Exam in California and is


applying for licensure as a CPA in California for the first time.

Type B

An applicant who passed the Uniform CPA Exam in a state other


than California and has not been issued a valid license to practice


public accounting in any state and is applying for licensure as a CPA in


California for the first time.

Type C

An applicant who passed the Uniform CPA Exam in a state other


than California and was issued a valid license to practice public


accounting in a state other than California.

Type D

An applicant who previously was licensed as a CPA in California and


the certificate was cancelled after five years for nonpayment of license


renewal fees.

Type E

An applicant who passed the Canadian Chartered Accountant Uniform


Certified Public Accountant Qualification Examination (CAQEX) of the


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or the


International Uniform Certified Public Accountant Qualification


Examination (IQEX) of the AICPA and the National Association of State


Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

Type F

A California licensee originally issued a license to perform general


accounting services who has now completed attest experience.


(Making or giving any false statement or information in connection with an application is reason for denial of a license under Business and Professions Code section 480)



































4. Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation? . . . . . . . . . . .

A conviction includes the initial plea, verdict, or finding of guilt, plea of no contest, or pronouncement of sentence by a trial court, even if that conviction may not be final or sentence actually imposed, until appeals are exhausted. You also must include any conviction that arose from military service, any in which the imposition of execution of sentence was suspended, any which arose as a result of a failure to appear, an order of rehabilitation was entered, any record of conviction which was expunged, or a pardon was granted. Convictions that were later expunged from the record of the court or set aside pursuant to section 1203.4 of the California Penal Code MUST be disclosed. “Minor Traffic Violations” should NOT be reported. For the purposes of responding to this question, “minor traffic violations” means traffic infractions under $1000 not involving alcohol, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances. Convictions that were adjudicated in the juvenile court or convictions under California Health and Safety Code sections 11357(b), (c), (d), or (e), or section 11360(b) which are two years or older should NOT be reported.

If the answer to number 4 is YES, provide the following details: Date of arrest, city and state where arrested, name and location of court where case was heard, details of the violation of which you were convicted, dates of imprisonment, dates of period of probation, conditions of probation, name and address of probation officer, amount of fine paid.

I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that all statements, answers, and representations on this form, and any attachments, are true, complete and accurate.



11A-27 (Rev. 10/13)


The information provided in this form will be used by the California Board of Accountancy, (CBA) to determine qualifications for a Certified Public Accountant License. Sections 5080 through 5095 of the Business and Professions Code authorize the collection of this information. Failure to provide any of the required information is grounds for rejection of the application as being incomplete.

Information provided may be transferred to the Department of Justice, a District Attorney, a City Attorney, or to another government agency as may be necessary to permit the CBA, or the transferee agency, to perform its statutory or constitutional duties, or otherwise transferred or disclosed as provided in Civil Code Section 1798.24.

Each individual has the right to review his or her file, except as otherwise provided by the Information Practices Act. Certain information provided may be disclosed to a member of the public, upon request, under the California Public Records Act.

The Executive Officer of the California Board of Accountancy is responsible for maintaining the information in this application, and may be contacted at 2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 250, Sacramento, CA 95815, telephone number (916) 263-3680 regarding questions about this notice or access to records.

How to Edit Cba Form 11A 27 Online for Free

california cpa criminal conviction disclosure form can be completed online without any problem. Simply make use of FormsPal PDF editor to perform the job promptly. Our tool is constantly evolving to provide the very best user experience attainable, and that is thanks to our commitment to constant improvement and listening closely to feedback from users. Starting is simple! All you should do is take the next simple steps directly below:

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