Form 2155 PDF Details

The Form 2555, issued by the Department of the Treasury's Internal Revenue Service, serves as a critical document for U.S. citizens and resident aliens earning income outside the United States. This form, integral to the U.S. tax system, allows individuals living abroad to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, potentially excluding a part of their foreign earnings from U.S. income tax. It's designed to prevent the double taxation of income earned abroad—once by the host country and again by the United States. To be eligible, taxpayers must meet specific requirements detailed in the form, including passing either the Bona Fide Residence Test or the Physical Presence Test, which verify the taxpayer's foreign residence and presence. Additionally, the form guides users through reporting their foreign address, occupation, employer information, and the details of any foreign earned income, including wages and noncash income. It also explores housing exclusions and deductions, highlighting the U.S. government's approach to accommodating the unique financial situations of its international citizens and residents. Proper completion and attachment of Form 2555 to Form 1040 or 1040-SR are essential steps in ensuring compliance with U.S. tax obligations while benefiting from available exclusions and deductions.

Form NameForm 2155
Form Length3 pages
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Avg. time to fill out45 sec
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Form 2555

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Foreign Earned Income

Attach to Form 1040 or 1040-SR.

Go to for instructions and the latest information.

For Use by U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Only

OMB No. 1545-0074


Attachment 34 Sequence No.

Name shown on Form 1040 or 1040-SR

Part I General Information

1Your foreign address (including country)

Your social security number

2Your occupation


4a b 5

6a b c d 7 8a



Employer’s name








Employer’s U.S. address







Employer’s foreign address






Employer is (check


A foreign entity


A U.S. company

c Self


any that apply):


A foreign affiliate of a U.S. company


Other (specify)



If you previously filed Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ, enter the last year you filed the form.



If you didn’t previously file Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ to claim either of the exclusions, check here

and go to line 7.

Have you ever revoked either of the exclusions?



If you answered “Yes,” enter the type of exclusion and the tax year for which the revocation was effective.


Of what country are you a citizen/national?





Did you maintain a separate foreign residence for your family because of adverse living conditions at your



tax home? See Second foreign household in the instructions



If “Yes,” enter city and country of the separate foreign residence. Also, enter the number of days during your tax year that you maintained a second household at that address.

List your tax home(s) during your tax year and date(s) established.

Next, complete either Part II or Part III. If an item doesn’t apply, enter “N/A.” If you don’t give

the information asked for, any exclusion or deduction you claim may be disallowed.

Part II Taxpayers Qualifying Under Bona Fide Residence Test

Note: Only U.S. citizens and resident aliens who are citizens or nationals of U.S. treaty countries can use this test. See instructions.


Date bona fide residence began

, and ended





Kind of living quarters in foreign country a Purchased house

b Rented house or apartment


Rented room


d Quarters furnished by employer





Did any of your family live with you abroad during any part of the tax year?




bIf “Yes,” who and for what period?

13a Have you submitted a statement to the authorities of the foreign country where you claim bona fide



residence that you aren’t a resident of that country? See instructions



b Are you required to pay income tax to the country where you claim bona fide residence? See instructions .



If you answered “Yes” to 13a and “No” to 13b, you don’t qualify as a bona fide resident. Don’t complete the rest of this part.

14If you were present in the United States or its possessions during the tax year, complete columns (a)–(d) below. Don’t include the income from column (d) in Part IV, but report it on Form 1040 or 1040-SR.


arrived in U.S.

(b)Date left U.S.

(c)Number of days in U.S. on business

(d)Income earned in U.S. on business

(attach computation)


arrived in U.S.

(b)Date left U.S.

(c)Number of days in U.S. on


(d)Income earned in U.S. on business

(attach computation)


List any contractual terms or other conditions relating to the length of your employment abroad.



b Enter the type of visa under which you entered the foreign country.




Did your visa limit the length of your stay or employment in a foreign country? If “Yes,” attach explanation .




Did you maintain a home in the United States while living abroad?



eIf “Yes,” enter address of your home, whether it was rented, the names of the occupants, and their relationship to you.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Forms 1040 and 1040-SR.

Cat. No. 11900P

Form 2555 (2021)

Form 2555 (2021)

Page 2

Part III

Taxpayers Qualifying Under Physical Presence Test



Note: U.S. citizens and all resident aliens can use this test. See instructions.


16 The physical presence test is based on the 12-month period from


17Enter your principal country of employment during your tax year.

18If you traveled abroad during the 12-month period entered on line 16, complete columns (a)–(f) below. Exclude travel between foreign countries that didn’t involve travel on or over international waters, or in or over the United States, for 24 hours or more. If you have no travel to report during the period, enter “Physically present in a foreign country or countries for the entire 12- month period.” Don’t include the income from column (f) below in Part IV, but report it on Form 1040 or 1040-SR.

(a) Name of country

(b) Date arrived

(c) Date left

(d) Full days

(e) Number of

(f) Income earned in U.S.

present in

days in U.S.

on business (attach

(including U.S.)




on business





Part IV All Taxpayers

Note: Enter on lines 19 through 23 all income, including noncash income, you earned and actually or constructively received during your 2021 tax year for services you performed in a foreign country. If any of the foreign earned income received this tax year was earned in a prior tax year, or will be earned in a later tax year (such as a bonus), see the instructions. Don’t include income from line 14, column (d), or line 18, column (f). Report amounts in U.S. dollars, using the exchange rates in effect when you actually or constructively received the income.

If you are a cash basis taxpayer, report on Form 1040 or 1040-SR all income you received in 2021, no matter when you performed the service.


2021 Foreign Earned Income



(in U.S. dollars)







Total wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, etc



Allowable share of income for personal services performed (see instructions):



In a business (including farming) or profession


b In a partnership. List partnership’s name and address and type of income.





21Noncash income (market value of property or facilities furnished by employer—attach statement showing how it was determined):


Home (lodging)








dOther property or facilities. List type and amount.


22Allowances, reimbursements, or expenses paid on your behalf for services you performed:


Cost of living and overseas differential









Home leave





fFor any other purpose. List type and amount.


g Add lines 22a through 22f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22g

23Other foreign earned income. List type and amount.



Add lines 19 through 21d, line 22g, and line 23



Total amount of meals and lodging included on line 24 that is excludable (see instructions) . . . .



Subtract line 25 from line 24. Enter the result here and on line 27 on page 3. This is your 2021 foreign



earned income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Form 2555 (2021)

Form 2555 (2021)

Page 3

Part V All Taxpayers

27 Enter the amount from line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Are you claiming the housing exclusion or housing deduction? Yes. Complete Part VI.

No. Go to Part VII.

Part VI Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Exclusion and/or Deduction



Qualified housing expenses for the tax year (see instructions)



Enter location where housing expenses incurred. See instructions.





Enter limit on housing expenses. See instructions



Enter the smaller of line 28 or line 29b



Number of days in your qualifying period that fall within your 2021 tax year





(see instructions)





Multiply $47.65 by the number of days on line 31. If 365 is entered on line 31, enter $17,392 here . .


33Subtract line 32 from line 30. If the result is zero or less, don’t complete the rest of this part or any of


Part IX

. . . . . . .



Enter employer-provided amounts. See instructions




35Divide line 34 by line 27. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places), but don’t

enter more than “1.000”


36Housing exclusion. Multiply line 33 by line 35. Enter the result but don’t enter more than the amount

on line 34. Also, complete Part VIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Note: The housing deduction is figured in Part IX. If you choose to claim the foreign earned income exclusion, complete Parts VII and VIII before Part IX.


Part VII Taxpayers Claiming the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion


Maximum foreign earned income exclusion. Enter $108,700




• If you completed Part VI, enter the number from line 31.







• All others, enter the number of days in your qualifying period that fall





within your 2021 tax year. See the instructions for line 31.






• If line 38 and the number of days in your 2021 tax year (usually 365) are the same, enter “1.000.”




• Otherwise, divide line 38 by the number of days in your 2021 tax year and enter the result as a



decimal (rounded to at least three places).






Multiply line 37 by line 39




Subtract line 36 from line 27




Foreign earned income exclusion. Enter the smaller of line 40 or line 41. Also, complete Part VIII . .


Part VIII Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Exclusion, Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, or Both


43 Add lines 36 and 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

44Deductions allowed in figuring your adjusted gross income (Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 11) that are allocable to the excluded income. See instructions and attach computation . . . . . . . . .

45Subtract line 44 from line 43. Enter the result here and in parentheses on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8d. Complete the Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for Forms 1040 and

1040-SR if you enter an amount on this line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Part IX Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Deduction—Complete this part only if (a) line 33 is more than line 36, and

(b)line 27 is more than line 43.


Subtract line 36 from line 33



Subtract line 43 from line 27



Enter the smaller of line 46 or line 47



Note: If line 47 is more than line 48 and you couldn’t deduct all of your 2020 housing deduction



because of the 2020 limit, use the Housing Deduction Carryover Worksheet in the instructions to



figure the amount to enter on line 49. Otherwise, go to line 50.


49Housing deduction carryover from 2020 (from the Housing Deduction Carryover Worksheet in the



50Housing deduction. Add lines 48 and 49. Enter the total here and on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 24j. Complete the Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for Forms 1040 and

1040-SR if you enter an amount on this line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Form 2555 (2021)

How to Edit Form 2155 Online for Free

With the goal of making it as easy to use as it can be, we generated this PDF editor. The procedure of creating the 2155-Rev is going to be easy for those who check out the following steps.

Step 1: To start out, choose the orange button "Get Form Now".

Step 2: Now, you're on the document editing page. You can add information, edit current data, highlight particular words or phrases, put crosses or checks, insert images, sign the file, erase needless fields, etc.

For every single segment, fill in the data required by the system.

completing unqualifiedly stage 1

Type in the essential information in the Taxpayers Qualifying Under Bona, Date bona fide residence began, and ended b Rented house or, c Rented room, a Did any of your family live with, d Quarters furnished by employer, Yes, If Yes who and for what period, a Have you submitted a statement, residence that you arent a, b Are you required to pay income, Yes Yes, No No, If you answered Yes to a and No to, and a Date arrived in US area.

stage 2 to finishing unqualifiedly

Within the section referring to to you, For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, Cat No P, and Form, you should put down some significant information.

unqualifiedly to you, For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, Cat No P, and Form blanks to insert

The Form Part III, Taxpayers Qualifying Under, The physical presence test is, through, a Name of country including US, b Date arrived, c Date left, d Full days present in country, e Number of days in US on business, f Income earned in US on business, Part IV All Taxpayers, Note Enter on lines through all, If you are a cash basis taxpayer, Foreign Earned Income, and Amount in US dollars field is the place where either side can insert their rights and obligations.

Completing unqualifiedly stage 4

End by analyzing the following sections and filling them in as required: a b, Total wages salaries bonuses, Noncash income market value of, a Home lodging, b Meals, c Car d Other property or, Allowances reimbursements or, a Cost of living and overseas, a b c d e, g Add lines a through f, and Other foreign earned income List.

Finishing unqualifiedly step 5

Step 3: The moment you click on the Done button, your finished file is simply transferable to every of your devices. Alternatively, you can deliver it by using email.

Step 4: Make duplicates of your form. This may save you from potential future issues. We do not see or disclose the information you have, therefore be certain it's going to be protected.

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