There is nothing complex about completing the empa formulario once you open our PDF editor. By following these simple steps, you'll receive the fully filled out document in the minimum time period possible.
Step 1: The initial step should be to click the orange "Get Form Now" button.
Step 2: At this point, you can begin editing your empa formulario. The multifunctional toolbar is available to you - insert, eliminate, change, highlight, and conduct many other commands with the text in the form.
Fill out the empa formulario PDF by providing the data necessary for every single section.

In the PERSONAS DE AÑOS Y MÁS, aBeberProblema, bTabaquismo, Ustedfuma, cObesidad, Peso, Talla, IMC, Sobrepeso, Obesidad, CircunferenciaCintura, Mujercms, dHipertensiónarterial, PAS, and PAD field, note down your information.

In the field referring to VDRLoRPR, Negativo, Positivo, ReferiraProgramaETS, gTuberculosis, Hatenidotosproductivapormásdedías, Baciloscopía, and amuestradeinmediatoyentregadeacaja, you need to note down some significant data.

The Cáncercervicouterino, FechaúltimoPapanicolaou, PERSONAS DE Y MÁS AÑOS, PAPvigente, TomadePAP, Normal, Alterado, Colesteroltotal, mgdL, mgdL, mgdL, MUJERES DE AÑOS Cáncerdemama, Mamografía, Mamografíaaotrasedades, and Observaciones field is going to be place to put the rights and obligations of either side.

Step 3: Select "Done". Now you can upload the PDF file.
Step 4: In order to prevent probable future issues, it's recommended to possess a minimum of several copies of each and every form.