Girls Scouts Permission PDF Details

Empowering young girls through the enriching experience of the Girl Scouts has always been contingent upon ensuring their safety and well-being, something that the Girl Scout Parent Permission form meticulously addresses. This critical document serves as a comprehensive permission slip that covers all troop meetings and activities for an entire Girl Scout year, simplifying the process for parents, guardians, and troop leaders alike. By signing this form, parents or guardians grant their consent for their child's participation in the full range of scheduled events, thus negating the need for multiple permission slips throughout the year. It is the responsibility of the troop leaders to keep parents informed about any activities that stray from the routine, such as those that touch on sensitive issues, involve overnights, or entail field trips. Notably, the form requires detailed information regarding the child's participation, including commitments to behavior and health standards, as well as logistical details like contact information and emergency protocols. Furthermore, it includes provisions for medication administration, and outlines policies on photographing participants, highlighting a thorough approach to addressing various aspects of participation. Should high adventure activities or discussions on sensitive topics be on the agenda, the form seeks additional acknowledgments, ensuring guardians are aware of and agree to the potentially increased risks or the nature of the content. This form, which must be retained by the troop leader for three years, underscores the Girl Scouts' commitment to maintaining a secure, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants.

Form NameGirls Scouts Permission Slip
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields36
Avg. time to fill out7 min 31 sec
Other namesscout permission form, girl scout permission slip form, girl scout permission slip for field trip, girl scout permission slip

Form Preview Example









Parental Permission for Girl Scout Year - Form









Troops may opt to use this form in place of multiple activity permission slips. This









form obtains parent or guardian permission for all meetings and activities for the Girl









Scout year. Troop leaders agree to INFORM parents, in print or electronically, when a









particular activity involves a sensitive issue, an overnight or a field trip away from the









normal meeting site or sites. With the use of this form, additional permission slips are









not required for troop events or activities, unless requested by the vendor or event









planner. An electronic or paper version of this form should be retained by the troop









leader for three years.

















PERMISSION REQUESTED FOR (To Be Completed By the Troop/Group Leader)

Participating in troop meetings and troop activities during the ________ to ________ Girl Scout year.

Typical Meeting Day/Time:





Typical Meeting Location:



Alternate Meeting Location(s) if appropriate: _______________________________________________

Troop Leader #1:






(Assistant or) Troop Leader #2:



Phone 1:






Phone 1:



Phone 2:






Phone 2:












Please, complete the Parent/Guardian Permission Statement below and return to:





(Due Date)

Note: All activities must be conducted in accordance with the Girl Scouts of the USA and the Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital’s policies, standards, and guidelines regarding safety and adult supervision. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION (To Be Completed By the Parent/Guardian)

Name of Child:

























Emergency Contact:


Phone 1:



Phone 1:




Phone 1:


Phone 2:



Phone 2:




Phone 2:











I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my child is prepared to participate in each activity as determined by the leader. This may include, but is not limited to, payment of fees and attending any preparation meetings. I also understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my child behaves appropriately during this activity. I further understand that, if in the opinion of the leader or adult-in-charge, my child is not behaving appropriately, I may be asked to pick-up my child early from

the activity at my own expense, and that it is at the leader’s discretion whether or not to refund any fees that I’ve paid for this activity: Yes No

I understand that my child may not participate in this activity if she appears to be ill. I further understand that if my child appears to be ill when she arrives at the activity or become ill during the activity, I will be asked to pick-up my child early from the activity at my own expense, and that it is at the leader’s discretion whether or

not to refund any fees that I’ve paid for this activity: Yes No

I understand that I must provide written permission for the first-aider to witness any medication that my child may need. I understand that this written permission must include the name of the medication, the dosage, times and dates to be administered, and the reason for the medication. I understand that I must sign and date this

written permission and give it to the first-aider, along with the medication which must be in the original container:



When participating in Girl Scout activities, my child may be photographed for print, videotaped, or electronically imaged. Images may be used in promotional materials, news releases, and other published formats for either the local Girl Scout Council or Girl Scouts of the USA. The images will be the sole property of either the local

Girl Scout Council or Girl Scouts of the USA: Yes No

For High Adventure Activities Only: I understand that during this activity, my child will be exposed to an above normal risk of injury. I understand that I am responsible for communicating to the leader and adult-in-charge about any needs that my child may have in regards to this activity. I sustain to the best of my knowledge that my

child has the maturity, required skills, and physical ability to participate in this activity: Yes No

For Sensitive Issue Activities Only: I understand that during this activity, my child will be exposed to issues and discussions that are, or could be, considered to be of a sensitive or controversial nature. I understand that I am responsible for communicating to the leader and adult-in-charge about any needs that my child may have in

regards to this activity. I am confident of her maturity and ability to participate:



My child is a registered Girl Scout, and I give her permission to participate in the activity described above:



Parent/Guardian Signature:



This form is available online at under Forms

Last Updated: August 2015

How to Edit Girls Scouts Permission Slip Online for Free

Our top level computer programmers worked hard to implement the PDF editor we are excited to deliver to you. The app permits you to simply fill in girl scout permission form and can save your time. You just have to keep up with the following guide.

Step 1: Hit the button "Get form here" to open it.

Step 2: So you are going to be on the file edit page. You can include, change, highlight, check, cross, insert or erase fields or words.

All of the following parts will help make up your PDF file:

part 1 to filling out permission form gsnorcal

Fill in the Phone Phone Phone, Email Email Email, I understand that I am responsible, Yes, I understand that my child may not, Yes, I understand that I must provide, Yes, When participating in Girl Scout, Yes, For High Adventure Activities Only, Yes, For Sensitive Issue Activities, Yes, and My child is a registered Girl space with the particulars asked by the system.

Filling out permission form gsnorcal stage 2

Step 3: Press the Done button to be sure that your finalized form is available to be exported to every electronic device you want or mailed to an email you specify.

Step 4: To avoid all of the headaches as time goes on, be sure to prepare a minimum of two or three duplicates of your form.

Watch Girls Scouts Permission Slip Video Instruction

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