Pay For Deletion PDF Details

The new "pay for deletion" form is a great way to improve your credit score. If you have any negative items on your credit report, you can pay to have them removed. This will help improve your credit score and make it easier to get approved for loans and other lines of credit. You can also use the form to dispute errors on your credit report.

You'll discover information about the type of form you wish to complete in the table. It can show you how long it may need to finish pay for deletion, what fields you will have to fill in and several additional specific facts.

Form NamePay For Deletion
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namespay for delete letter printable, pay for delete sample letter, pay for delete letter template pdf, pay to delete letter template

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Pay for Delete Letter that Works

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You Are H ere» Hom e» Pay for Delete Letter

Pay for Delete Letter

Pay for delete letters should be fairly crisp, directly to the poin t, and they should include rights you are entitled to (the collection agencies kn ow about them , but think you do not) under the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). By an d large, the stories you hear about collection agencies bein g awful to deal with are stories from folks who m ay not have kn own their legal rights. By m aking it soun d like you've done your hom ework, and you're not willing to play the gam es they like to play, the collection agency m ay com ply with your offer with little to n o hesitation .

Below is a Pay for Delete letter exam ple. You'll n eed to fill in section s within this letter with your relevant inform ation . This in form ation, for exam ple, is the collection agency's nam e, the account num ber for the collection accoun t, the am ount owed, the am ount you're willing to pay if they delete the account an d other basic info. Please feel free to copy and paste this letter, fill in your relevant inform ation and send it on its way.

Exam ple of a Pay for Delete Letter

Collection Agen cy Nam e

Collection Agen cy Address

Collection Agen cy City, State Zip

Account # : xxxxxx (your account num ber)

Am ount: $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (am ount you owe)

To Collection Manager:

This letter is to inform you that the validity of this debt is disputed . I am un aware of this account and have n o verification this debt is m ine. I only know of this account based on it bein g reported in m y credit report(s). As we both know, I have the right to dispute this accoun t, request for verification , an d/ or request for validation of this debt. H owever, in order to quickly resolve this account, I am willin g to pay $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , if you agree to delete this account from any and all credit reporting agencies.

Please do not quote to m e that you are unable to do this, I am aware of both your rights as well as m y own . We both know you are the source reportin g this accoun t and have the absolute right to report it, not report it, or delete it from all reporting agen cies. The purpose of this settlem ent is m erely to have this item rem oved from all reporting agencies. We are both aware that paying this unverified debt is no benefit to m e unless we can agree on the term s. I am sure you are aware that paying a collection account does n ot bode well on a credit report an d that m erely having a collection on a credit report will have a negative im pact whether paid or unpaid.

P le a s e N o te : This is n ot an acknowledgm ent of liability for this debt in an y way or form . If there is any confusion about m y position on this alleged debt, please refer

back to the first paragraph of this letter in which I state: “I am unaware of this account...” That being said, let m e be clear, this is NOT: a prom ise to pay, a renewal, an adm ittan ce to this debt, or in an y way m e agreeing this debt is m ine. This is a restricted offer only.

If you agree to the term s and accept this agreem ent, I will sen d you certified fun ds im m ediately after I receive this signed agreem en t. The fun ds will be sent only if in exchan ge for it, you are agreeing to the term s set forth in this agreem ent and will be deletin g this account from all reporting agencies. This debt will be con sidered satisfied, there will be nothin g m ore owed, nothin g further to collect, and you will consider this a closed, satisfied account. Again, ALL references regarding this accoun t m ust be deleted from ALL reporting agencies. Sin ce certified funds will be used for paym en t, ALL in form ation about this accoun t WILL be rem oved from all reporting agencies within 15 calendar days of receiving the fun ds.

( Co lle c ti o n Ag e n c y N a m e ) agrees to delete ALL inform ation regardin g this accoun t from ALL credit reporting agencies WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS following receipt of paym ent as specified above and will not discuss the term s of this settlem ent with anyone, for any reason, excludin g your clien t on this account. If con tacted by an y third party, includin g credit reporting agencies, ( Co lle c tio n Ag e n c y N a m e ) will not acknowledge that any settlem en t offer was m ade, accepted, offered, or executed and will deny knowledge of any such account.

If you agree to the above term s, please sign (by an authorized representative of ( Co lle c ti o n Ag e n c y N a m e ) this agreem ent below, print (clearly) the nam e of that sign ature, and provide the position held by the one signing this agreem ent. It will be im plied that this letter shall constitute a legally bin ding contract, enforceable un der federal, state, an d local laws. Please also include with this signed agreem ent a com pany letterhead stating you received and agree to this restricted offer an d the term s set forth within it.

Your response m ust be postm arked no later then 15 Days from your receipt of this settlem en t/ agreem en t offer OR this offer will be withdrawn an d I will request full validation of this alleged debt, as allowed by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you decide to declin e this offer, and begin callin g about this alledged debt, expect the n ext letter from m e to be a Cease an d Desist letter, attached with it, a request for Full Validation . Thank you for your tim e.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Prin t Nam e of the above signature

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Title or Position held

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Please sen d this agreem ent, your com pany letterhead agreem en t and all other correspondence regarding this account to:

Your Nam e

Your Address

N OTE: If your collection happens to be a m edical collection , right after “This is a restricted offer on ly.” You should include a m essage stating if they decline this offer to please be aware another offer will not be m ade, as you m ay wait for H .R.3421 – Medical Debt Relief Act of 20 0 9 to pass and becom e law. The Medical Debt Relief Act,


Pay for Delete Letter that Works

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in a nutshell, would force collection agencies to delete m edical collection accounts from all credit reporting agencies once it was paid in full or settled for less than owed .

Also: In the Pay for delete letter above, there's m en tion of a Cease and Desist letter and Validation Letter, to view exam ples of them visit:

Cease and Desist Letter

Debt Validation Letter

If you're wondering how m uch you should offer, a good first offer is around 50 % of what's owed. The collection agency will usually either accept the offer or they could counter -offer with a figure som ewhere between 50 % of what's owed and the full am ount. If you really wan t to get this deleted for as little as possible, read through our Credit Repair Step 3 page. There you'll find a few options and ideas to get the collection agency to accept an offer as low as possible. One quick exam ple is by looking up how m uch they paid for the debt (you can do this if they are a publicly traded com pany). For m ore details visit Credit Repair Step 3

Credit Knowledge

Credit Resources

Yoda Credit Offers

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Credit Repair Services

Your Credit Report

Pay for Delete Letter

Credit Cards

Repair Your Credit Step 1

Free Trial with DebtGoal

Understanding Credit Scores

Cease and Desist Letter

Person al Loans

Repair Your Credit Step 2

Lexington Law Firm

Quick Score Boost

Debt Validation Letter

Mortgage Loans

Repair Your Credit Step 3

Loan Modification s

Various Credit Laws

Credit Reporting Agencies

Auto Loan s

Repair Your Credit Step 4

FREE Credit Repair

State Security Freeze Guide

Info on Credit Card Act

Payday Loans

Repair Your Credit Step 5

Con sultation


State Statutes of Lim itation

Credit Finance Directory

Credit Reports and Scores

Dealing with Collections

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How to Edit Pay For Deletion Online for Free

We have applied the efforts of the best developers to make the PDF editor you are going to begin using. The app will enable you to create the pay for delete letter template pdf file effortlessly and don’t waste precious time. All you should do is keep up with the following quick guidelines.

Step 1: Get the button "Get Form Here" and click it.

Step 2: After you've accessed the pay for delete letter template pdf edit page, you'll see all functions you can undertake regarding your template in the top menu.

All of the following parts are what you will have to fill in to get the prepared PDF document.

pay for delete template letter empty spaces to fill out

Step 3: As you click on the Done button, the finalized document is easily exportable to any kind of of your devices. Or alternatively, you can send it by using mail.

Step 4: Produce as much as several copies of your document to keep away from different potential future troubles.

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