Post Office Saving Bank Form PDF Details

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, the need for accessible and reliable savings options becomes increasingly important, and this is where the Post Office Savings Bank Account Opening/Purchase of Certificate Application Form steps in to bridge the gap. Designed with simplicity and inclusivity at its core, this form facilitates the establishment of a savings account or the purchase of certificates like National Savings Certificates (NSC) and Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) for individuals directly through the Post Office. It comprehensively gathers applicant details including full names, gender, contact information, and essential identification numbers like PAN or Form 60/61, ensuring that the account setup is both secure and adherent to Know Your Customer (KYC) norms. Furthermore, it offers options for account operation instructions, deposit details, and outlines the nomination process under the Government Savings Bank Act, 1873, cementing the user's rights and preferences in managing the account. An array of choices for account types such as Savings, Recurring Deposit (RD), Time Deposit (TD), and more cater to varying financial goals and needs, while the inclusion of provisions for guardianship accounts demonstrates an understanding of diverse societal requirements. Notably, the form also acknowledges the diverse scenarios of prospective account holders by offering specialized account options for minors, the physically handicapped, and others requiring assistance, ensuring no one is left behind in the opportunity to secure their financial future. This document is not only a testament to the Post Office's commitment to offering versatile financial products but also serves as a crucial tool for individuals looking to cultivate saving habits or secure their savings in officially recognized instruments.

Form NamePost Office Saving Bank Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namespost office new account opening form, post office savings account form, post office account opening form online, post office account opening form pdf

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For Office Use

Post Office:
































































































































For Applicant(s)

*1. I/We request you to open:- Savings/Basic Savings/RD/TD____Year//MIS/SCSS/PPF/SSA or issue NSC(8th/9th issue) or KVP

in my/our name.

*2. Full Name of applicant/Guardian (in case of minor/Lunatic A/C), in CAPITAL Letters (leave space between words)


First Name

Middle Name

Last name

Gender ( M/F)











































*3. Full Name of father/husband/Mother, in CAPITAL Letters


*4. Residential Address



First Applicant

2nd Applicant

3rd Applicant


Flat No./Bldg. name




















Tehsil/Post Office










City and District




















Pin Code










Tel./Mobile No.(optional)










Email (optional)









*5. Applicant’s Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) PAN Number orForm 60/61)

CIF ID (if already exists)




*6. Operating Instruction (please tick √ the empty box)


Either or Survivor (Joint-B)

Jointly (Joint-A)

Through literate agent

*7. Detail of Know Your Customer (KYC) documents submitted:-



Photo ID



Address Proof
















Type of Document














Document No.














Valid up to (if any)














*8. Detail of First deposit:- Amount Rs.(figures)___________________.(words)_____________________________________

Mode of Deposit___________________________________________________________________________________________

9.Nomination:- I/We nominate the person(s) named below under Section 4 of the Government Savings Bank Act, 1873 (5 of 1873) to be the sole recipient (s) of the amount standing at the credit of the account in the event of my/our death.

Name & address of

Date of Birth

Share of

Name & address of person who may receive the said amount


(in case of


during the minority of the nominee(s)













Signature of witness in case depositor wish to make nomination

Name & Address of witness___________________________________________________________________________________

*Mandatory Fields to be filled by customer.

10.AADHAR NUMBER:-_______________________________________________________________________________________

11.Please open Minor A/C through Guardian/Lunatic Account through Guardian/Blind/Physically Handicapped/Illiterate through Agent/Pensioner/BPL/SB Basic Savings Account/Sanchayaka Account/Others_________________________________

12.In case of minor/Lunatic Account, please fill Name of Guardian, his Residential Address and Relationship with Minor______________________________________________________________________________________________________


13.In case of other than Minor/Lunatic, please enter Name of Sanchayka/Government Welfare Scheme and PPO/BPL/Registration/Enrollment number:- ___________________________________________________________________

14.Amount of Monthly Installment (In case of RD Account):-Rs.(in figures)____________(in words)_______________________

15.In case of NSC/KVP:- Please issue (No. of NSC/KVP & Den.)__________________________________________


16.In case services of SAS/PPF/MPKBY Agent are taken:- Name of Agent________________________Authority No._________________________Valid Up to____________________________________.

17.Standing Instructions if any :-_______________________________________________________________________________

18.I/We authorize Agent (name)_______________________________________________________________ to receive Passbook/Certificates on my/our behalf.


I/We hereby declare that I/We have clearly understood POSB General Rules 1981 and Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981/ Post Office Recurring Deposit Rules 1981/ Post Office Time Deposit Rules 1981/ Monthly Income Account Rules 1987/ Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004 and Sukanya Samriddhi Account Rules 2014, PPF Rules 1968, NSC(VIII) and (XI) issue Rules, KVP Rules (amended from time to time) governing the accounts/Certificates under this scheme and to abide by such rules framed by the Central Government as may be applicable to the account from time to time. I hereby declare that I am not maintaining any other Public Provident Fund Account and I will not exceed maximum deposit limit fixed from time to time in self as well as my minor accounts (combining all accounts) where I am a guardian.


Signature/Thumb Impression:-



1st Applicant

2nd Applicant

3rd Applicant


Space for affixing photo of applicants

All Fields to be entered into system by Counter PA.


For Office Use only

Certified that I have verified the documents submitted with this application form and confirm that KYC norms are fully complied with. Following numbers of NSC/KVP issued (in case of NSC/KVP Application):-_____________________________



Signature of BPM

Signature of SPM

Signature of Postmaster

Date Stamp



How to Edit Post Office Saving Bank Form Online for Free

Our finest computer programmers have worked collectively to implement the PDF editor that you may apply. The application allows you to complete post office saving account opening form documentation quickly and without problems. This is all you should do.

Step 1: Select the orange "Get Form Now" button on the following page.

Step 2: Now, you can begin modifying your post office saving account opening form. The multifunctional toolbar is readily available - insert, erase, adjust, highlight, and perform similar commands with the words and phrases in the document.

These parts will frame the PDF file that you will be filling in:

example of empty fields in post office savings account form

You have to enter the essential details in the TehsilPost Office, City and District, State, Pin Code, TelMobile Nooptional, Email optional, Applicants Date of Birth ddmmyy, Operating Instruction please tick, Either or Survivor JointB, Jointly JointA, Through literate agent, Detail of Know Your Customer KYC, Photo ID Applicant nd, Address Proof Applicant nd, and Type of Document area.

Finishing post office savings account form stage 2

Write down the obligatory details when you find yourself on the Detail of First deposit Amount, Nomination IWe nominate the, Name address of person who may, Name address of nominees, Date of Birth in case of minor, Signature of witness in case, and Name Address of witness Mandatory segment.

Filling out post office savings account form part 3

You have to indicate the rights and obligations of both parties in paragraph AADHAR NUMBER, Please open Minor AC through, In case of minorLunatic Account, In case of other, than MinorLunatic please enter, PPOBPLRegistrationEnrollment, Amount of Monthly Installment In, In case of NSCKVP Please, issue No of NSCKVP Den, In case services of SASPPFMPKBY, taken Name of AgentAuthority, NoValid Up to, Standing Instructions if any, IWe authorize Agent, and name.

post office savings account form AADHAR NUMBER, Please open Minor AC through, In case of minorLunatic Account, In case of other, than MinorLunatic please enter, PPOBPLRegistrationEnrollment, Amount of Monthly Installment In, In case of NSCKVP Please, issue No of NSCKVP  Den, In case services of SASPPFMPKBY, taken Name of AgentAuthority, NoValid Up to, Standing Instructions if any, IWe authorize Agent, and name fields to insert

Finish by reading these fields and typing in the proper information: For Office Use only Certified that, Signature of BPM Date Stamp, Signature of SPM, and Signature of Postmaster.

Filling out post office savings account form step 5

Step 3: Choose the Done button to assure that your completed form could be transferred to any device you choose or sent to an email you specify.

Step 4: Create duplicates of the form - it will help you keep away from possible future concerns. And don't get worried - we do not publish or look at your data.

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