Reg 5103 PDF Details

In navigating the intricacies of California's environmental policies, vehicle owners residing outside the state face a unique challenge, particularly when it comes to compliance with the state's stringent smog regulations. The State of California Department of Motor Vehicles offers a crucial mechanism for these individuals through the Application for Temporary Smog Exemption for a Vehicle Located Out-of-State, known colloquially as the Reg 5103 form. This document serves as a lifeline for vehicle owners who find their vehicles temporarily stationed outside California, furnishing a pathway to secure an exemption from the biennial smog check requirements that are rigidly enforced within the state. To apply for this exemption, detailed information regarding the vehicle—including its identification number, make, model, and current location—must be meticulously provided. Additionally, the applicant is obligated to substantiate the reason for the vehicle's out-of-state location and verify a continuous out-of-state status until a specified date. It's crucial to understand that this exemption is not universally applicable; vehicles situated in certain cities, chiefly bordering Nevada and Mexico, do not qualify. This form, which underscores the State's commitment to thorough verification to prevent misuse, requires a solemn declaration of the truthfulness of the provided information, under penalty of perjury. Despite its seemingly bureaucratic veneer, the Reg 5103 form embodies the state's flexible approach to environmental stewardship, acknowledging the diverse circumstances of its vehicle-owning populace while maintaining its air quality standards.

Form NameReg 5103
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namescalifornia dmv reg 5103, ca reg 5103, california dmv reg 5103 form, reg 5103

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A Public Service Agency

ApplicAtion for temporAry SmoG exemption

for A Vehicle locAted out-of-StAte

(h&Sc §44011, cVc §§20, 1653, 8800)

Your vehicle may qualify for temporary exemption from biennial smog requirements if it is temporarily located out of state. You must provide the following information in order to determine eligibility for the exemption.

Section 1 — Vehicle informAtion

VEhiclE idENtificatioN NumbER




VEhiclE licENsE NumbER

as of



the vehicle has been located outside of california and is currently physically located/garaged at:












stREEt addREss




Zip codE

the vehicle is temporarily located out of state because

the vehicle cannot or is not required to be registered in the state of















the above vehicle will continuously be located outside california until



. the required smog certification




will be obtained and submitted to dmV upon the vehicle’s return to california.



Contact information of person operating the vehicle out of state:

tRuE full NamE

daYtimE tElEphoNE NumbER

( )

Section 2 — certificAtion

the informAtion you Are proVidinG iS Subject to VerificAtion by dmV And your reGiStrAtion mAy be Subject to cAncellAtion.

ExEcutEd oN (DAte)

at (City)


I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

pRiNt tRuE full NamE

mailiNG addREss


daYtimE tElEphoNE NumbER








Zip codE

note: Vehicles located in the following cities are ineligible for the exemption.



carson city






crystal bay


tijuana baja ca





Washoe city





incline Village

Zephyr cove





REG 5103 (NEW 5/2014) WWW


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How to Edit Reg 5103 Online for Free

It's easy to create the california 5103 file using our PDF editor. These actions will allow you to quickly prepare your document.

Step 1: To get going, press the orange button "Get Form Now".

Step 2: You will discover all of the actions that it's possible to take on the document when you have entered the california 5103 editing page.

Prepare the next segments to prepare the document:

entering details in reg 5103 part 1

Provide the expected data in the section the informAtion you Are proVidinG, ExEcutEd oN DAte, at City, statE, I certify or declare under penalty, pRiNt tRuE full NamE, mailiNG addREss, siGNatuRE x, citY, daYtimE tElEphoNE NumbER, statE, Zip codE, note Vehicles located in the, Mexico, and tecate.

part 2 to finishing reg 5103

Step 3: Choose the "Done" button. Now you can transfer the PDF file to your device. Additionally, you may deliver it by email.

Step 4: It can be more convenient to save copies of the document. You can be sure that we won't display or read your details.

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