Tdlr Vsf011 Form PDF Details

In the realm of vehicle management within Texas, navigating the legal pathways to remove or inspect a motor vehicle stored at a Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) requires a structured process, a process meticulously outlined by the TDLR VSF011 form. Approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, this form stands as a critical document facilitating the rightful access to vehicles by their owners, their immediate family members, or authorized representatives, including those from insurance companies. It meticulously lays out distinct sections necessitating specific checkboxes indicating the nature of the request—whether it's for the removal or inspection of the vehicle. Delineated further, the form demands detailed descriptions of the vehicle in question, the person authorized to carry out the inspection or removal, and, for instances involving direct family members or designated representatives, a notarized oath confirming their legitimacy to act on behalf of the vehicle's owner. For insurance company representatives, the form requires a declaration of their authority to proceed with the vehicle related to a claim. This comprehensive document, thereby, not only streamlines the process but also embeds a layer of legal protection for all parties involved, underlining the importance of understanding its contents fully. Given its significant implications, individuals are advised to comprehend the form completely or seek legal counsel if uncertainties persist, ensuring that their actions are both legally sound and aligned with regulatory guidelines.

Form NameTdlr Vsf011 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesvsf011, texas vsf form, vsf011 form, vsf11 texas

Form Preview Example

Removal and/or Inspection of a Motor Vehicle at a VSF

This Form is Approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Check one of the following boxes:




Box 1: I am an immediate family member (parent, spouse, brother, sister, or child) of the owner of the vehicle. When selected, this form may be used as the Affidavit of Right of Possession Form.

Box 2: I am an authorized representative of the owner of the vehicle.

Box 3: I am an authorized representative of an insurance company authorized to conduct business in the State of Texas.

Check the applicable box:








I will remove the vehicle;







I will inspect the vehicle.









Describe the motor vehicle and person authorized to inspect or remove the vehicle:







Vehicle Year, Make and Model: ________________________________________________



VIN or License Plate Number: _________________________________________________


Describe the person removing or inspecting the motor vehicle:



First and Last Name: ________________________________________________________



Company Name (if a representative of a company): ________________________________



If a tow truck is used to remove the vehicle, complete the following:



Tow Operator TDLR Lic. No: ________________ Tow Truck TDLR No: ______________________






Complete this section ONLY IF you checked Box 1 or Box 2 in SECTION ONE above:






On this date appeared _________________________________________ who upon oath declared that:




I am the owner of the vehicle and authorize the person or company named in this document; [or]




I am an immediate family member and authorized by the owner


to remove or inspect the motor vehicle described above.


The authority granted herein is limited to either (i) inspecting the vehicle or (ii) making payment to and removing the described vehicle from ________________________________________________ (name of the Vehicle Storage Facility).

This Authority to Act shall expire the earlier of three (3) days from its date of execution, or at an earlier date if revoked by me in writing, or when the motor vehicle is returned to my possession.

Signed this ______ day of _________________, 20____ Signature: ___________________________________________

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _______day of _________________, 20____.

Notary Signature: ________________________________

Notary Public, State of ____________

My commission expires: ______________

Complete this section ONLY IF you checked Box 3 in SECTION ONE above:SECTION FIVE

I am a duly authorized licensed Insurance Adjuster. I work for or represent ______________________________________________

(Name of Insurance Company) authorized to conduct business in the State of Texas. My Texas Department of Insurance Adjuster License # is: ________________________. The claim related to this vehicle settled or, prior to settlement, the vehicle owner

expressly authorized its inspection and/or removal.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________________

Printed Name: ________________________________ Insurance Claim#: ______________________

I understand, acknowledge, and agree that by typing my name on this document, my typed name is an electronic signature and this document has the same legally binding consequence as if executed with a traditional signature.

This document affects your legal rights and may give others access to your motor vehicle. If you do not understand this document or have questions, please consult

an attorney. TDLR Form No. VSF011, Effective January 2014. Complaints may be filed online at


When completed according to these instructions and presented by a person named in the form with

conforming identification, a VSF may not delay release or inspection of the vehicle.

VSF’S must accept facsimiles or copies of this document


An immediate family member of the owner of the vehicle may remove or inspect the vehicle using this form and:

1.checking Box 1 in Section One;

2.checking the appropriate box in Section Two;

3.completing Section Three;

4.completing Section Four in the presence of a notary; and

5.leaving Section Five blank.


Any other person authorized by the owner of the vehicle may remove or inspect the vehicle using this form and:

1.checking Box 2 in Section One;

2.checking the appropriate box in Section Two;

3.completing Section Three;

4.having the owner of the vehicle complete Section Four in the presence of a notary; and

5.leaving Section Five blank.


An insurance company’s authorized representative may remove or inspect the vehicle using this form and:

1.checking Box 3 in Section One;

2.checking the appropriate box in Section Two;

3.completing Section Three; (Note: This section identifies the person inspecting or removing the vehicle; may be different from the person named in Section 5)

4.leaving Section Four blank; and

5.completing Section Five. (Note: This section provides the authorization to inspect or remove the vehicle; may be different from the person named in Section 3)

This document affects your legal rights and may give others access to your motor vehicle. If you do not understand this document or have questions, please consult

an attorney. TDLR Form No. VSF011, Effective January 2014. Complaints may be filed online at

How to Edit Tdlr Vsf011 Form Online for Free

The PDF editor was created to be as simple as possible. Since you comply with these steps, the procedure for preparing the vsf11 file is going to be hassle-free.

Step 1: Discover the button "Get Form Here" and then click it.

Step 2: After you've accessed the vsf11 editing page you may see the whole set of options you may perform relating to your document in the top menu.

Fill in the vsf11 PDF and provide the information for every section:

writing vsf form part 1

The software will require you to prepare the Complete this section ONLY IF you, SECTION FOUR, On this date appeared who upon, to remove or inspect the motor, The authority granted herein is, This Authority to Act shall expire, Signed this day of Signature, Subscribed and sworn to before me, Notary Signature, Notary Public State of, My commission expires, Complete this section ONLY IF you, and SECTION FIVE field.

vsf form Complete this section ONLY IF you, SECTION FOUR, On this date appeared  who upon, to remove or inspect the motor, The authority granted herein is, This Authority to Act shall expire, Signed this  day of   Signature, Subscribed and sworn to before me, Notary Signature, Notary Public State of, My commission expires, Complete this section ONLY IF you, and SECTION FIVE fields to complete

The software will request for further information to quickly prepare the section I am a duly authorized licensed, and This document affects your legal.

Filling in vsf form step 3

Step 3: Select "Done". Now you can upload the PDF file.

Step 4: You could make duplicates of the form tostay clear of any kind of future difficulties. You should not worry, we do not display or check your data.

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