Utah Healthcare Directive Form PDF Details

The Utah Advance Healthcare Directive is a vital legal document, introduced under Utah Code Section 75-2a-117 since 2008, designed to empower individuals to outline their preferences and make critical decisions about their healthcare in circumstances where they are unable to communicate or make decisions themselves. This comprehensive directive includes several key components, ensuring that a person's healthcare wishes are respected and adhered to. Part I of the document allows an individual to appoint a health care agent or agents who have the authority to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the person if they are incapacitated. This part also provides options for individuals who prefer not to appoint an agent, emphasizing the document's flexibility to accommodate various preferences and situations. Part II is dedicated to recording the individual's healthcare wishes, essentially functioning as a living will. It outlines specific instructions for healthcare providers to follow, including decisions regarding life-prolonging treatments and other important healthcare decisions. Part III elucidates the process for revoking or amending the directive, ensuring individuals have the autonomy to change their decisions as their circumstances or preferences evolve. Finally, Part IV legalizes the document, requiring the signature of the individual and witnesses to affirm the directive's validity. By covering these essential aspects, the Utah Advance Healthcare Directive plays a crucial role in healthcare planning, helping to ensure that individuals receive care that aligns with their values and wishes, even when they are not able to communicate these themselves.

Form NameUtah Healthcare Directive Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesutah advance directive, advance directive utah fillable form, utah advanced health care directive, utah advance directive pdf

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Utah Advance Healthcare Directive


(Pursuant to Utah Code Section 75-2a-117, effective 2008)


This form contains no modifications from the statutory form.



Part I:

Allows you to name another the person to make health care decisions for you when you cannot


make decisions or speak for yourself.

Part II:

Allows you to record your wishes about health care in writing.

Part III:

Tells you how to revoke or change this directive.

Part IV:

Makes your directive legal.



My Personal Information

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________

Telephone: (_______) _____________________ Cell Phone: (_______) _____________________

Birth Date: ____________________________

Part I: My Agent (Health Care Power of Attorney)

A: No Agent

If you do not want to name an agent, initial the box below, then go to Part II; do not name an agent in B or C be- low. No one can force you to name an agent.

I do not want to choose an agent.

B: My Agent

Agent’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________

Telephone: (_______) _____________________ Cell Phone: (_______) _____________________

Birth Date: ____________________________

C: My Alternate Agent

This person will serve as your agent if your agent, named above, is unable or unwilling to serve.

Agent’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________

Telephone: (_______) _____________________ Cell Phone: (_______) _____________________

Birth Date: ____________________________

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Part I: My Agent (continued)

D: Agent’s Authority

If I cannot make decisions or speak for myself (in other words, after my physician or APRN finds that I lack health care decision making capacity under Section 75-2a-104 of the Advance Health Care Directive Act), my agent has the power to make any health care decision I could have made such as, but not limited to:

Consent to, refuse, or withdraw any health care. This may include care to prolong my life such as food and fluids by tube, use of antibiotics, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and dialysis, and mental health care, such as convulsive therapy and psychoactive medications. This authority is subject to any limits in paragraph F of Part I or in Part II of this directive.

Hire and fire health care providers.

Ask questions and get answers from health care providers.

Consent to admission or transfer to a health care provider or health care facility, including a mental health facility, subject to any limits in paragraphs E or F of Part I.

Get copies of my medical records.

Ask for consultations or second opinions.

My agent cannot force health care against my will, even if a physician has found that I lack health care decision making capacity.

E: Other Authority

My agent has the powers below ONLY IF I initial the “YES” option that precedes the statement. I authorize my agent to:


____ NO

Get copies of my medical records at any time, even when I can speak for myself.


____ NO

Admit me to a licensed health care facility, such as a hospital, nursing home, assisted living,



or other facility for long-term placement other than convalescent or recuperative care.

F: Limits/Expansion of Authority

I wish to limit or expand the powers of my health care agent as follows:



G: Nomination of Guardian

Even though appointing an agent should help you avoid a guardianship, a guardianship may still be necessary. Initial the "YES" option if you want the court to appoint your agent or, if your agent is unable or unwilling to serve, your alternate agent, to serve as your guardian, if a guardianship is ever necessary.

____YES ____ NO I, being of sound mind and not acting under duress, fraud, or other undue influence, do hereby

nominate my agent, or if my agent is unable or unwilling to serve, I hereby nominate my alternate agent, to serve as my guardian in the event that, after the date of this instrument, I become incapaci- tated.

H: Consent to Participate in Medical Research

____YES ____ NO I authorize my agent to consent to my participation in medical research or clinical trials, even if I

may not benefit from the results.

I: Organ Donation

____YES ____ NO If I have not otherwise agreed to organ donation, my agent may consent to the donation of my

organs for the purpose of organ transplantation.

Name: ______________________________________________ (print or type)

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Part II: My Health Care Wishes (Living Will)

I want my health care providers to follow the instructions I give them when I am being treated, even if my instructions conflict with these or other advance directives. My health care providers should always provide health care to keep me as comfortable and functional as possible.

Choose only one of the following options, numbered Option 1 through Option 4, by placing your initials before the numbered statement. Do not initial more than one option. If you do not wish to document end-of-life wishes, initial Option 4. You may choose to draw a line through the options that you are not choosing.

Option 1



I choose to let my agent decide. I have chosen my agent carefully. I have talked with my agent about my health care wishes. I trust my agent to make the health care decisions for me that I would make under the circumstances.

Additional Comments:

Option 2


I choose to prolong life. Regardless of my condition or prognosis, I want my health care team


to try to prolong my life as long as possible within the limits of generally accepted health care











Option 3





I choose not to receive care for the purpose of prolonging life, including food and fluids by tube, antibiotics, CPR, or dialysis being used to prolong my life. I always want comfort care and routine medical care that will keep me as comfortable and functional as possible, even if that care may prolong my life.

If you choose this option, you must also choose either (a) or (b), below



(a) I put no limit on the ability of my health care provider or agent to withhold or withdraw life-


sustaining care. If you selected (a), above, do not choose any options under (b).








(b) My health care provider should withhold or withdraw life-sustaining care if at least one of


the initialed conditions is met:









I have a progressive illness that will cause death







I am close to death and am unlikely to recover








You may


I cannot communicate and it is unlikely that my condition will improve







I do not recognize my friends or family and it is unlikely that my condition will improve


more than







I am in a persistent vegetative state


one option




Option 4


I do not wish to express preferences about health care wishes in this directive.







Name: ______________________________________________ (print or type)

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Part II: My Health Care Wishes (continued)

Additional instructions about your health care wishes:



If you do not want emergency medical service providers to provide CPR or other life sustaining measures, you must work with a physician or APRN to complete an order that reflects your wishes on a form approved by the Utah Department of Health.

Part III: Revoking or Changing a Directive

I may revoke or change this directive by:

Writing “void” across the form, burning, tearing, or otherwise destroying or defacing this document or directing an- other person to do the same on my behalf;

Signing a written revocation of the directive, or directing another person to sign a revocation on my behalf;

Stating that I wish to revoke the directive in the presence of a witness who: is 18 years of age or older; will not be ap- pointed as my agent in a substitute directive; will not become a default surrogate if the directive is revoked; and signs and dates a written document confirming my statement; or

Signing a new directive. (If you sign more than one Advance Health Care Directive, the most recent one applies.)

Part IV: Making the Document Legal

I sign this directive voluntarily. I understand the choices I have made and declare that I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this directive. My signature on this form revokes any living will or power of attorney form nam- ing a health care agent that I have completed in the past.

___________________________ ___________________________________________________________



City, County, and State of Residence

I have witnessed the signing of this directive, I am 18 years of age or older, and I am not:

Related to the declarant by blood or marriage;

Entitled to any portion of the declarant's estate according to the laws of intestate succession of any state or jurisdiction or under any will or codicil of the declarant,

A beneficiary of a life insurance policy, trust, qualified plan, pay on death account, or transfer or death deed that is held, owned, made, or established by, or on behalf of, the declarant;

Entitled to benefit financially upon the death of the declarant;

Entitled to a right to, or interest in, real or personal property upon the death of the declarant;

Directly financially responsible for the declarant's medical care;

A health care provider who is providing care to the declarant or an administrator at a health care facility in which the de- clarant is receiving care; or

The appointed agent or alternate agent.



Signature of Witness

Printed Name of Witness







Street Address




If the witness is signing to confirm an oral directive, describe below the circumstances under which the directive was made.



Name: ______________________________________________ (print or type)

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How to Edit Utah Healthcare Directive Form Online for Free

In case you want to fill out utah healthcare directive, there's no need to install any software - just make use of our PDF editor. Our tool is consistently developing to provide the best user experience possible, and that is due to our dedication to continuous enhancement and listening closely to comments from customers. This is what you would have to do to begin:

Step 1: Simply click on the "Get Form Button" at the top of this page to see our pdf file editor. Here you will find all that is necessary to work with your file.

Step 2: This tool enables you to work with nearly all PDF documents in various ways. Change it by writing any text, adjust what's originally in the document, and place in a signature - all manageable within minutes!

This PDF form will require particular details to be entered, thus be certain to take some time to provide what's requested:

1. Before anything else, once completing the utah healthcare directive, start out with the page that has the subsequent blank fields:

advance directive utah completion process described (part 1)

2. The subsequent part is to fill out all of the following fields: Telephone, Cell Phone, Birth Date, C My Alternate Agent, This person will serve as your, Agents Name, Street Address, City State Zip Code, Telephone, Cell Phone, Birth Date, and Page of.

Simple tips to prepare advance directive utah part 2

3. The next stage will be hassle-free - fill out all the form fields in My agent has the powers below ONLY, YES NO, Get copies of my medical records, YES NO, Admit me to a licensed health care, or other facility for longterm, F LimitsExpansion of Authority, I wish to limit or expand the, G Nomination of Guardian, Even though appointing an agent, YES NO I being of sound mind and, nominate my agent or if my agent, H Consent to Participate in, YES NO I authorize my agent to, and may not benefit from the results in order to finish this process.

Best ways to fill in advance directive utah stage 3

4. Completing I Organ Donation, YES NO If I have not otherwise, organs for the purpose of organ, and Name print or type Page of is essential in this stage - ensure to be patient and fill in each and every empty field!

Name  print or type Page  of, YES  NO If I have not otherwise, and I Organ Donation inside advance directive utah

Always be extremely attentive when filling out Name print or type Page of and YES NO If I have not otherwise, as this is where a lot of people make errors.

5. The very last point to complete this document is crucial. Be sure to fill out the mandatory blanks, including Option, Initial, I choose to let my agent decide I, Additional Comments, Option, I choose to prolong life, Initial, Other, Option, I choose not to receive care for, Initial, If you choose this option you must, Initial, a I put no limit on the ability of, and sustaining care If you selected a, prior to using the form. Failing to do this could result in an unfinished and probably unacceptable form!

Other, If you choose this option you must, and sustaining care If you selected a of advance directive utah

Step 3: After proofreading the fields and details, hit "Done" and you are all set! Join us right now and easily obtain utah healthcare directive, ready for download. All modifications you make are preserved , letting you modify the file at a later stage as needed. At FormsPal.com, we do our utmost to make certain that your information is stored secure.