We Support Vehicle Owners by Providing Free Legal Forms Online

We Support Vehicle Owners by Providing Free Legal Forms Online


We try to live as conveniently as possible. On average, every American household owns 2.28 vehicles, and 35% of US families own three or more vehicles. While owning a vehicle provides immense freedom of movement, it also comes with many obligations and difficulties, such as finding and securing the perfect parking spot in a busy city, ensuring that all parts bought to upgrade the vehicle are intact, and more.

Vehicle owners can get into a lot of trouble if their paperwork is not done right. There are many things to consider when owning a vehicle — insurance, buying and selling paperwork, and inheritance documents. The worst-case scenario would be to have a police officer pull you over only to find out that you missed one legal form and fine you with an excessive penalty. This is where online documents and forms come to the rescue.

Moreover, car sales is a massive industry on a worldwide scale. While negotiation is certainly a big part of it, the complicated process actually begins when all the paperwork has to be completed. A bill of sale template is one of the most crucial documents for vehicle buyers and sellers that provides transparency and protection for both parties.

Then, there’s the vehicle history report that outlines the specifics of the vehicle in question and helps in the negotiation process. Even when it comes down to inheriting a car that is free of charge, it’s not enough to just hop in and begin driving right away. There are proper legal documents that have to be put in place in order for ownership to change hands.

That’s where vehicle owners can benefit from using online forms.

By using online documents and forms such as the ones provided by FormsPal, vehicle owners may save a lot of time and money. Online documents carry the same legality as their paper versions while offering more convenience. They can be found in one place, downloaded, filled out, signed, and emailed to the appropriate institutions.

Owners and buyers no longer have to hire expensive attorneys. They can access hundreds of forms from their computer, download them for free, and use them as directed.

All forms and documents provided by FormsPal come with detailed instructions explaining how they should be filled out, eliminating any possible confusion.

Online documents make vehicle and parts selling paperwork easy

A vehicle has many life cycles. Owners frequently buy used cars and end up selling the ones they no longer want. In 2019, over 14.9 million vehicles changed ownership.

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There was a substantial demand for SUVs as well as trucks and minibusses. According to the Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV), whenever one buys or sells a car, they usually need to have the following forms:

  • a bill of sale
  • car title
  • a vehicle history report.

The bill of sale records:

  • the sale price
  • the vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • the car year, make, and model
  • the purchase price along with the date of sale
  • the seller and buyer’s names, addresses, and signatures.

Filling out this form correctly is imperative. While in the past, vehicle owners had to go to an institution physically, often waiting in line, now they can do all of that online and do all the required work from the comfort of their home.

The car bill of sale is also applicable when vehicle parts are bought and sold. The form details the condition, use, and price of each part, creating a detailed record of the transaction and goods exchanged.

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Although the vehicle history report is not always mandated in a car sale, the DMV strongly recommends that any buyer and seller fill one out. The report details specifics that are helpful in the process of negotiation and decision-making. A vehicle history report form can easily be obtained online and filled out according to the detailed instructions that come with it. That way, the sale can be as transparent as possible for both parties.

Online forms make vehicle inheritance simpler

Inheriting a vehicle from someone may be a great opportunity, but it comes with a substantial amount of legal paperwork that complicates the process. Typically, when a vehicle owner passes away, the vehicle goes to the person or people designated in the deceased’s will. In case nobody is assigned in the will or there isn’t a will, the vehicle usually goes to the surviving spouse. If the spouse is deceased as well, or there isn’t one, the vehicle goes to the descendants, parents, and so on.

The process can be quite lengthy, and all paperwork must be filed correctly for the vehicle to change ownership. In case it doesn’t get sorted, and the new owner is pulled over by the police, they could have a lot of trouble on their hands. With online documents and forms, settling vehicle inheritance paperwork is easy and straightforward. It can be done in a very short period of time and with minimal effort.

Online documents can be signed with an e-signature, emailed, and then printed or filed away according to the correct institution. That way, the new vehicle owner can travel worry-free.

There are several different types of forms that may be used for vehicle owners. The most common forms are:

  • Car Accident Release of Liability is a form that is used by drivers who have been in an accident. This form releases the driver from any liability for damages that may have occurred as a result of the accident.
  • Car Sale Release of Liability is a form that is used by sellers of cars. This form releases the seller from any liability for damages that may occur after the sale of the car.
  • Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney is a form that is used by vehicle owners to give someone else the authority to operate their vehicle. This form is typically used when the owner is unable to operate the vehicle themselves.
  • Car Sale Contract with Payments is a form that is used by sellers of cars who are financing the sale. This form outlines the terms of the sale and the payments that will be made.
  • Auto Repair Estimate is a form that is used by mechanics to estimate the cost of repairs for a vehicle. This form is typically used when the vehicle owner is seeking reimbursement from their insurance company.
  • Vehicle Purchase Agreement is a form that is used by buyers of vehicles. This form outlines the terms of the purchase, including the price and the date of delivery.
  • Vehicle Promissory Note is a form that is used by buyers of vehicles who are financing the purchase. This form outlines the terms of the loan, including the interest rate and the date of repayment.

Vehicle owners can secure their parking lease with online documents

Finding a parking space that is both convenient and economical can be a real challenge, especially in big cities like New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

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When they do find what suits their needs, they need to negotiate with the parking space owner and sign an agreement. The parking space lease is in many ways similar to renting an apartment — it needs to state the dates of rent clearly, the price, the due date for payments, and any other conditions that are present in the agreement.

If there is no contract in place, the vehicle owner may be forced to give up the spot at one point and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because they wouldn’t have a lease in place to protect them.

By creating a contract with an online template, vehicle owners can ensure that they keep their parking space for as long as they want to at the price they’ve negotiated without any hidden fees or charges.

This can greatly ease their lives, especially if they live in a place where parking is sparse and expensive.

FormsPal and Healthcare – find out how FormsPal supports healthcare.

Published: Jul 18, 2022