Form Dws Ui Form 6 PDF Details

For employers in Utah, the DWS-UI Form 6, known as the Utah New Hire Registry Reporting Form, represents a crucial piece of paperwork required to be completed within 20 days of a new employee's first day of work. This form serves a dual purpose: it assists in ensuring that child support obligations are met and aids in the detection and prevention of unemployment insurance fraud. The form, which can be submitted by mail or fax, requires employers to provide detailed information about both themselves and the new employee, including the employer's Federal Employer ID Number and the employee's Social Security Number, among other information. Printing legibly in ink or typing all entries in CAPS is essential to ensure the form is processed correctly. Employers are given a choice between submitting this form, a copy of the employee’s W-4 Form, or a printed list, thereby offering flexibility in compliance. However, failure to submit the required information in the stipulated timeframe can result in a civil penalty ranging from $25 to $500 for each failure. This makes the timely and accurate completion of the DWS-UI Form 6 not just a legal requirement but also a testament to an employer's commitment to upholding the law.

Form NameForm Dws Ui Form 6
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesutah unempployment new hire forms, employer utah hire, utah hire registry, utah new hire registry reporting form

Form Preview Example


Form 6

Rev. 0214


Submit this completed form within 20 days of a

new employee’s first day of work to:

Utah New Hire Registry

P.O Box 45247

Salt Lake City UT 84145-0247


FAX to 801-526-4391

You may photo copy this original form for future use

See important instructions on second page

PRINT legibly in ink or TYPE all entries

Please write all entries in CAPS

All required items MUST be completed

Contact Person _________________________

Phone number _________________________

Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ________________________


Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) ____________________________________________________

Employer’s Business Name ____________________________________________________________

Employer’s Street Address ____________________________________________________________
















Social Security Number



Employee’s first name


Employee’s middle initial





Employee’s last name



Employee’s home address ____________________________________________________________





Date of hire/rehire (mm/dd/yyyy) ______________________________________________________

OPTIONAL INFORMATION: Employee’s birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) ___________________________

140 East 300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

801-526-9235 or toll free 800-222-2857 FAX 801-526-9236 Relay Utah 711

Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162 Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs


Form 6

Rev. 0214


This form is used to report new hires by mail or fax. We strongly recommend entering new hire data on our web site at Larger employers may consider submitting new hire information by CD or by uploading a file on our website. For further information about electronic reporting, please refer to the New Hire Registry Handbook or visit our web site, You can contact us at 801-526-9235 or 1-800- 222-2857.

The Form: You may download, complete, and print this form in Acrobat Reader, but you cannot electronically save a completed form, or retain your work on a partially completed work. Alternately, you may print the form and use a typewriter with a dark simple print font with 10 or 12 pitch. If hand- printing, use black ink and print in CAPITAL LETTERS with clear character separation.

REQUIRED ITEMS must be completed. Forms submitted with missing data will be returned.

Federal Employer ID Number: The 9-digit federal employer identification number used for Federal tax reporting. Do not place a hyphen between numbers.

Employer’s Name: List the employer’s legal name.

Employer’s Address: The address where child support payment orders are sent.

Employee’s Social Security Number: The 9-digit number issued by the Social Security Administration. Do not place hyphens between numbers. Forms and reports without a Social Security Number will not be accepted.

Date of Hire/Rehire: This is the date that labor or services for compensation are first performed by the employee. The date of rehire is the date labor or services for compensation are first performed by an employee who was previously employed by the employer, but has been separated from that employment for at least 60 consecutive days.


You may choose the filing method that is most convenient for you. You may also submit a copy of the employee’s W-4 Form or a printed list.

An employer who fails to timely report the hiring or rehiring of an employee as required by law is subject to a civil penalty of $25 to $500 for each such failure.

All required information must be provided within 20 calendar days of the employee’s first day of work.

Submit all data using the address, fax number or web site printed on the front of the form.

140 East 300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

801-526-9235 or toll free 800-222-2857 FAX 801-526-9236 • Relay Utah 711

Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162 Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs

How to Edit Form Dws Ui Form 6 Online for Free

Quite a few things can be easier than filling in files making use of this PDF editor. There is not much you should do to manage the utah new hire registry reporting form document - only abide by these steps in the following order:

Step 1: Find the button "Get Form Here" on this website and hit it.

Step 2: You're now on the file editing page. You can edit, add content, highlight particular words or phrases, put crosses or checks, and include images.

Fill in the utah new hire registry reporting form PDF and enter the content for each part:

example of fields in utah new hire

In the area Social Security Number, Employees first name, Employees middle initial, Employees last name, Employees home address, City, State, ZIP, Date of hirerehire mmddyyyy, OPTIONAL INFORMATION Employees, and East South Salt Lake City Utah provide the information that the system asks you to do.

Entering details in utah new hire part 2

Step 3: As soon as you hit the Done button, your ready document may be exported to all of your devices or to email specified by you.

Step 4: Make sure to avoid potential challenges by getting as much as 2 duplicates of your form.

Watch Form Dws Ui Form 6 Video Instruction

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