We Support Veterans by Providing Free Legal Forms Online

We Support Veterans by Providing Free Legal Forms Online


Returning home from battle is a life-altering moment for veterans. While returning to safety can be an incredible experience, all too often, veterans face a number of legal issues upon arrival. Sadly, veterans are often forced to deal with evictions as a result of their long absence and unresolved issues with rental properties. Other core problems that war heroes face are finding and transitioning to traditional jobs, receiving their disability benefits, and in many cases, child custody battles.

Having to navigate the complicated world of legal forms can be a daunting process for vets after long periods of absence and a complete disconnection from the world of bureaucracy. Moreover, 11 out of every 100 Vietnam veterans and 20% of all Iraq veterans are diagnosed with PTSD and other battle-induced mental challenges, which make dealing with paperwork and lawyers all the more stressful and complicated on an emotional level.

Luckily, online legal documents and forms are now available to veterans. With their help, the nation’s heroes can access all the necessary information and resources they need to ease their return and settle into normality quicker.

Online documents can help veterans save time and money

Veterans face a host of issues upon returning home. This is not a new phenomenon and has been a trend ever since World War II. Having to apply for a traditional job after returning from the battlefield requires a resume, cover letters, and a number of applications.

This process often proves daunting to someone who spent a large period of time working directly with people in extreme circumstances that don’t even begin to compare to a hierarchical office structure. Creating a resume can cause confusion and desperation in some veterans, where their qualities demonstrated in the field are not easily translated into a skillset suitable for a non-military environment. Selling anything of value is also much easier when you have a foolproof bill of sale template at hand.

Online documents can help alleviate the core problems veterans face 01

With the help of online forms and resources, veterans have a much easier time adapting to their new reality and putting to paper their relevant experience so that they land paying jobs faster and begin their new lives.

Another dire problem that veterans face upon their return is homelessness. Issues with landlords and rental agreements are the most visible manifestation of veterans’ struggle with paperwork and bureaucracy. In fact, more than 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night.

Online documents can help alleviate the core problems veterans face 02
While there are resources available to war heroes, finding them can often seem like an impossible task for someone who’s new to the legal world. While hiring a lawyer is an option, the hefty fees prove to be nearly impossible for vets to afford.

The online documentation provides all the necessary support and tips for dealing with evictions, foreclosures, and rental contracts. Filling out forms online typically doesn’t require a lawyer, which makes it a much more affordable alternative.

Veterans who need assistance with disability benefits have an especially hard time navigating the complicated legal world. Wait times often equate to hours on end due to the high demand. The VA Disability Rating System is complex, having many subsections and divisions that can confuse even those familiar with the law. Having to decipher the various forms that need to be filled out could be a nightmare, especially for those with mental challenges such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) — a frequent post-war trauma.

Online documents can help alleviate the core problems veterans face 03

We offer thousands of forms and legal documents that you can access in our library. The Department of Veteran Affairs uses a variety of forms to help veterans access the benefits they are entitled to. Some of the most common forms used by veterans include:

  • VA Form 21-526EZ: This form is used to apply for disability compensation and pension benefits.
  • Va Form 21 8940: This form is used to apply for increased compensation based on unemployability.
  • VA Form 10-2850c: This form is used to apply for health care benefits.
  • VA Form 10-5345: This form is a medical records release for veterans.
  • VA Form 5655: This form is a financial status report.
  • VA Form 21-4138: This form is used to file a complaint about VA benefits or services.
  • VA Form 26-1880: This form is used to request a certificate of eligibility for home loan benefits.
  • VA Form 28-1902w: This form is for rehabilitation needs inventory and benefits.

For more forms and templates check our main category of fillable PDF forms.

Online documents are available for immediate use without needing to schedule appointments.

The advantage of using online forms is that they come with detailed instructions and explanations, making the process much simpler so that veterans know exactly what they need to fill out and how to sign. Not only are they convenient, but online documents are also much cheaper. Many of the veteran-specific forms are available online completely free, relieving the financial burden of those who have risked their lives for their country.

Since these forms can be accessed from home using only a laptop or even a mobile device, vets no longer have to make appointments and meet with officials to get help with rent, resumes, or child support. Those with disabilities don’t have to endure the challenges of traveling to an office or a government institution to get help.

Online documents can help alleviate the core problems veterans face 05

Since online documents and forms are available for immediate download, using them completely eliminates the need to wait in line and schedule appointments.

This way, veterans can begin resolving their legal issues right away, which is extremely helpful, especially for those who are about to become homeless.

With online documents, veterans have a one-stop-shop resource

Having to go to various institutions to resolve issues such as rental and benefit disputes, health claims, insurance, and more requires a lot of time and effort. The benefit of using online forms is that all of them can be accessed online, downloaded, signed, and sent back.

Having all of the necessary forms in one place streamlines the process. With online documents, veterans no longer have to bounce around between institutions. Electronic signatures offer another benefit, as forms don’t need to be printed. They can simply be signed online, which is as legally binding as the paper alternative and be sent to the appropriate place within seconds. That way, veterans don’t have to worry about missing deadlines and incurring penalties.

Online documents can help alleviate the core problems veterans face 04

Online forms provide freedom and independence to veterans

Veterans are tough by nature. This is the core essence of their work, and that attitude translates into everything that they do. That is precisely why many vets may feel a sense of reluctance when it comes to asking for help with their legal needs. For some, waiting in line at a bureaucratic institution may feel extremely frustrating, worsened by the metaphorical hand-holding that follows once they do get attention from an advisor.

Most veterans may prefer to resolve their own issues in order to maintain their dignity. This is where online documents and forms prove to be especially useful.

Veterans get to preserve their feeling of control and independence while fulfilling their own legal necessities.

Documents come with instructions, and after figuring those out, vets may feel a sense of accomplishment and inspiration as they successfully navigate their new post-war reality.

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Published: Aug 27, 2022