Alabama Bill of Sale Form

Alabama bill of sale is a document required in a variety of private transactions involving high-value personal property between two parties, typically a buyer and a seller. While not officially required for every sale, this document may help to prove legal transactions.

On our site, you will find different templates of bills of sale designed for equipment, animals, or other personal property. You also have the possibility to create your own bill of sale form that will feature the fields applicable solely to your personal case.

The Alabama Motor Vehicle Title Registration & Insurance Portal provides a special form MVT 32-13B for abandoned motor vehicles; it is available for download below.


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  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
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  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Document Details

Document Name Alabama Vehicle Bill of Sale Form
Other Names Alabama Car Bill of Sale, Alabama Automobile Bill of Sale
DMV Alabama Title System (ALTS)
Vehicle Registration Fee $15-23 + $50 additional fee
Bill of Sale Required? Yes
Avg. Time to Fill Out 7 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 59

Alabama Bill of Sale Forms by Type

The forms of bills of sale differ depending on the type of transaction you intend to do. Ensure you choose the right form applicable to your agreement and the type of object to be sold or bought.

Alabama motor vehicle bill of sale template

Alabama vehicle bill of sale is one of the most frequently utilized forms when titling and registering a vehicle in this state. You must include an odometer reading in your form.

Alternative Name Car Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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Alabama boat bill of sale template

Fill in an Alabama boat bill of sale for any private purchase transaction of a boat. No title is required, but inserting the last boat registration certificate and the serial number is essential.

Alternative Name Watercraft Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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Alabama firearm bill of sale template

Alabama firearm bill of sale will be useful for all gun transactions in Alabama. The fields include the serial number of the gun, the personal details of the parties, and the purchase price.

Alternative Name Gun Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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Alabama general bill of sale template

A general bill of sale in Alabama can be used for any other personal property type of purchase transaction between the seller and the buyer.

Alternative Name Generic Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Optional
Notarization Optional
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How to Write an AL Vehicle Bill of Sale

If you need to prepare an Alabama motor vehicle bill of sale form, you are recommended to follow the guidelines below. The steps indicated here are related to filling out our vehicle bill of sale form. If your local authorities provide a form, you can use that one to complete the transaction.

Step 1: Specify the date of the document

The first step is to specify the creation date of the document. This is the date when the bill of sale form is signed.
Creation date indication section of Alabama motor vehicle bill of sale

Step 2: Enter the seller’s and buyer’s details

The next step is to identify the parties to the document. You are required to indicate the contact information about the buyer and seller, including as follows:

  • Full name
  • Address: street, city, state, and zip code
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
    Purchaser's and seller's information indication section of bill of sale for vehicle for Alabama

Step 3: Describe the vehicle

In this section, you have to describe the vehicle being sold, including the following details:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Vehicle’s body type
  • Year of manufacture
  • Miles (odometer reading)
  • Color
  • Vehicle Identification Number (also known as VIN)
    Part for descriptive details of car of Alabama vehicle bill of sale template

Step 4: Indicate the payment method

This step also involves specifying the exact date of the purchase and the complete amount of money approved by each party of the transaction. Then, select the payment method:

  1. One-time payment. One of the more simple methods: within the same day, the buyer gets the motor vehicle transported to them and pays off the whole amount of money.
  2. Trade-in. Using this choice, the property owner agrees to trade their automobile for the purchaser’s vehicle with an extra payment from the purchaser. In such a case, the document should also have the buyer’s motor vehicle specifics.
  3. Several payments. With this method, you must indicate the dates when the buyer has to deliver the first and the final payments, along with their sums.

After that, decide on one transaction method:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Cashier’s check
  • Money order

Lastly, indicate whether the purchase price includes all applicable taxes.
Section for information about way of receiving money of Alabama motor vehicle bill of sale

Step 5: Read through the miscellaneous provisions

The miscellaneous provisions typically say that the buyer obtains the property in “as-is” condition and is liable for it once the purchase is finished.
Miscellaneous provisions part of vehicle bill of sale document for Alabama

Step 6: Put the signature(s) in the appropriate areas

The seller must sign the bill of sale form. The buyer’s signature is typically not required. Nevertheless, you will be more protected from legal troubles if all sides sign the document. You could additionally have one or several witnesses to verify the transaction.
Signature section of Alabama bill of sale for motor vehicle

Step 7: Notarize the document

As a rule, you are not required to notarize the document, but it is a good approach to add an additional layer of legal safety to the transaction.

The original copy of the document must be presented to the buyer as they’ll require it to acquire a title to their new motor vehicle. There are two ways to make it happen—to either prepare and sign two identical bills of sale or make a copy for the seller to store.
Notarization section of a document of vehicle bill of sale for Alabama

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Registering a Motor Vehicle in Alabama

An Alabama bill of sale form should be submitted for registration no later than 20 days after the transfer of ownership has taken place. The procedure of registration depends on whether the title is delivered from another state or sold inside the state.

For vehicles registered in Alabama for the first time, the Vehicle Identification Inspection (VIN verification) procedure should be undertaken to confirm the registration details and origin of the vehicle and its parts. Upon VIN verification, the MVT-5-10 form is completed and legally notarized by a licensed representative. The process of first-time registration can be undertaken in your local office depending on the county where you reside.

Documents required for the registration of a vehicle include the active liability insurance (required since 2013), the vehicle’s title, and the fee payment receipt. If the owner has no title, the latter can be requested at the Department of Revenue’s Public Title Portal. The user should register or login to the system for filing the title replacement application.

As for the fees to be paid for the motor vehicle registration, they differ depending on the vehicle type. For instance, standard vehicles like passenger cars, motorcycles, or pickups require the fee of $15-23 and an additional fee of $50, while trucks and truck tractors are charged depending on their weight, from $35 standard fee from an 8,000-10,000-pound truck to $815 standard fee from a 73,281-80,000-pound truck or tractor. Other fee categories include motor homes, dealer/dealer transit vehicles, buses, taxis, vintage vehicles, military and governmental vehicles, trailers, and farm equipment. Since January 2016, an additional fee of $5 has been introduced for distinctive plates.

The transfer of title ownership is registered at the Alabama Drivers License Office Location when the new owner provides the following documentation:

Once these documents are compiled and presented, the vehicle’s registration is regarded as complete.

Relevant Official Forms

(Vehicle) Form MVT 32-13B
(Vehicle) Form MVT 20-1
(Vehicle) Form MVT 5-13
(Vehicle) Form MVT 5-5
(Boat) Registration Form
(Vehicle) Form MVT 32-13B
  • (Vehicle) Form MVT 32-13B
  • (Vehicle) Form MVT 20-1
  • (Vehicle) Form MVT 5-13
  • (Vehicle) Form MVT 5-5
  • (Boat) Registration Form

This Alabama Bill of Sale for Abandoned Vehicles form must be completed and submitted to the Alabama Department of Revenue to transfer the ownership of an abandoned vehicle. (see Alabama Code, Title 32, Chapter 13)

(Vehicle) Form MVT 32-13B

Application for Certificate of Title to Record or Transfer a Lien

(Vehicle) Form MVT 20-1
MVT 20-1

It’s a document that a person can use to appoint an agent who would be able to act on the principal’s behalf and handle registration, tax payment, and other responsibilities connected with issuing, obtaining, and renewing license plates for any vehicle’s owner.

(Vehicle) Form MVT 5-13

The Alabama Odometer Disclosure Statement is used to keep track of the mileage of a vehicle being sold. In order to comply with the Federal Truth in Mileage Act of 1986, which requires you (the seller) to disclose the miles in connection with the transfer of ownership, you must complete this form.

(Vehicle) Form MVT 5-5

The ALEA application for boat registration, transfer, replacement, and duplicate.

(Boat) Registration Form

Short Alabama Bill of Sale Video Guide

seal of alabama state

Other Bill of Sale Forms by State

Published: Apr 14, 2022
Mara Erlach
Mara Erlach
Writer & Attorney
Mara has been practicing estate planning and trust law in California since 2003, taking pride in helping clients of all backgrounds and asset profiles form a complete and customized estate plan. Her specialties are: estate planning, wills and trusts, trust and probate administration.