Free Kansas Durable Power of Attorney Form

When an accident or a severe disease occurs, and a person is facing a threat of a fatality, he or she might help him- or herself with various documents that will designate trusted people to deal with numerous matters in case of a coma, stroke, or other mental states and disabilities.

A Durable Power of Attorney (or DPA) form is one of such documents. It allows a person to assign someone who will be dealing with the financial matters in case the person (or “principal”) is unavailable.

Please keep in mind that the durable power of attorney form has nothing to do with health matters. For assigning people and prescribing conditions regarding medical care, you have to create another document.

Kansas power of attorney forms – click to get more Kansas-related power of attorney documents that you might use.

kansas durable financial poa

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When creating a DPA, you may choose the trusted person who will be responsible for your finances from either professional agents or your family members. It can be your husband or wife, brother or sister, a child, or another relative.

The form is described as “durable” because once you sign it, it is valid until you die. However, you may call the form off if needed and create a new one.

The rules used to complete the DPA and the template vary from state to state in the US. Most of the states require notarization of the DPA form. Several states also require a witness to present and sign (or two witnesses). One of the key conditions is that all the signatories should be of sound mind.

Kansas Signing Requires and Laws

Paragraph 58-629 of Article 6 of Kansas state law prescribes that a form should be verified by either a notary or two witnesses who have to participate in signing.

Similar to other states in the US, the DPA form in Kansas allow your agent or attorney to act on your behalf in many different cases, such as:

  • Real estate transactions
  • Retirement plan transactions
  • Transactions for business
  • Transactions tied to insurance matters

And other actions.

If you want to, all points of the list can be chosen. Those who are going to create and sign such a form should realize the importance of it and read all the responsibilities carefully. Take some time to understand every sentence and clarify if something is vague and unclear.

Prepare at least three copies of the form as it is recommended in Kansas. Also, remember that the DPA requires a notarization or calling two witnesses. The form template in Kansas is seven pages long.

Kansas Durable Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Kansas Durable Power of Attorney Form
Other Names Kansas Financial Durable Power of Attorney, KS DPOA
Relevant Laws Kansas Statute, Sections 58-625 to 58-665
Signing Requirements Notary Public and Two Witnesses
Avg. Time to Fill Out 10 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 37
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Popular Local Durable POA Forms

DPOA forms enable you to appoint an agent who can take care of your financial matters even in case you end up incapacitated. These are the states DPOA forms are used in most regularly.

Steps to Complete the Form

To make it easier for you, we recommend seeing our detailed guide that helps to fill out the form in Kansas. You may find it below.

1.   Download the Form Template

To begin creating a form, you have to download it first. Use our form building software to get the form on your device immediately and start working on it right away.

2.   Read the Notice Thoroughly

Like in almost every US state, the paper in Kansas has the notice with a general explanation at the beginning of the document, before you have even put your name there. This is an extremely important section; do not miss it out and read carefully. Consult the lawyer if you have questions and uncertainties after reading.

3. Add Your Name as Principal

If you are a principal for the form, you have to insert your full name and full address in the lines below the notice.
Principal's name adding section of a Kansas dpoa document

4. Insert the Name of Your Agent or Attorney

Below your name, add the name of the one who will be your legal representative: a specifically hired agent, or your family member, or another trusted person. Besides the full name, insert the address, too.
Agent's name inserting section of Kansas durable poa template

5. Choose the Responsibilities for Your Agent or Attorney

In the following section, you will see a massive list of all the responsibilities you may delegate to your agent or attorney. To choose them, you have to put your initials in the field on the left-hand side near every point.

The list of financial matters in the DPA form in Kansas consists of the following:

  • Tax matters
  • Retirement plan operations
  • Business transactions
  • Commodity and option operations
  • Real property operations
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Tangible personal property operations
  • Banking and other financial institutions operations
  • Insurance and annuity transactions
  • Benefits from the governmental programs (for instance, Social Security or military service)
  • Personal and family maintenance
  • Claims and litigation
  • Estate, trust, and other beneficiary operations

Every point has a broad description to understand what your agent or attorney will be able to do. To choose all the matters, put your initials to the last (N) point, and leave other fields of the section blank.
Agent responsibilities choosing section of a durable power of attorney for Kansas

6. Leave Special Instructions to Your Agent If Needed

Here, you may add some special instructions that can extend or limit the abilities of your agent or attorney. If there are no instructions, you can leave these lines blank.
Special agent instructions part of a durable power of attorney template for Kansas

7. Name Your Successor Agent

Unfortunately, your agent or attorney may also become disabled or die. In this case, you need a successor agent. Choose the person who will be receiving this role and add their personal details in this section. You may add more than one successor agent.
Successor agent indication part of Kansas dpoa

8. Sign the Document

You have to put the relevant date and your signature.
Signing part of Kansas durable power of attorney

9. Add the Witnesses

If you have decided to call a notary, skip this section. Otherwise, add the details of your two witnesses and ask them to sign. The details in the DPA form in Kansas include their full names and addresses.

10. Ask a Notary to Verify

If you have asked two witnesses to sign, skip this section. Otherwise, ask a notary to verify the form, sign it, and put a seal (if applicable).
Notary verification part of Kansas durable power of attorney

11. Ask Your Agent or Attorney to Read and Sign

The agent or attorney you have designated in this form must read all the statements thoroughly, understand, and agree with them. After that, the agent has to sign the paper as well and put his or her full name in the line.
Agent signature section of a Kansas dpoa template

12. Insert the Preparer’s Name

Some states, including Kansas, also require to add the name of the one who helped to prepare the DPA form. To finish creating the form, add the preparer’s name in this section and ask him or her to sign.
Preparer's name inserting section of durable power of attorney for Kansas

seal of kansas state
Other Kansas Forms
Looking for other Kansas forms? We provide free templates and a simple customization experience to everyone who would love to have fewer to no difficulties when dealing with paperwork.

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Published: Jun 15, 2022